Discipline: Internet Technology (IT)

How the FBI blew more than $100 million on case-management software it will never useHow the FBI blew more than $100 million on case-management software it will never use

Assignment Description – Students will read the article about a famous IT project failure and write a case study of the project and its failure. The article can be accessed by following this link: https://spectrum.ieee.org/computing/software/who-killed-the-virtual-case-file Although, it is recommended that you read the article from the above-mentioned link, a PDF copy of this article is also […]

Write a research essay that describes the current and antipacted influence of IT on the industry you anticipate working in upon graduationWrite a research essay that describes the current and antipacted influence of IT on the industry you anticipate working in upon graduation

– How will advances in IT impact the industry structure? – How will advances in technology change the products of service? – What kind of IT innovation do you foresee in the chosen industry? – How will advances in IT impact the business processes in IT? Then provide personal insights on how these findings might […]

Security Planning: Business Continuity Planning and Incident Response ProceduresSecurity Planning: Business Continuity Planning and Incident Response Procedures

Overview The ever-growing reliance that organizations have on technology comes with a need for business continuity planning. These plans help to ensure that, in periods of disruption or outage, the business has the policies and procedures needed to resume operations as quickly as possible, while minimizing the overall disruption. Business continuity efforts should be closely aligned with […]

Propose a detailed plan that focuses on password policies and authentication methodsPropose a detailed plan that focuses on password policies and authentication methods

Write a report on the following: Propose a detailed plan that focuses on password policies and authentication methods to protect the project from becoming public during the research and development phase.   Specifically provide the following to meet these requirements: Title page Introduction (1-2 paragraphs) Provide details of the password policy to be implemented using […]

Individual Case Study 1 (Due Unit 4) BIG DATA ANALYSIS: Dremel, C., Wulf, J., Maier, A., & Brenner, W. (2018). Understanding the Value and Organizational Implications of Big Data Analytics: The Case of AUDI AG.Individual Case Study 1 (Due Unit 4) BIG DATA ANALYSIS: Dremel, C., Wulf, J., Maier, A., & Brenner, W. (2018). Understanding the Value and Organizational Implications of Big Data Analytics: The Case of AUDI AG.

This project involves students analyzing a real-world business problem. The business problem will be presented to the class by the instructor at the start of the course. The business problem could be in the form of a case study or a short video discussing a specific IT-related problem relating to an organization. You will critically analyze the […]

Write a detailed research paper on IS/IT-related initiatives that a real-life company is considering or has implemented.Write a detailed research paper on IS/IT-related initiatives that a real-life company is considering or has implemented.

Write a detailed analysis research paper on the following prompt: Research Strategic IS/IT-related initiatives that a real-life company is considering or has implemented. It is recommended to select an existing company or organization that you are familiar with to achieve a more practical understanding of a strategic IS/IT initiative within the company and to obtain […]

Create an analysis that addresses descripition, reccomendation, Visio modeling, conclusion.Create an analysis that addresses descripition, reccomendation, Visio modeling, conclusion.

Scenario You are an employee at a consulting firm that assists other businesses in solving systems problems within their organizations. Ann Jemisin, president of Lost Pines Outfitters, a local and online clothing retailer, has asked for your assistance. During the intake process, she sends information on her company, their processes, and the issues they would […]

Create an explainer blog post, that discusses a technological product, practice, or process that your company will soon implement.Create an explainer blog post, that discusses a technological product, practice, or process that your company will soon implement.

A.  Create an explainer blog post, that discusses a technological product, practice, or process that your company will soon implement. This blog post should be a maximum of 1,000 words long and must include the following: 1.  a thorough explanation of your chosen technological product, practice, or process based on your research from three distinct sources 2.  a […]

You have been hired to secure XYZ Corp.’s network and ensure that the company has the highest levels of security to prevent internal or external attacks. In an 8-to-10-page proposal.You have been hired to secure XYZ Corp.’s network and ensure that the company has the highest levels of security to prevent internal or external attacks. In an 8-to-10-page proposal.

XYZ Corporation is a small organization of roughly 20 to 30 employees working in a simple office space using basic peer-to-peer networking in which all employees keep their data on their own PCs and each has his or her own devices (i.e., printers, scanners, and other peripherals). In the last few months, XYZ developed a […]

The IT Professional: Articulate the roles and functions of the information technology professionalThe IT Professional: Articulate the roles and functions of the information technology professional

Whether you are just beginning your career in information technology or taking the next step in your career path, it is vital to understand the numerous opportunities available to you within this field. In this project, you will be conducting a survey of the information technology field that includes several career options aligned with your […]