Discipline: Law

Discuss the cultural values and myths that prevent society from understanding why women stay with their abusive mates. How has this changed over time to a more progressive view?Discuss the cultural values and myths that prevent society from understanding why women stay with their abusive mates. How has this changed over time to a more progressive view?

Discuss the cultural values and myths that prevent society from understanding why women stay with their abusive mates.  How has this changed over time to a more progressive view? Please Use concrete examples/details and avoid generalities.

essay on bill of rights. Identify and discuss the criminal justice amendments to the Constitution.essay on bill of rights. Identify and discuss the criminal justice amendments to the Constitution.

 The first homework assignment is based on the Bill of Rights.  Identify and discuss the criminal justice amendments to the Constitution. Identify which one you believe to be the most important in terms of protecting the rights of American citizens.  Fully support your answer.   Your essay must be a minimum of 1500 words (minus the […]

Choose a current legal issue that is affecting or could potentially affect employeesChoose a current legal issue that is affecting or could potentially affect employees

Choose a current legal issue that is affecting or could potentially affect employees. The issue must be related to current or pending legislation. It cannot be an issue that businesses have already addressed, for example, sexual harassment and discrimination based on federally protected classes. Assume you are the HR Director of a medium to large corporation […]

Refugee law paper: “Pushbacks of Refugees in Greece: Assessing Compliance with the Principle of Non-Refoulement”Refugee law paper: “Pushbacks of Refugees in Greece: Assessing Compliance with the Principle of Non-Refoulement”

There are the instructions for my paper (and you can find attached my research proposal):    You have to structure your paper clearly (think of an academic article): your audience consists of international refugee lawyers (so you do not have to explain the basics). (Before you submit, make sure there are no typos in your […]

Government involvement with the business world is the underlying theme for this second discussion.Government involvement with the business world is the underlying theme for this second discussion.

Chapter 28  Businesses have always been interested in the return on investment (ROI) for the stakeholders, and providing new products for consumers.  Both small and big businesses are the generators of our vibrant life in the U.S. The government has always had the oversight and regulatory role in assuring businesses operate safely and within the […]

LAW 663: Quality, Risk & Liability in the Health Care Arena – WEEK 6 ( FINAL EXAM )LAW 663: Quality, Risk & Liability in the Health Care Arena – WEEK 6 ( FINAL EXAM )

Respond to the following question with supporting legal basis: Question 1: Describe the basis of the physician-patient relationship and at least two duties or legal obligations the physician has to the patient.  Question 2:  What does the Corporate Practice of Medicine Doctrine prohibit? What is the rationale for the doctrine?  Question 3:  Describe the requirements for terminating the physician-patient relationship. What […]

What are the characteristics of open-air drug markets? Discuss when and where open-air markets operate and the structure of open-air markets.What are the characteristics of open-air drug markets? Discuss when and where open-air markets operate and the structure of open-air markets.

What are the characteristics of open-air drug markets? Discuss when and where open-air markets operate and the structure of open-air markets.  Find a news article of at least two “spin-off problems” associated with drug dealing in the open air markets in Miami Dade County.  Make sure to explain the spin off problems and summarize the […]

An analysis of corruption in the admissions process of universities in the United States and how it has impacted the higher education market.An analysis of corruption in the admissions process of universities in the United States and how it has impacted the higher education market.

You are required to write an extended project on a topic of your choice. The aim of this project is to investigate the topic you have chosen through secondary research and analysis of information from a variety of sources. Guidance: In your written project you should: ·       Appropriately cover the topic of the extended project. […]

your analysis on the benefits and disadvantages of jury nullification. Please make sure you support your argument, either pro or con, with more than “feelings” on the subject.your analysis on the benefits and disadvantages of jury nullification. Please make sure you support your argument, either pro or con, with more than “feelings” on the subject.

Chapter One of the text discusses the concept of jury nullification.  Your 1st discussion this week deals with jury nullification.  After reading the text, the supplemental article from TheFederalistPapers.org and watching the 17-minute YouTube video on nullification post your analysis on the benefits and disadvantages of jury nullification. Please make sure you support your argument, either […]

UKTL APRIL 2023 COMMON LAW REASONING & INSTITUTIONS – COURSEWORK 1 “With the Human Rights Act 1998, t Discuss how judges achieve compatibility with the European Convention on Human Rights in interpreting statutes.UKTL APRIL 2023 COMMON LAW REASONING & INSTITUTIONS – COURSEWORK 1 “With the Human Rights Act 1998, t Discuss how judges achieve compatibility with the European Convention on Human Rights in interpreting statutes.

Word count should not exceed 2000 words. An allowance of +/- 100 words is allowed.  Text and Footnotes font type                         : Calibri Text Font Size                                                    : 12 Footnotes Font Size                                          : 10 Text Alignment                                                  : Justify Line Spacing                                                       : 1.5  2) Every coursework submitted MUST include: Candidate’s answer together with Bibliography and Footnotes Word count (soon after the final line of the coursework) […]