Make an essay on the main question: In what ways did the technological advancements and innovations by woman during the Industrial Revolution in the UK from 1750s to 1800s influence and transform the fashion industry? 2000 words + work cited. My sources should be cited in the body of the paper as I go. Using […]
Discipline: History
Pachucas/os, Chola/o La Pachucada: Towards Globalization of Youth Culture, Art, Style, Fashion of Latina/o LA, US SouthwestPachucas/os, Chola/o La Pachucada: Towards Globalization of Youth Culture, Art, Style, Fashion of Latina/o LA, US Southwest
ASSIGNMENT: Pachucas/os to Cholas/os y La Pachucada: Towards A Globalization of Youth Culture, Art, Style, Fashion of Latina/o LA, US Southwest INSTRUCTIONS FOR ALL ASSIGNMENTS In single-space on the upper left corner, write your complete name, intended major, intended college/university and the city you call home. In double space, justified left, students will write assignments between 750 […]
Colpitts, George. “Treaty 6 Cree Annuity Spending in the Territorial Economy of Western Canada, 1873– 1905.” Ethnohistory 67, no. 1 (January 1, 2020): 29–48. 7888689.Colpitts, George. “Treaty 6 Cree Annuity Spending in the Territorial Economy of Western Canada, 1873– 1905.” Ethnohistory 67, no. 1 (January 1, 2020): 29–48. 7888689.
*this cannot be done with chatgpt or anyother programmer, The prof will check* Please submit in a Word document (.doc/.docx) Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to develop your critical engagement with scholarship. Article to be Reviewed: Colpitts, George. “Treaty 6 Cree Annuity Spending in the Territorial Economy of Western Canada, 1873– 1905.” […]
Why and how did Philip IV win his dispute with Boniface VIII and how did it lead to the Avignon Papacy and the decline of the medieval Church?Why and how did Philip IV win his dispute with Boniface VIII and how did it lead to the Avignon Papacy and the decline of the medieval Church?
Please follow the word document with the instructions for the FINAL paper and I already provided the sources: PowerPoints, the links for primary and secondary source and I uploaded some pictures highlighted on how to proper way to cite these sources. I will need a BIBLIOGRAPHY too. Primary Sources you will need : […]
any topic you wish, as long as it relates to US history before 1877(I chose poverty and wealth))any topic you wish, as long as it relates to US history before 1877(I chose poverty and wealth))
For the unessay, I ask that you think inventively and creatively about an issue raised in the course and present it in a compelling, thoughtful way. The goal of this assignment is to spur you to think, research, and write (or not write!) about history more creatively beyond the confines of the traditional essay. It […]
“Outline the role of Japan in East Asia’s contemporary post-war economic developmentalism (in terms of political-economic, socio-economic, geo-economic OR business structures).“Outline the role of Japan in East Asia’s contemporary post-war economic developmentalism (in terms of political-economic, socio-economic, geo-economic OR business structures).
Please answer the following question as an opinion/commentary and/or short research piece: “Outline the role of Japan in East Asia’s contemporary post-war economic developmentalism (in terms of political-economic, socio-economic, geo-economic OR business structures). You may discuss this question in terms of Japan’s contributions towards the entire region of East Asia (CJK+ASEAN10) or in terms of […]
“What is the political-economic dynamics of CKJ (China, Korea and Japan) in Northeast Asia? How do these three Northeast Asian powers interact with each other and/or with the rest of the East Asian region political-economically?“What is the political-economic dynamics of CKJ (China, Korea and Japan) in Northeast Asia? How do these three Northeast Asian powers interact with each other and/or with the rest of the East Asian region political-economically?
Please answer the following question as an opinion/commentary and/or short research piece: “What is the political-economic dynamics of CKJ (China, Korea and Japan) in Northeast Asia? How do these three Northeast Asian powers interact with each other and/or with the rest of the East Asian region political-economically?” If you choose the commentary/opinion piece option, there […]
HIEU914 week2: Discussion Thread: Collaborative Reading Notes: The Industrial Revolution in Britain & FranceHIEU914 week2: Discussion Thread: Collaborative Reading Notes: The Industrial Revolution in Britain & France
Discussion Assignment Instructions: The Industrial Revolution in Britain & France Overview Discussion assignments for the comprehensive examinations and readings course will not be your typical discussion style. You will produce reading notes, using the template below, to prepare for your comprehensive exams as an assignment and share them with the class in the discussion. Sharing and […]
HIUEU913 week2: Discussion Thread: Collaborative Reading Notes: Protestant ReformationHIUEU913 week2: Discussion Thread: Collaborative Reading Notes: Protestant Reformation
Discussion Assignment Instructions Overview Discussion assignments for the comprehensive examinations and readings course will not be your typical discussion style. You will produce reading notes, using the template below, to prepare for your comprehensive exams as an assignment and share them with the class in the discussion. Sharing and discussion of the reading notes will […]
Option 2: To what extent did socialist thinking in the period between 1800 and 1914 reflect the issues of the Atlantic Revolutions explored in the previous chapter? In what ways did socialist thinking depart from those earlier revolutionary upheavals?Option 2: To what extent did socialist thinking in the period between 1800 and 1914 reflect the issues of the Atlantic Revolutions explored in the previous chapter? In what ways did socialist thinking depart from those earlier revolutionary upheavals?
Option 2: To what extent did socialist thinking in the period between 1800 and 1914 reflect the issues of the Atlantic Revolutions explored in the previous chapter? In what ways did socialist thinking depart from those earlier revolutionary upheavals? Your thesis statement should reflect the question-cluster you have chosen. Be sure to base your response […]