Discipline: History

In a 3-5 page paper, answer one or more of the sets of questions below. Please use the book and provided documents only. Instructions are includedIn a 3-5 page paper, answer one or more of the sets of questions below. Please use the book and provided documents only. Instructions are included

After reading Equiano’s autobiography and Caretta and Lovejoy’s discussion of the issues around Equiano’s place and date of birth, your job is to choose a side in the debate and argue your position. In a 3-5 page paper, answer one or more of the sets of questions below. You should use Equiano’s autobiography and the articles by […]

The effects the reconstruction of Japan after World War II had on the countries nationalism and how it led to them to westernizeThe effects the reconstruction of Japan after World War II had on the countries nationalism and how it led to them to westernize

The research paper must be between 4 to 5 Pages /1,300 and 1,400 words (excluding Cover Page, Notes, Bibliography, & other non-text materials)—and must be typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font, 1″ margins all round, plus a Cover Page, Endnotes, and Bibliography.  Cover Page (single-spaced) with the following information: Full student name; the title […]

imagine a historical person living at a particular time and place in Europe during the early modern period. TWO PARTSimagine a historical person living at a particular time and place in Europe during the early modern period. TWO PARTS

For both parts of your signature assignment, you will draw on the full range of primary and secondary sources we have examined in this course. You will draw on the work you did in analyzing large-scale historical structures and how these structures affected groups and individuals. You will also draw on the various assignments in […]

Did efforts by Blacks and immigrants to become full-fledged Americans, with all the rights of citizenship, produce a more inclusive, equitable society during the period from 1880 to 1920? Explain why, or why notDid efforts by Blacks and immigrants to become full-fledged Americans, with all the rights of citizenship, produce a more inclusive, equitable society during the period from 1880 to 1920? Explain why, or why not

I need this paper written using at least one of these books as a source: Eric Rauchway, Murdering McKinley Linda Gordon, The Great Arizona Orphan Abduction I also have other sources that I can give you depending on what exactly you’re looking for.  Clear, specific answer/thesis—takes a clear, well-explained position on whether the benefits of industrial capitalism […]

How beneficial were the social reforms of the Progressive Era to ordinary Americans, including workers, immigrants, African-American migrants. In what ways were they detrimental to those groups? On balance, were they more beneficial or detrimental?]How beneficial were the social reforms of the Progressive Era to ordinary Americans, including workers, immigrants, African-American migrants. In what ways were they detrimental to those groups? On balance, were they more beneficial or detrimental?]

I need this paper written on reforms that happened during the late 19th and early to mid-20th centuries. I would like it to have a strong focus on workers and how they were affected. I have sources that I can give to you.  Clear, specific answer/thesis—take a clear, well-explained position on the impact of Progressive-Era social reforms […]

Does the history of the United States from 1900 to 1945 justify Luce’s argument?Does the history of the United States from 1900 to 1945 justify Luce’s argument?

Write a 700-to-1,000-word argument-based essay in response to this prompt: In 1941, publisher Henry Luce said the twentieth century (1900s) would be remembered as the “American century.” In coining this phrase, Luce suggested not only that the US had a large influence on the world, but that this influence was positive and reflected democratic values. […]

Film Critical Analysis Paper: “I Am Not Your Negro” and “Tulsa Race Massacre: 100 Years Later”Film Critical Analysis Paper: “I Am Not Your Negro” and “Tulsa Race Massacre: 100 Years Later”

The paper should reflect on this week’s films noting major themes and topics. It should also reference and cite a reading from the course. The paper is worth 50 points: 30 points for reflecting on the major points of the films,  10 points for citing a reading from the course and explaining its connection to […]

Compare and contrast the cross-cultural significanceof MarcoPolo,Jamalal-Dinal-Tibi,and Rabban Sawma.Compare and contrast the cross-cultural significanceof MarcoPolo,Jamalal-Dinal-Tibi,and Rabban Sawma.

The third written assignment is a formal research essay due at the end of the semester. The required length for this final project, including properly-formatted footnotes and single-spaced bibliography, is 1100–1300 words. You’ll find a choice of prompts below. All work must be your own. Because this is a more challenging assignment than the others, make […]

Using specific information – names, dates, facts, concepts, etc. – describe Europe’s events from 1900 to the early 1930’s.Using specific information – names, dates, facts, concepts, etc. – describe Europe’s events from 1900 to the early 1930’s.

The largest calamity in human history culminated in the two World Wars with the Second World War seeing the most death, devastation, and destruction around the world. Yet before WWII, the First World War is technically far more important as it lays the groundwork for much of the 20th century. Using specific information – names, dates, facts, concepts, […]

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) expanded recently? Why did this happen? What historical meaning does it have? Write an historical essay that considers both NATOs and its adversaries’ perspectives and explanations?The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) expanded recently? Why did this happen? What historical meaning does it have? Write an historical essay that considers both NATOs and its adversaries’ perspectives and explanations?

Question: The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) expanded recently? Why did this happen? What historical meaning does it have? Write an historical essay that considers both NATOs and its adversaries’ perspectives and explanations?  Your essay should cover at least 300 years of pertinent history. Think about long-term patterns and influences and also short-term causes. Your essay should be at least […]