Discipline: History

Religious Practices of African Diaspora/ Early African American Literature/From Renaissance to ResistanceReligious Practices of African Diaspora/ Early African American Literature/From Renaissance to Resistance

Part I : Throughout the twentieth century people in the African Diaspora have sought what they have perceived as more culturally legitimate forms of religious expression. The solutions to this problem extend across many different spiritual idioms, from Rastafarianism in Jamaica to the Nation of Islam in the United States. It also includes the embrace […]

What are the meanings that Londoners made of the experience of the Blitz in the Second World War?What are the meanings that Londoners made of the experience of the Blitz in the Second World War?

Using the articles by Amy Bell, ′Landscapes of Fear′ and Geoffrey Field, ′Nights Underground in Darkest London: The Blitz, 1940-1, answer the following question in essay form: What are the meanings that Londoners made of the experience of the Blitz in the Second World War? Use Chicago Style Format Please don′t use any other sites […]

Narative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, written by Douglass in the early 1840s and published in 1845.Narative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, written by Douglass in the early 1840s and published in 1845.

Essay Prompts for the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass Answer one of the following questions in an essay of about three pages. Your paper should include specific details from the book to support your arguments and at least three quotes from the text. A. Towards the middle of the book, Douglass tells his […]

Essay on the CICEROcommonwealth, excerpt from book 1 (this research is the last attachment I added)Essay on the CICEROcommonwealth, excerpt from book 1 (this research is the last attachment I added)

*PROMPT/QUESTIONS TO ANSWER* :  What kinds of knowledge does Cicero think are needed for political leadership in Rome? Does he prefer theoretical or practical knowledge? Why? How does he think people with the wrong kind of knowledge will govern? What does he think the ideal statesman should look like? Are his ideas self-serving? How do […]

Both China and Japan were behind during industrialization partially due to their government structure. The two countries were forced to make the decision of whether adopt Western democratic principles or keep their traditional structure.Both China and Japan were behind during industrialization partially due to their government structure. The two countries were forced to make the decision of whether adopt Western democratic principles or keep their traditional structure.

ONE PAPER OPTION 2,500-3,000 words not including cover/title page, endnotes, bibliography, appendices, etc. Due due Monday, April 24 before 11:59 pm EST   This assignment can examine any aspect of the Pacific World past or present but must involve two or more peoples/cultures/nations.   All students are required to obtain approval from the professor for […]

in what ways, our understanding of Europe during the Middle Ages has been influenced, or even skewed, by those who wrote the documents that inform the bulk of our understanding of this periodin what ways, our understanding of Europe during the Middle Ages has been influenced, or even skewed, by those who wrote the documents that inform the bulk of our understanding of this period

Choose one of the following questions as the topic of your essay: Argue how, or in what ways, our understanding of Europe during the Middle Ages has been influenced, or even skewed, by those who wrote the documents that inform the bulk of our understanding of this period. Consider the commonalities shared by most medieval […]

Assess the changing nature of relationship between the British and Ottoman empire.Assess the changing nature of relationship between the British and Ottoman empire.

The transformation of Britain’s relationship with the Ottoman Empire, a changing relationship that would lead to the first conflict between the two powers at the beginning of the nineteenth century, and the subsequent beginnings of British imperialism in the region. To talk about the ottoman period of reformation (Tanzimat) and the european influence on that […]

describe each of these modes of interpretation and the perspectives or philosophies that guide them. Which mode or modes of interpretation do you consider the most accurate or correct?describe each of these modes of interpretation and the perspectives or philosophies that guide them. Which mode or modes of interpretation do you consider the most accurate or correct?

Assignment 2 will test your ability to apply concepts discussed in Unit 2 to different factual scenarios. Your essay must show evidence that you have understood the issues raised by the different authors you read in the unit, and must refer to at least three authors’ statements that reinforce your argument. Remember to include an […]

how the proponents and opponents of slavery used the analytical concepts that framed this course when making their arguments (Mobility, Democracy, Capitalism, and Difference).how the proponents and opponents of slavery used the analytical concepts that framed this course when making their arguments (Mobility, Democracy, Capitalism, and Difference).

Using the primary texts supplied, choose two pro-slavery and two anti-slavery documents and write a 750-word essay that examines how the proponents and opponents of slavery used the analytical concepts that framed this course when making their arguments (Mobility, Democracy, Capitalism, and Difference). You should identify the authors’ main point, and utilizing two of the […]

read the introduction to Gordons Woods The Radicalism of the American Revolutionread the introduction to Gordons Woods The Radicalism of the American Revolution

What is woods overall argument ? How does he present the way previous historians have described the American revolution? How is woods interpretation of the American revolution different from that of previous historians? In your own words, describe the ways wood claims are he American revolution shaped American society. Finally, research the French Revolution (1789) […]