Discipline: History

Comparison Essay on the topic of similarities and differences between hitler and Mao Zedong’s dictatorships with the research question being: To what extent were hitlers authoritarian and dictatorial values similar or different to Mao’sComparison Essay on the topic of similarities and differences between hitler and Mao Zedong’s dictatorships with the research question being: To what extent were hitlers authoritarian and dictatorial values similar or different to Mao’s

Totalitarian Comparison Essay Question: To what extent was/were the…..of Nazi Germany OR Stalinist Russia similar to Mao’s China? Requirements: 1.               Formulate Research Question 2.               1200-1400 Words Typed 3.               Structured Essay;  Introduction, Three – Four Body Paragraphs, Conclusion 4.               Research Requirements: -You must use atleast one textbook as a source, “Making History,”  “20th Century History,” and/or “Authoritarian States” (scanned) -You must use Britannica School for atleast […]

In what ways have the lives of the Neumann’s and Stanley’s reflected the changes in American society since the 1970s? Provide 2 examples from the film and relate them to what is discussed in the lecture or textbook.In what ways have the lives of the Neumann’s and Stanley’s reflected the changes in American society since the 1970s? Provide 2 examples from the film and relate them to what is discussed in the lecture or textbook.

Video Link:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7AAUcmyXbg4 •In what ways have the lives of the Neumann’s and Stanley’s reflected the changes in American society since the 1970s? Provide 2 examples from the film and relate them to what is discussed in the lecture or textbook. You will answer this question in one or two paragraphs with correct grammar, punctuation, and […]

An Analysis of the Roles of Perpetrators, Victims, and Bystanders during the Holocaust: Power, Fear, and ObedienceAn Analysis of the Roles of Perpetrators, Victims, and Bystanders during the Holocaust: Power, Fear, and Obedience

Jan Gross encourages us to think deeply about the categories of perpetrators, bystanders, and victims as we study the Holocaust. In your essay, explain what we learn about these categories in Neighbors and compare these insights to other material assigned in Part III of our course. In your discussion, you should also explain what our […]

The untold story of those who fought against the intellectual and cultural darknessThe untold story of those who fought against the intellectual and cultural darkness

In Black Wave, Kim Ghattas seeks to tell “the untold story of those…who fought and continue to fight against the intellectual and cultural darkness that slowly engulfed their countries in the decades following the fateful year of 1979.”  Choose FOUR (balanced between low-level and high-level) individuals from the book who have engaged in this fight and […]

Sections of this course will write one of their out-of-class formal essays on a topic addressing the reasons for Rome’s growth to a position of great political and cultural power.Sections of this course will write one of their out-of-class formal essays on a topic addressing the reasons for Rome’s growth to a position of great political and cultural power.

Your answer should be a well-written response, conforming to standard practices and rules of the English language. You should have a clear introduction, thesis, and conclusion. EACH body paragraph should contain a clear topic sentence, numerous examples of specific evidence, and a thorough analysis of the evidence and how it proves/relates your topic sentence. This is […]

Develop an argument that evaluates the extent to which the formation of Western Civilization was helped or hindered by the regional rivalry with IslamDevelop an argument that evaluates the extent to which the formation of Western Civilization was helped or hindered by the regional rivalry with Islam

PURPOSE: To serve as a metric of historiographical skills retained in the course so far, students are expected to write an essay response to the following prompts.   Prompt: Develop an argument that evaluates the extent to which the formation of Western Civilization was helped or hindered by the regional rivalry with Islam     […]

1. history of slavery in the United States from 1600-1865 2.Arguably, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln are considered by many as two of the greatest Presidents in American History.1. history of slavery in the United States from 1600-1865 2.Arguably, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln are considered by many as two of the greatest Presidents in American History.

Answer both questions in 1200 words or more. 1. Discuss the history of slavery in the United States from 1600-1865 and explain the political, econo-mic and social reasons that made slavery flourish and why it took a civil war to end it. 2. Arguably, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln are considered by many as two […]

Did the Supreme Court’s decision in Brown v. Board of Education end segregation in public schools across the United States?Did the Supreme Court’s decision in Brown v. Board of Education end segregation in public schools across the United States?

Write an essay of approximately 4 – 5 complete paragraphs  1. Did the Supreme Court’s decision in Brown v. Board of Education end segregation in public schools across the United States? Fully explain and defend your answer with examples

I want you to choose a person from the Civil War era. It can be a woman, a slave, a freed slave, a soldier, or a politician.I want you to choose a person from the Civil War era. It can be a woman, a slave, a freed slave, a soldier, or a politician.

I want you to choose a person from the Civil War era. It can be a woman, a slave, a freed slave, a soldier, or a politician.I want you to talk about the Civil War from their perspective. You can talk about any aspect of the Civil War, but you must look at it from […]

Soviet State Power and its Limits (Sometimes rendered as, “Was the Stalinist state a weak or strong state?”)Soviet State Power and its Limits (Sometimes rendered as, “Was the Stalinist state a weak or strong state?”)

write a 14–16 page historiographic essay on Soviet State Power and its Limits (Sometimes rendered as, “Was theStalinist state a weak or strong state?”)Readings to discuss:1. Fitzpatrick, Everyday Stalinism, chapters 2 and 32. Kotkin, “Speaking Bolshevik”3. Cameron, The Hungry Steppe4. Osokina, Stalin’s Quest for Gold 5. Peri, The War Within Be 14–16 double–spaced pages in […]