Discipline: History

The Black Death: The Great Mortality of 1348-1350 (A Brief History with Documents), author John AberthThe Black Death: The Great Mortality of 1348-1350 (A Brief History with Documents), author John Aberth

John Aberth’s book offers a well-researched introduction to the Bubonic Plague outbreak of the 14th century. The majority of the book is devoted to a collection of primary sources – sources written by persons who lived (and in some instances died) during this biomedical catastrophe.  Your task is to write an essay of no less […]

change Over Time Essay: Describe and Analyze the Key changes inAmerican society from the 1790s to the 1840schange Over Time Essay: Describe and Analyze the Key changes inAmerican society from the 1790s to the 1840s

Change over Time Essay PROMPT Describe and analyze the key changes in American society from the 1790s to the 1840s This is an analysis that requires you to consider how things change over time. You may consider social, economic, cultural, and/or political change during this time period. But do not focus on only one of […]

Discuss how and why violence predominated in the decolonization process in Africa in the 20th century with the example of Kenya or Algeria.Discuss how and why violence predominated in the decolonization process in Africa in the 20th century with the example of Kenya or Algeria.

Instructions: 1. Please keep essay close to the word limit (3000 words-3500 words). 2. Please use one style-sheet consistently. Provide a full bibliography at the end of the essay. 4. Please use and cite from academic books/articles 5. Do not use materials or cite from random websites. Much of the information available on random websites […]

The Intersection of National Identity and Gendered Labour through 19th Century Latin America led to Female Liberation.The Intersection of National Identity and Gendered Labour through 19th Century Latin America led to Female Liberation.

 History of  Gender in 19th Century Latin America  This course will explore the important role that gendered practices, peoples, and spaces had in the  nation-budling projects of 19th century Latin America. The course will also discuss novels, chronicles, travel logs and historical documents published from Mexico to Argentina between the 1800 and 1920.  The goal is […]

Survey the different ideas which Erasmus surveys on war, human relationships, government, education, etc. After choosing one theme, use it to compare or contrast with one subject from History 3050.Survey the different ideas which Erasmus surveys on war, human relationships, government, education, etc. After choosing one theme, use it to compare or contrast with one subject from History 3050.

-Find 2-3 academic articles from JSTOR or EBSCO to make your comparison or contrast academically rigorous.  -I posted three files of “Adages” or wise sayings of ancient Greek or Roman sayings quoted by Erasmus use one of your liking. After the quotation in Greek or Latin, Erasmus added his advice from a Renaissance or Humanist […]

Maya and Aztec: compare them regarding their built culture, artifacts, trading links, and regional influence. Then reflect how what you’ve learned from these links differs from popular ideas about peoples in the America prior to European contact in 1400sMaya and Aztec: compare them regarding their built culture, artifacts, trading links, and regional influence. Then reflect how what you’ve learned from these links differs from popular ideas about peoples in the America prior to European contact in 1400s

In your essay, You must include an introduction with pertinent dates for your chosen civilization and where it was located geographically. You must also include a thesis sentence wherein you state your perspective on the two civilizations you are comparing. Further, in each and every paragraph of your essay you will need Turabian format footnotes–you […]

Julius Caesar should have considered his decision to form the first Triumvirate, kill and enslave innocent people and neglu his powers before he enforced his political and military ruling ways on the people of the Roman EmpireJulius Caesar should have considered his decision to form the first Triumvirate, kill and enslave innocent people and neglu his powers before he enforced his political and military ruling ways on the people of the Roman Empire

Use footnotes  Can you use these sources and this information Annotated Bibliography Taylor, L.R. (1957) Jstor Home, The rise of Julius Caesar. Cambridge University Press (www.cambridge.org). Available at: https://www.jstor.org/stable/641006 (Accessed: March 31, 2023).This book is written by Lily ross Taylor,who is the first female fellow of the American Academy in Rome.This book describes Julius Caesar […]

What was the economic impact of events such as the 1900 Galveston Hurricane and the development of the oil industry in Texas?What was the economic impact of events such as the 1900 Galveston Hurricane and the development of the oil industry in Texas?

Pick a significant historical event and describe the effect upon the Texas economy in the 20th century. Summarize the event and contrast what the “before and after” effects on the Texas economy were. Guidelines: Be specific in your details. Give examples. Use your own words. You can paraphrase briefly, but give credit where credit is […]

why did the USA go to war in Vietnam and why they lost, what did the civil rights movements of the 1950s, 60s and 1970s achieve into the 1980s, and how do we understand the Right Turn of the 1980swhy did the USA go to war in Vietnam and why they lost, what did the civil rights movements of the 1950s, 60s and 1970s achieve into the 1980s, and how do we understand the Right Turn of the 1980s

You are expected to make arguments, which requires that all ideas are logically coherent and are supported with evidence. Without evidence you are only making assertions, which cannot be properly evaluated. Without logic and coherence, you are simply rambling. Any argument will be considered, as long it is coherent and supported by specific historical evidence. […]