Discipline: History

Write an page essay on analysis of primary document(Book) McElvaine’s Down and Out in the Great Depression: a collection of letters written by Americans to the U.S. president and others in his administration during the nineteen thirty’sWrite an page essay on analysis of primary document(Book) McElvaine’s Down and Out in the Great Depression: a collection of letters written by Americans to the U.S. president and others in his administration during the nineteen thirty’s

Write a 7-8 page paper based on your analysis of the primary-source material in your book. the Book is • McElvaine’s Down and Out in the Great Depression: a collection of letters written by Americans to the U.S. president and others in his administration during the 1930s• requirements for the  essay • Type and double-space, […]

Explain and analyze the development of slavery in British North America and in the early American republic.Explain and analyze the development of slavery in British North America and in the early American republic.

explain and analyze the development of slavery in British North America and in the early American republic. Consider the different economic forces, major events, laws, and technology that shaped the institution’s development and the lives of enslaved people. answer each part of the question, using at least 1 or 2 specific examples/pieces of evidence that […]

Argumentative comparison between Do the Right Thing (movie) and In the Heat of the Night (Movei) – Historical context and topic within american history related to filmArgumentative comparison between Do the Right Thing (movie) and In the Heat of the Night (Movei) – Historical context and topic within american history related to film

Racial Equality in In the Heat of the Night and Do the Right Thing. Compare and contrast the ways in which these films address the topic  of race relations in America during their respective time periods. One film was released at the height of the civil rights era, while the other came out just months […]

How do you account for the growth of Africa’s chronic indebtedness in the decades after independence?How do you account for the growth of Africa’s chronic indebtedness in the decades after independence?

“A title page. The title page is excluded from the 5 pages. – All pages must be numbered with the exception of the title page. – 12pt Times New Roman font. – Double spaced. – Chicago citation style. – A minimum of four scholarly books and three peer-reviewed articles. Excluding the textbook. Do not use […]

Choose a significant, historical Oklahoman and write why that person was influential to Oklahoma History.Choose a significant, historical Oklahoman and write why that person was influential to Oklahoma History.

“Choose a significant, historical Oklahoman and write why that person was influential to Oklahoma History.  \r \r \r \r \r \r \r \r The essay should be two-three pages in length, in MLA format, double-spaced, using 12 font only. Students must submit a work cited page with at least 3 reference sources and not all […]

argue that Achilles is either right or wrong in his decision not to accept the gifts from Agamemnon and reconcile with him and the troopsargue that Achilles is either right or wrong in his decision not to accept the gifts from Agamemnon and reconcile with him and the troops

“ answer this topic in 1000 – 1200 words THE ONE SOURCE REQUIRED IS THE BOOK ATTACHED  argue that Achilles is either right or wrong in his decision not to accept the gifts from Agamemnon and reconcile with him and the troops (see Book 9, the Embassy to Achilles for details attached below). Take one […]

Discussion – Federalism – Write the question, then underneath, the answer. In chapter three, the chapter outlines from the beginning to the end how a federal system was established in America.Discussion – Federalism – Write the question, then underneath, the answer. In chapter three, the chapter outlines from the beginning to the end how a federal system was established in America.

“I will assign input picture files of the pages that are needed in order to answer the discussion  Things I need in the discussion :  Give details and examples when responding to the questions.\u2028 You must reference the textbook and an outside source for all discussion posts. Questions you need to answer : 1) Explain […]

Write a seven to eight page essay on analysis of primary document(Book) McElvaine’s Down and Out in the Great Depression: a collection of letters written by Americans to the U.S. president and others in his administration during the nineteen thirtysWrite a seven to eight page essay on analysis of primary document(Book) McElvaine’s Down and Out in the Great Depression: a collection of letters written by Americans to the U.S. president and others in his administration during the nineteen thirtys

“Write a 7-8 page paper based on your analysis of the primary-source material in your book. the Book is •\tMcElvaine’s Down and Out in the Great Depression: a collection of letters written by Americans to the U.S. president and others in his administration during the 1930s• requirements for the  essay •\tType and double-space, using Times […]

The neglect of John Paul Vann’s insight and expertise was a disservice to those fighting in the Vietnam war.The neglect of John Paul Vann’s insight and expertise was a disservice to those fighting in the Vietnam war.

“Write a research paper in turabian format using notes-bibliography style using A Bright Shining Lie by Neil Sheehan as a primary source with a thesis that if the government had listened to John Paul Vann the U.S. could have won against the Viet Cong. Include a source that showcases the factors that kept the war […]

What do Margaret Hale’s choices regarding the men she encounters and the actions of the working class of Milton do to reflect, support, or contradict the historical analysis in the readings from Section Two? from Book North and SouthWhat do Margaret Hale’s choices regarding the men she encounters and the actions of the working class of Milton do to reflect, support, or contradict the historical analysis in the readings from Section Two? from Book North and South

“ For the sources refer to the readings provided in the files and please use all of them if possible The File Labled Section Report Two is the intructions. While the topic questions used is a guding question for the paper if you dont want to use that specifaclly please put what you are talking […]