Discipline: History

How did gender and/or sexual norms intersect with race in the twentieth century in Latin American countriesHow did gender and/or sexual norms intersect with race in the twentieth century in Latin American countries

How did gender and/or sexual norms intersect with race in the twentieth century (and up to the present if you wish), in one or more countries? You may focus only on women if you prefer or on a more diverse set of people. You may also include how class intersects with both race and gender. You are […]

Discuss the social, cultural, and political consequences of unification of China under the Qin and Han Dynasties. Which of these dynasties was more influential on Chinese cultural identity going forward and why?Discuss the social, cultural, and political consequences of unification of China under the Qin and Han Dynasties. Which of these dynasties was more influential on Chinese cultural identity going forward and why?

Using Merry E. Weisner-Hanks, et al., A History of World Societies, Volume 1: To 1600, 12th edition answer the prompt in no more than 750 words. *Discuss the social, cultural, and political consequences of the unification of China under the Qin and Han Dynasties. Which of these dynasties was more influential on Chinese cultural identity […]

I am going to be discussing the similarities and differences that the Tang and Song Dynasties have with the Italian Renaissance.I am going to be discussing the similarities and differences that the Tang and Song Dynasties have with the Italian Renaissance.

 The rough draft should include as much of the completed paper as possible. Please note that the rubric focuses on your thesis and conclusion. Ideally, your conclusion should explain how your evidence has proved your thesis. These two components are fairly important, so be sure to include them even if you are still working on […]

Discussion- Imperialism or Independence?: British American Colonies Become United American StatesDiscussion- Imperialism or Independence?: British American Colonies Become United American States

In this section we will talk about the events and idea that convinced some American colonists–many of whom were proudly British–to hazard their lives in declaring independence against the most powerful empire in the world. To do so, we will watch a few free clips I managed to find from the HBO series “John Adams” […]

BOOK REVIEW ASSIGNMENT:BOOK ASSIGNED>> Walker. Prompt and Utter Destruction, Truman and the Use of Atomic Bombs against Japan, Third edition.BOOK REVIEW ASSIGNMENT:BOOK ASSIGNED>> Walker. Prompt and Utter Destruction, Truman and the Use of Atomic Bombs against Japan, Third edition.

**DO NOT USE OUTSIDE SOURCES**Introduction and Thesis: The introductory paragraph of your critique identifies the author, full title, publisher, and edition of the book. Identify the author in detail. Who is he/she? What are the author’s credentials and qualifications to write this book? Your introduction also includes your thesis sentence and the topics you will […]

“La lengua”: Malintzin, the Spanish Conquest of Mesoamerica, and the Legacy of the Translator in Mexico“La lengua”: Malintzin, the Spanish Conquest of Mesoamerica, and the Legacy of the Translator in Mexico

Hi, I need a one page paper reflecting on the podcast: “La lengua”: Malintzin, the Spanish Conquest of Mesoamerica, and the Legacy of the Translator in Mexico. link to podcast: https://digpodcast.org/2021/12/13/la-lengua-malintzin-the-spanish-conquest-of-mesoamerica-and-the-legacy-of-the-translator-in-mexico/ (about 1hr and 6 min long) how to write the paper is listed under ‘files’ please message me if you have any questions. thank […]

Historical works on Orientalism/The Middle East prior to and after Edward Said’s Orientalism-impact Said had on the fieldHistorical works on Orientalism/The Middle East prior to and after Edward Said’s Orientalism-impact Said had on the field

I need to resubmit a paper which didn’t conform to the guidelines the first time I turned it in. The document attached is what I have so far, I just need help finishing it and making sure I have the best chance possible of passing this time around. The new paper should incorporate at least […]

Tuskegee Airmen: What obstacles did they face? How did they influence the struggle for African American rights?Tuskegee Airmen: What obstacles did they face? How did they influence the struggle for African American rights?

Essay 2 (3 pages minimum – that means you must hit the bottom of page 3)  The cover page and images do not count as part of the page limit.  3 primary sources AND 3 secondary sources   Essay format: 12 pt font Times New Roman Double Spaced  Cover Page Page Numbers In-text citations and […]

The effect of a modern economy on the Pacific World, specifically Capitalism in Fiji.The effect of a modern economy on the Pacific World, specifically Capitalism in Fiji.

Main Topic: The effect of a modern economy on the Pacific World, specifically Capitalism in Fiji. Final Paper Assignment Handout: Per the syllabus, a two-page (minimum) prospectus and annotated bibliography (in properly formatted Chicago or MLA) that describes your research question, tentative argument, selected sources, and your general plan for writing your paper Prospectus: Write […]

Find a recent news article (no more than one year old) about a current event. Also tie in how this event has similarities with another event in time such as the Holocaust, WW1, and other events in the 20th century. OnlyFind a recent news article (no more than one year old) about a current event. Also tie in how this event has similarities with another event in time such as the Holocaust, WW1, and other events in the 20th century. Only

There are many critical international and domestic issues happening in the 21st century that are either related or parallel to 20th century events. For this requirement, students are asked to:  Find a recent news article (no more than one year old) about a current event  Discuss and respond to how the article relates […]