Description: Develop a Java application that creates a standalone GUI application that simulates an e-store (we’ll call our store Nile Dot Com… we’re not quite as big as!)1 which allows the user to add in stock items to a shopping cart and once all items are included, total all costs (including tax), produces an […]
Discipline: Java
Write a program that demonstrates various operating systems algorithms. Use any programming language which is convenient for you. Your program should have a menu driven concept such as:Write a program that demonstrates various operating systems algorithms. Use any programming language which is convenient for you. Your program should have a menu driven concept such as:
Write a program that demonstrates various operating systems algorithms. Use JAVA. Your program should have a menu driven concept such as: Your mission (should you choose to accept it) is to design and implement five different algorithms. These include: 1. First Come First Serve (FCFS) Scheduling algorithm 2. Shortest Job First Scheduling (SJF) algorithm 3. […]
Please provide tips on how to maintain focus and stay productive while working from home.Please provide tips on how to maintain focus and stay productive while working from home.
Learning Goal: I’m working on a java question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. I work from home and find it hard to maintain focus throughout the day. I often feel distracted by household chores, family members, or social media. I want to improve my productivity and get more work done […]
Execution time for sorting in JavaExecution time for sorting in Java
Write a program that obtains the execution time of selection sort, insertion sort, merge sort, and quick sort for 50,000, 100,000, 200,000, 250,000 and 300,000. Your program shall create data randomly and print a table like this: Array Size Selection Sort Insertion Sort Merge Sort Quick Sort 50,000 100,000 200,000 250,000 […]
lab 5 javalab 5 java
Learning Goal: I’m working on a java project and need guidance to help me learn. I need help with lab 5 This is for lab 5 Please watch the videos to help you with the lab And also please use the lab document and use the code that is told to you in the documents […]
CSC 230: Elementary Data Structures and AlgorithmsCSC 230: Elementary Data Structures and Algorithms
Learning Goal: I’m working on a java project and need guidance to help me learn. This program has two parts. The first part reads a text file.The user will enter the file name.The user is asked to enter a word in the file,If the word is not in the file, the program will say that […]
write javafxwrite javafx
Learning Goal: I’m working on a java question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. Write a JavaFX program that promts user to enter details: 1. To Enter user information (i.e., Name, Street, City, State, Zip). 2. To select the product (APP or MUSIC) – CheckBox 3. To select “Typeâ€� (Type of […]
Hi! Can I get some help writing the code for this in JavaHi! Can I get some help writing the code for this in Java
Learning Goal: I’m working on a java question and need support to help me learn. Write a Python program that includes a function that takes a list of integers and a number val as parameters and finds the index of the first number in the list greater than val. Your program should contain one function: […]
Data Structures and Algorithms Discussion boardData Structures and Algorithms Discussion board
Learning Goal: I’m working on a java discussion question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. Assignment Details Many modern languages, including Java, are provided with a set of classes, methods, and objects built in. An example of this is the Scanner class, which facilitates user input and is part of a […]
Need assistance with writing this into Java code.Need assistance with writing this into Java code.
Learning Goal: I’m working on a java project and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. Hi, I need help with writing these instructions (they’re in the Instructions.docx file) into a Java code using the unit & integration test codes (Tests.txt file), and also using system testing (SystemTestPlan_PhraseAnalyzer.docx file). You will need the […]