Discipline: History

The impact of the Industrial Revolution. From 1500-2000 how did it shape the world we live in today?The impact of the Industrial Revolution. From 1500-2000 how did it shape the world we live in today?

Each citation should be between 250 and 300 words. Provide a complete citation for the site, including the URL and your access date. Note that the required citation style is the Chicago Manual of Style. For an example of what elements to include in your citation, go to Course Content and review the Brief Primer […]

How was the Roman Military (during the time of the empire) so effective agaisnt its rivals?How was the Roman Military (during the time of the empire) so effective agaisnt its rivals?

–  I need at least 3 primary and 3 secondary sources, all of which must be from books and the secondary sources must be both peer reviewed and newer than 1980. (I have found 1 primary and 2 secondary which I shall provide below) –  The paper must be 3000 – 4500 words –  The […]

How have historians argued for the application of Clausewitz’s philosophical ideas in his Treatise on War?How have historians argued for the application of Clausewitz’s philosophical ideas in his Treatise on War?

Write a 4,000-word historiography on the topic of how historians have argued that the application of philosophical ideas in Clausewitz’s On War, how these arguments have evolved, and why they have evolved as they have. The paper must have a thesis about how your historiographical literature evolved. It cannot be just a series of book […]

The collapse of communism and the reunification of Europe in the late 20th centuryThe collapse of communism and the reunification of Europe in the late 20th century

The term paper should be a critical/analytical essay. Papers will be graded on structure, originality, and how well the paper makes its argument/proves or disproves your thesis. The paper must have a cover page and formal bibliography with at least four primary sources and six secondary sources (according to the Bibliography guidelines). The assignment must […]

Write a paper about a news item associated with any one of the following UN agency’s intervention in a country: International Criminal Court or International Court of Justice that has been in the news in the past 5 years in any part of the world.Write a paper about a news item associated with any one of the following UN agency’s intervention in a country: International Criminal Court or International Court of Justice that has been in the news in the past 5 years in any part of the world.

1. Identify the UN agency or specialized mission, and the issue, which led to the need for UN intervention.  2. Pick a news item dealing with a country in any part of the world.  3. Ensure that the news item is recent (last 5 years). 4. Identify, why you picked this news item. (Interested in […]

It has been argued that Hitler was “utopian.” But what were Hitler’s “utopias”?It has been argued that Hitler was “utopian.” But what were Hitler’s “utopias”?

It has been argued that Hitler was “utopian.” But what were Hitler’s “utopias”? Howdid he attempt to realize them during World War II? And what were the consequences?Formulate a thesis that responds to these questions. Explore this issue through relevantsections of Snyder’s Bloodlands. Also refer to at least one of the following readings:Hitler’s Mein Kampf, […]

How did Abraham Lincoln presidency In 1860 led to the secession of the southern states and relate it to american historyHow did Abraham Lincoln presidency In 1860 led to the secession of the southern states and relate it to american history

The rest of the paper (besides the footnotes, will be double spaced. No extra space or balf space between paragraphs. Use Times New Roman, 12pt font (and Times New Roman, 10 pt font in footnotes). Use Chicago Manual of Style footnotes (not bibliographic citations). I do not need or want a bibliography or works cited page. For this […]

What specific information did the French Resistance give that helped the Allies war effort?What specific information did the French Resistance give that helped the Allies war effort?

This is a Historiographic paper so it supposed to be adding to the conversation of the French Resistance. Providing some discourse for the community of the French Resitance is the goal. Primary sources and Secondary Sources are needed. This is a full thesis and the background arguments to suppport the final conclusions. I have provided […]

Argumentative Essay – How did 600 Spanish invaders defeat an advanced civilization of millions?Argumentative Essay – How did 600 Spanish invaders defeat an advanced civilization of millions?

Instruction are uploaded below: Use Times New Roman, 12-point font, and only 1-inch margins. Paper must have a separate cover sheet Paper must have a separate cover sheet. Include a title  This is a 4-page double-spaced paper. This excludes your title page and bibliography. 4 sources must be used No outside sources. Sources will be […]

Discuss the history of Japanese American activism during the incarceration and subsequent Redress Movement, and how the legacy of this advocacy continues to impact current issues today.Discuss the history of Japanese American activism during the incarceration and subsequent Redress Movement, and how the legacy of this advocacy continues to impact current issues today.

Hi! Hope you’re doing well, and appreciate whoever might be picking up this essay – really means a lot.  For context, I’m current a sophomore at a University who must write an essay for a class called Asian-American Activism. Here is a more detailed prompt: “The wartime incarceration of Japanese Americans remains one of the […]