Discipline: Human Resource Management


  You have been assigned to analyze the project plan of a payroll system that is behind schedule and over budget. The project was supposed to be completed in one year, but now it is running about three months behind schedule and 25 percent over budget. It is expected that the project may continue to […]

Discussion Thread: Skills Training, Coaching, and Performance ManagementDiscussion Thread: Skills Training, Coaching, and Performance Management

Develop a post in response to the discussion question chosen. Post must contain at least 400original words and adhere to the following: Include an analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of the topic. Include a reference and in-text citations for the course textbook. Include a reference and in-text citations for at least one article from a peer-reviewed […]

Human resource case studyHuman resource case study

COURSEWORK (CW1) Summary of Assessment Method: Individual 2,000 words written report + a 500-word executive summary, evaluating a strategy for motivating and engaging workers in an organization, based on a global business case study.   Students will prepare an assignment that evaluates a strategy for motivating and engaging workers in an organization in the business […]

Learning Activity: Developing an Employee Training SessionLearning Activity: Developing an Employee Training Session

Imagine you are a new employee in an HR department. Your first task is to develop a plan for an employee training session on stress management. Identify specific, relevant topics that should be covered during the training session, with justification. Describe proven methods of tracking employee attendance and dealing with employees who do not attend […]

Who can help me answer this discussion post? Leadership PracticesWho can help me answer this discussion post? Leadership Practices

 This discussion is designed to guide us through a comparison between Kouzes and Posner’s Leadership Practices and Senge’s Five disciplines.  Support your assertions with the scholarly source material. Examine the document showing the table of comparisons and answer the following: 1. In what ways are the two sources suggestive of similar theoretical concepts and/or presentation? […]


Writing an outline on Should a governmental ID be necessary to vote or not? Student presentations are NOT to be based solely on opinions, students will need to do research as well. Students will also need to very clearly state the source (s) that they have used to complete their research within their presentation. Submission is to be a […]


TWO PART ASSIGNMENT Part1: **Write Two-100 word replies to the two (2) individual discussion responses ** Use APA 6 formatting and citation standards.  Should be 2 different posts. Each post is numbered and has a name.  The primary post(s) are provided as an attached file.   Assignment Details: To help you with your discussion, please consider the […]