Discipline: Internet Technology (IT)

Outline and Presentation on MIS skill, application, resource, function, process or value-creating behavior that you feel would benefit your organization or an organization that interests you.Outline and Presentation on MIS skill, application, resource, function, process or value-creating behavior that you feel would benefit your organization or an organization that interests you.

Outline Instructions: The Topic for your Final Project presentation consists of a convincing report of an MIS skill, application, resource, function, process or value-creating behavior that you feel would benefit your organization or an organization that interests you. I am simply looking for exactly that, an outline that you would use to help shape your final […]

Enterprise Architecture Enables Processes Paper (using scholarly journals only for research and 3 citations)Enterprise Architecture Enables Processes Paper (using scholarly journals only for research and 3 citations)

Enterprise Architecture Enables Processes Paper – Individual Assignment Purpose of this Assignment This assignment gives you the opportunity to apply your critical thinking skills and understanding of the course concepts to explain how the enterprise architecture (EA) and/or the EA program supports the other IT management processes of an organization. This assignment specifically addresses the […]

Investigating the Effectiveness of Augmented Reality Interfaces in Enhancing User Experience and Engagement in Online ShoppingInvestigating the Effectiveness of Augmented Reality Interfaces in Enhancing User Experience and Engagement in Online Shopping

Develop a 1000 research proposal using the attached file. For full credit on this assignment, you must clearly state your technology (preferably one made by a company, I promise this makes it easier!) AND a research question that you are proposing with a method that answers that research question and the data source that this answer will come from as well as why is this […]

Pennsylvania’s Unemployment Compensation Modernization System: Unfinished Business Case StudyPennsylvania’s Unemployment Compensation Modernization System: Unfinished Business Case Study

Read the case study “Pennsylvania’s Unemployment Compensation Modernization System: Unfinished Business” (page 554 in the print book). As you review the case focus on two issues in particular: 1. DLI’s management failures in the project to date 2. The complexity of this project and ways to keep it on track Assume that you are advising […]

Presentation on Enterprise System and Enterprise Architecture Considerations AssignmentPresentation on Enterprise System and Enterprise Architecture Considerations Assignment

Project 2 just 1-3! intro, summary of case, and evaluation total of 6-7slides case study attached 1.) Introduction and outline • A cover slide with a title, your group number/name, and date, as a minimum • An introduction or slide outlining the presentation to follow. Make a nice introduce and “thesis statement” to capture the […]

In order to understand the varied users that will use the Fast Readers, Inc. applicationIn order to understand the varied users that will use the Fast Readers, Inc. application

Purpose: Create four personas based on the provided scenario. Scenario: In order to understand the varied users that will use the Fast Readers, Inc. application, you are required to create four personas using the persona template provided in the School of Information Technology Library Guide (located in the BSIT / ITCO-391 section). Be sure each […]

Business Analysis Report: showing your analyses and findings on Children snacking and Develop a Business Plan to increase Children SnackingBusiness Analysis Report: showing your analyses and findings on Children snacking and Develop a Business Plan to increase Children Snacking

Title Page: Name of Report, Member names         Executive Summary: 1 page high level description of main findings and proposed strategy         Business Analysis Report: showing your analyses and findings on who is your snacker and how he/she snacks         Proposed Business Strategy       […]

Business Analysis Report: showing your analyses and findings on who is your snacker and how he/she snacksBusiness Analysis Report: showing your analyses and findings on who is your snacker and how he/she snacks

Title Page: Name of Report, Member names         Executive Summary: 1 page high level description of main findings and proposed strategy         Business Analysis Report: showing your analyses and findings on who is your snacker and how he/she snacks         Proposed Business Strategy       […]

Resilience and Agility in Industry 5.0: Investigating how Industry 5.0 can enable manufacturing systems to be more resilient and agile in response to disruptions, such as pandemics, by leveraging technologies such as digitalization, automation.Resilience and Agility in Industry 5.0: Investigating how Industry 5.0 can enable manufacturing systems to be more resilient and agile in response to disruptions, such as pandemics, by leveraging technologies such as digitalization, automation.

I am planning to write a research paper on the given topic. The attached file gives more information.  “Resilience and Agility in Industry 5.0: Investigating how Industry 5.0 can enable manufacturing systems to be more resilient and agile in response to disruptions, such as pandemics, natural disasters, or supply chain disruptions, by leveraging technologies such […]