Discipline: History

What were the essentials of Feudal Society and how did they work? Describe the medieval manor and the life of the peasant who worked on it as well as the various changes that occurred in medieval agricultural life between 1100 and 1300 C.E.What were the essentials of Feudal Society and how did they work? Describe the medieval manor and the life of the peasant who worked on it as well as the various changes that occurred in medieval agricultural life between 1100 and 1300 C.E.

Must use a minimum of three sources. The essay must be a minimum of two typed, double-spaced pages using 12-point Times New Roman font and MLA citation rules. You must include a bibliography of sources. Your paper will be submitted through Turnitin for plagiarism review. The paper must have one-inch margins on both sides and […]

how the antebellum institution of slavery contributed to the settlement and development of the continental United Stateshow the antebellum institution of slavery contributed to the settlement and development of the continental United States

p Part II: The second (2nd) written assignment, based on the selected chapters; The Slave Community: Plantation Life in the Antebellum South asks the student to discuss and describe aspects of North American antebellum (before Civil War -1800-1850) African American slavery. In other words, Part II of this Unit is to write an essay that: […]

The purpose of this assignment is to familiarize with the process of decolonization through the analysis of a case study.The purpose of this assignment is to familiarize with the process of decolonization through the analysis of a case study.

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to familiarize with the process of decolonization through the analysis of a case study. On the basis of the instructions provided below, research and write a 1,000-word paper that explores the process of decolonization in one of the following countries: Algeria Angola Cambodia Democratic Republic of the Congo Ghana India Indonesia Kenya Laos […]

Identify and describe at least two of Michelangelo’s sculpted masterpieces. How do they relate to the innovative ideas of the RenaissanceIdentify and describe at least two of Michelangelo’s sculpted masterpieces. How do they relate to the innovative ideas of the Renaissance

Identify and describe at least two of Michelangelo’s sculpted masterpieces. How do theyrelate to the innovative ideas of the Renaissance In addition, our originality check also records the use of “Artificial Intelligence,” if students use more than 30% of this system, then same treatment will be used as per Turn-it-in originality check: a zero will […]

Why was the John Adams presidency less successful than the presidency of George Washington?Why was the John Adams presidency less successful than the presidency of George Washington?

1500-2000 words in length, approx. 6-8 pages double-spaced, 12-point font. Headings and works cited do not count towards the word count). The paper will not be just a report presenting information but will be a paper that carefully examines and presents your own historical interpretation of the topic you have chosen and your interpretation of […]

Create a psychological profile for each portrait. What clues does the artist give you about the men, their values, and their standing in the world?Create a psychological profile for each portrait. What clues does the artist give you about the men, their values, and their standing in the world?

Question 1:  Create a psychological profile for each portrait. What clues does the artist give you about the men, their values, and their standing in the world? *Please answer this with 300 words Images are as follows:  photo 1- Ingres, Louis-Francois Bertin photo 2- Gerome, Bashu-Bazouk photo 3- Girodet-Trioson, Portrait of an Indian photo 4- […]

In your opinion, what were the most significant Greek cultural contributions to history, drama, and the arts?In your opinion, what were the most significant Greek cultural contributions to history, drama, and the arts?

This is a RESEARCH assignment. Your response must be at least 500 words long.  You are required to do independent research (using primary and secondary sources) before you write your paper. You must include a list of all the resources (minimum of 5 reliable sources) you consulted at the end of your paper. Points will be deducted if […]

Discussion #1 – Identify and evaluate information sources for political news, dataDiscussion #1 – Identify and evaluate information sources for political news, data

I have attached the picture that you have to write the discussion. please don’t use any outside source it should be all your own words.  follow the instructions.  Proferssores instructions:  Instructions:  The meaning of political cartoons occurs through an analysis of the literal, symbolic, and figurative elements the artist used. You are asked to describe […]

Need to answer 8 questions: Book : the history of the modern middle east 5th edition ..! For these questions thesis + evidence + analysis is needed ..!! Each answer should be 600 to 700 wordsNeed to answer 8 questions: Book : the history of the modern middle east 5th edition ..! For these questions thesis + evidence + analysis is needed ..!! Each answer should be 600 to 700 words

1. Three conflicts after 1945 were important preconditions for the creation of the state of Israel in May, 1948. What were those conflicts and what role did they each play in creating the conditions for the founding of the Israeli state? 2. Nasserism defined a generation of “radical” politics in the Middle East. What was […]