Discipline: History

What was the significance of the Chinese Canadian soldiers on the contributions of Canada in world war 2?What was the significance of the Chinese Canadian soldiers on the contributions of Canada in world war 2?

Must be around 1500–1600 words with double spacing. with 8–10 sources used and also must have around 20–30 footnotes in the essay. There can be multiple footnotes for the same sources, but there should be a total of 20-30 footnoes in the essay in total. The sources must be listed as a bibliography at the […]

Final Research Paper – (EAST ASIAN CAPITALISM) – On the role of Language in the evolution of Capitalism in HONG KONG.Final Research Paper – (EAST ASIAN CAPITALISM) – On the role of Language in the evolution of Capitalism in HONG KONG.

This is the final research paper for my “East Asian Capitalism” class. This research paper must be 10-12 pages in length.  I have attached a document which is an early research proposal that I submitted for this final paper. Please carefully review the document and come back to this description. Here is the feedback from […]

explore the politicised nature of language in southeast europe and its use in competing nationalist state-building projectsexplore the politicised nature of language in southeast europe and its use in competing nationalist state-building projects

Essays will be evaluated according to quality of argument and expression, appropriate use of sources, and originality.   I need to analyse at least two countries from the region; Croatia and Serbia would be good, and additionally Bosnia would be nice. As for the nationalist state-building projects, I must mention several examples from each countries like road […]

Comparative Film Review on Two Holocaust Films (Shop on Main Street and Angry Harvest)Comparative Film Review on Two Holocaust Films (Shop on Main Street and Angry Harvest)

Your task is to write a three-to-four-page comparative film review essay. The review will analyze the two Holocaust films (Shop on Main Street and Angry Harvest). The goal of the essay is to identify common historical themes or events in the two films. Your essay should only briefly summarize the plots (no more than one paragraph in total). For the […]

Discuss the many ways that plague negatively impacted upon Byzantine civilizationDiscuss the many ways that plague negatively impacted upon Byzantine civilization

MUST USE THIS  William Rosen, Justinian’s Flea: The First Great Plague and the End of the Roman Empire (Penguin, 2008)     You can utilize both printed/published and electronic material. Make certain to consider the credibility your sources before using them. Do NOT use Wikipedia, Shmoop.com (or similarly potentially unreliable sources), or insubstantial, short-cut sites like […]

History Research Paper – What were the causes of the Mexican-American war and its impact on American Society and Politics?History Research Paper – What were the causes of the Mexican-American war and its impact on American Society and Politics?

*NOTE* – I have already completed the research proposal part and have attached it as a file. Please use the research proposal as the basis of your research paper. Research ProposalThe Research Proposal consists of your research question and an annotatedbibliography. The research question is a question you will be answering in your historyessay. The […]

How did the Vikings contribute to the developments of the 9th and 10th centuries?How did the Vikings contribute to the developments of the 9th and 10th centuries?

1. For your assigned question please do the following:  a. In Great details please review and analyze specific questions assinged to you. If you are using your book and outside sources, please make sure that all of them are properly cited with the in-text citations plus bibliography.                   b. […]

History 54–Europe since 1815 Extra Credit Essay X Extra Credit 3-4 pages typed, no upper limit Due Friday, April 28 at 11:59 PMHistory 54–Europe since 1815 Extra Credit Essay X Extra Credit 3-4 pages typed, no upper limit Due Friday, April 28 at 11:59 PM

Comment critically on the following showing, whether you agree or disagree, either in whole or in part. Be sure to support your generalizations with references to specific facts.  “Woodrow Wilson said that the First World War would be ‘a war to end all wars,’ and that it would be a war ‘to make the world […]

You will write a 3-5 paragraph paper explaining and defending your belief about a mystery. This belief will be presented in a thesis statement. (I’m choosing what happened to D.B. Cooper but if there is something easier that you can write better lmk)You will write a 3-5 paragraph paper explaining and defending your belief about a mystery. This belief will be presented in a thesis statement. (I’m choosing what happened to D.B. Cooper but if there is something easier that you can write better lmk)

You will write a 3-5 paragraph paper explaining and defending your belief about a mystery. This belief will be presented in a thesis statement. You will use 2-4 credible sources to support your arguments. You will use MLA formatting, in-text citations, and a Works Cited page.

Listen to an oral history inteview, and then analyse its social and cultural history of workers, de-industrialisationListen to an oral history inteview, and then analyse its social and cultural history of workers, de-industrialisation

Oral History Assignment:  select one oral history interview from the “Invisible Histories: Salford’s Working Lives” project, accessible via the link below.https://invisiblehistoriesproject.wordpress.com/interviewees/ assessment description: “The task is to analyse the interview as a primary source for the history of manual labour / de-industrialisation. Ca. 75 per cent of your analysis should deal with the value of the […]