Discipline: History

The term “Indians” or “Native Americans?” These are labels that have grouped all the pre-Columbian indigenous people into one large homogenous cultural group.The term “Indians” or “Native Americans?” These are labels that have grouped all the pre-Columbian indigenous people into one large homogenous cultural group.

Do we use the term “Indians” or “Native Americans?” These are labels that have grouped all the pre-Columbian indigenous people into one large homogenous cultural group. However, there are major differences between each group. For this assignment, choose at least two different Indian groups. If you wish, you can choose groups from this list, but […]

Analyzation the modern day impact of 1920s urban planning decisions and laws in California that were based around the automobileAnalyzation the modern day impact of 1920s urban planning decisions and laws in California that were based around the automobile

Covers:  Textbook pgs. 96-254 From the beginning of the American Period up through the 1920s Directions  Respond to oneof the following prompts using the guidelines below. Review the Guidelines below. Review the Grading Rubric. Please put the number of the prompt you choose with your name and “Essay #2” at the top left corner of […]

This writing is your opinion & no summary of the material. Use very little or no quotes, no Google sources. The paper should be written in essay form, not listing the questions and answers. Length: One Page (approximately 500 words).This writing is your opinion & no summary of the material. Use very little or no quotes, no Google sources. The paper should be written in essay form, not listing the questions and answers. Length: One Page (approximately 500 words).

1st essay: https://youtu.be/l8JQOXVEIeg What moments in this film stood out for you? Why? Did this change your views on what living in this time would be like? Anything that challenged what you know — or thought you knew? What messages, emotions, or ideas will you take away from this film? Why? 2nd essay: https://youtu.be/n6PaP578mUg What […]

Read Sharon Paice MacLeod’s,(WILL BE ATTACHED) “Sacred Cycles and the Mythic Symbolism of Time,” found in the “Readings and Presentations” link, and answer the following promptRead Sharon Paice MacLeod’s,(WILL BE ATTACHED) “Sacred Cycles and the Mythic Symbolism of Time,” found in the “Readings and Presentations” link, and answer the following prompt

Read Sharon Paice MacLeod’s, “Sacred Cycles and the Mythic Symbolism of Time,” found in the “Readings and Presentations” link, and answer the following prompt: What connection does MacLeod make between gender and the cycles of the year? Provide examples (including page numbers in parentheses) from the text.  swer the following prompt: What connection does MacLeod […]

The regulatory restrictions of Mobility in South Asia by the British Colonial Empire.The regulatory restrictions of Mobility in South Asia by the British Colonial Empire.

HISTORY of SOUTH Asia:  Mobility,Circulation and Historiography  -This course will explore the movement of people, goods and ideas in South Asia and beyond through the lens of labour.  There will be tracing the making of identities, borders, markets, communities & politics in South Asia within the intersections of the histories of labour and histories of […]

What was the impact of Augustus’ monarchy on Roman institutions and society? How did Augustus present his reign?What was the impact of Augustus’ monarchy on Roman institutions and society? How did Augustus present his reign?

Approximately 2,000 words In the paper, students will be expected to synthesize the relevant primary sources and scholarship into a coherent narrative. The paper should have a short introductory section (usually 1-2 paragraphs), a main part where the author deploys his/her arguments and a concluding section which summarizes the main points raised in the paper. […]

Topic: discuss a topic of disability history and its impact on the way disabled people live today.Topic: discuss a topic of disability history and its impact on the way disabled people live today.

No Wikipedia for cite My topic is: What is the soclal policy and soclal welfare for people with disabilities? Discussing in depth the govern (NYC) benefits to familes and individuals with disabilities. The pros & cons to relying on the governetment assistance. Why are policies that are meant to help regain independance do the opposite […]

How they used architecture in Ancient Egyptian temples to express and tell religion and mythology.How they used architecture in Ancient Egyptian temples to express and tell religion and mythology.

Hello. I am an architecture undergraduate student. As I mentioned, my thesis topic is about ancient Egyptian temples. in my thesis; There are 3 main temples that need to be explained and compared. We also need schematics for this comparison. In general, the thesis should be used in a lot of pictures with reference to […]

What impact did the evolving frontier and its eventual closing have on the culture of Texas?What impact did the evolving frontier and its eventual closing have on the culture of Texas?

What role did Texas play in the Agrarian Revolt? What about the state allowed it to take a leadership role? How did the frontier and rural areas influence the culture of Texas at the turn of the century? Guidelines: Be specific in your details. Give examples. Use your own words. You can paraphrase briefly, but […]