Discipline: History

Possible origin of the Covid 19 pandemic of 2019-2023 and the 1918-1919 Influenza PandemicPossible origin of the Covid 19 pandemic of 2019-2023 and the 1918-1919 Influenza Pandemic

Topic: Possible origin of the Covid19 Pandemic of 2019-2023 and the 1918-1919 Influenza Pandemic Virologists and other experts continue to debate the origin of the recent Covid19 Pandemic. It appeared first in China, but whether from a natural jump from wildlife to people or from a careless laboratory is not clear. Part of the issue […]

Lyndon B. Johnson and American Liberalism by Bruce J. Schulman (2nd Edition) ReflectionLyndon B. Johnson and American Liberalism by Bruce J. Schulman (2nd Edition) Reflection

Lyndon B. Johnson and American Liberalism by Bruce J. Schulman (2nd Edition) Reflection (15 Points)               “Lyndon Baines Johnson transformed America,” Bruce J. Schulman explains.  “LBJ altered the way Americans worked, played, voted, lived, and died.”[i]  Believing that government “could and should improve American life,” Lyndon Johnson and his Liberal colleagues undertook dramatic legislative […]

Einhard, Life of Charlemagne. In what ways did Einhard’s depiction of Charlemagne’s actions and choices, both personal and public, reflect significant social and cultural changes from Roman imperial culture and/or Merovingian culture?Einhard, Life of Charlemagne. In what ways did Einhard’s depiction of Charlemagne’s actions and choices, both personal and public, reflect significant social and cultural changes from Roman imperial culture and/or Merovingian culture?

Choose a primary source and question from the list below. Each primary source excerpt isprovided on Canvas. The paper should include quotes and citations to the document in question, andanalysis of the evidence. You do not need to do additional research, though you may if you wish.Length: 5-6 pagesFormatting: Double-spaced, 1” or normal template margins, […]

Question 1 Many historians would have us believe that Nazi policy is largely responsible for the genocide committed against the Jews during the 1930s and early 1940s lQuestion 1 Many historians would have us believe that Nazi policy is largely responsible for the genocide committed against the Jews during the 1930s and early 1940s l

1.Presentation It should start with an introduction which clearly indicate how you intend to answer the question 2.The body of yours essay should be dividend into paragraphs in a way that present your argument in a logical, chronological and coherent way. 3.Your conclusion should be based on evidence that you have presented and the argument […]

What was Reconstruction — what was the purpose, how was it implemented, and did it succeed or fail? Why?What was Reconstruction — what was the purpose, how was it implemented, and did it succeed or fail? Why?

define Reconstruction, discuss the objectives of those who implemented it (remember: there were several different approaches to Reconstruction that resulted in serious dissension and conflict ) , determine whether Reconstruction succeed or failed (this one is your own interpretation), and explain your decision. Each of these steps — four of them — is essential in […]

Based on what we have studied this semester, to what extent does “Schindler’s List” accurately represent the Holocaust? What does it get right? What does it get wrong?Based on what we have studied this semester, to what extent does “Schindler’s List” accurately represent the Holocaust? What does it get right? What does it get wrong?

Watch  “ Schindler’s List” film and ”Run one full paragraph (20-25 sentences, single spaced).  Include a Main Thesis (MT), highlighted in turquoise, using Microsoft Word’s highlighter. One point will be deducted from the score for not highlighting the MT. Include a minimum of 4 quotations from the film and/or the course readings, highlighted in green. […]

enacted or decided after 1990 by the Texas government. It may be an expansion of a policy or right where the basis was originated before 1990enacted or decided after 1990 by the Texas government. It may be an expansion of a policy or right where the basis was originated before 1990

enacted or decided after 1990 by the Texas government. It may be an expansion of a policy or right where the basis was originated before 1990. Format: -Submitted as a .doc or .docx file ONLY -Double spaced -12 pt Arial or Times New Roman font -1 inch margins -Page numbers -Cover page, with student information, […]

The topic for the informative essay is “The Constitutionality of Marriage Equality.”The topic for the informative essay is “The Constitutionality of Marriage Equality.”

The essay should consist of an introduction, body, and conclusion. A thesis statement is required in the introduction of the essay and the outline. The essay must also include an outline, and a works cited page, which are in addition to the three pages of text. Also, make sure to use parenthetical references when crediting […]

What evidence do Heloise’s letters offer for her enduring love for Abelard? How does she feel about her physical (and temporal) separation from him? How does she respond to his explanations for his actions?What evidence do Heloise’s letters offer for her enduring love for Abelard? How does she feel about her physical (and temporal) separation from him? How does she respond to his explanations for his actions?

write a 5-6 page analytical essay in response. Your essay should contain a clear and concise thesis statement, an introduction, and a conclusion. All references are to be made using parenthetical citations, e.g. (Abelard and Heloise, Letters of Abelard and Heloise, 25). Only the assigned translation is to be cited. You are not required to […]