Discipline: Human Relations

Read this description of Paul’s previous job. Then write an analysis based on the instructions at the endRead this description of Paul’s previous job. Then write an analysis based on the instructions at the end

Paul, the HR Director at Bumpbie, had previously worked as Director of HR for Kelecton, a small company with 240 employees that makes software for utility companies.  The majority of employees were programmers and engineers who designed and installed proprietary software for regulating and tracking electricity and gas.  Since the company had been experiencing a […]

Volunteer work at Northern California Child Development Inc Early child hood educationVolunteer work at Northern California Child Development Inc Early child hood education

Use information learned from the intro to human services and social work class and apply it to experience during volunteer work, working with young children age 0-4 years. different skills, abilities, therapy styles or techniques learned. Volunteer for 10 hours of service total during the semester at local community events, churches, organizations, etc. These could […]

It has been argued that the present legislative salad is a barrier to economic development and employment growth for all except employment lawyers. Evaluate the suggestion that all of New Zealand’s employment laws could be consolidated into one Act.It has been argued that the present legislative salad is a barrier to economic development and employment growth for all except employment lawyers. Evaluate the suggestion that all of New Zealand’s employment laws could be consolidated into one Act.

This needs tof be 2500 words +/-10%   It has been argued that the present legislative salad is a barrier to economic development and employment growth for all except employment lawyers. Evaluate the suggestion that all of New Zealand’s employment laws could be consolidated into one Act. Justify your answer. Clearly demonstrate you have developed […]

Barriers to Virtual Team Productivity and Avoiding Information Overload with Large Virtual Teams.Barriers to Virtual Team Productivity and Avoiding Information Overload with Large Virtual Teams.

Instructions: Answer the questions below for this assignment. Keep in mind the information preceding the instructions when preparing your paper, and ensure that you follow the format for this assignment provided immediately following the Questions. Assignment Questions: 1. In your opinion, which of the five dysfunctions of a team would be the greatest barrier to […]

An Evaluation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964: Has It Accomplished Its Purposes?An Evaluation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964: Has It Accomplished Its Purposes?

Must include an Executive Summary of issues in your paper. The executive summary belongs at the beginning of your paper. “An executive summary provides an overview of a larger document or research and is usually the first thing your reader will see.” Must be a minimum of 4 full pages, a maximum of 5 pages in […]

Global human resource management – With a particular emphasis on recruitment and selection, what recommendations would you make to your multinational organisation in relation to the phenomena of expatriate failure?Global human resource management – With a particular emphasis on recruitment and selection, what recommendations would you make to your multinational organisation in relation to the phenomena of expatriate failure?

Global human resource management Topic: Global human resource management – With a particular emphasis on recruitment and selection, what recommendations would you make to your multinational organisation in relation to the phenomena of expatriate failure? The context of the essay • Introduce the multinational organisation, provide sufficient background to set a context • Research.  What does the literature say about the […]

the United States was founded on the principles of individual merit, hard work, and equalitythe United States was founded on the principles of individual merit, hard work, and equality

. Given that the United States was founded on the principles of individual merit, hard work, and equality, how have people’s perceptions of these values changed the way they see discrimination in the workplace? More recent events, such as the tragic killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and others have laid bare the […]

For this assignment, you will work on items that belong to the humanities and explore the cultures they represent. You will also evaluate “big questions” that can be associated with the humanities and determine how you can go about answering them.For this assignment, you will work on items that belong to the humanities and explore the cultures they represent. You will also evaluate “big questions” that can be associated with the humanities and determine how you can go about answering them.

Prompt Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria: List three cultures or subcultures you identify strongly with, and rank them from most to least significant in your life. These can be national, ethnic, religious, and they can include subcultures or groups related to your personal interests. Identify one representative object from the humanities for each of […]

compare and contrast the “zeitgeists” of the Tokugawa (Edo) Period, and the Meiji Period,compare and contrast the “zeitgeists” of the Tokugawa (Edo) Period, and the Meiji Period,

 Essay question= In an essay compare and contrast the “zeitgeists” of the Tokugawa (Edo) Period,  and the Meiji Period, and how developments in each period helped lead Japan from a medieval/feudal world into a “modern” world.  Use direct quotes or refer to specific visual images, etc.  For example, in discussing the Meiji Period you might […]