Discipline: Law

Environmental Health Law – Addressing a current or emerging global or international environmental or public health threat/issue from an environmental health law, justice, policy, and governance perspectiveEnvironmental Health Law – Addressing a current or emerging global or international environmental or public health threat/issue from an environmental health law, justice, policy, and governance perspective

Addressing a current or emerging global or international environmental or public health threat/issue from an environmental health law, justice, policy, and governance perspective Overview The goal of this paper is for the learner to critically assess policymaking processes related to environmental health law, governance, and justice.     Directions Review the Research Paper Grading Rubric […]

Have the courts gone too far in terms of limiting the liability of the police in negligence in respect of losses caused by failures to properly investigate crime or apprehend criminals?Have the courts gone too far in terms of limiting the liability of the police in negligence in respect of losses caused by failures to properly investigate crime or apprehend criminals?

QUSTION: Have the courts gone too far in terms of limiting the liability of the police in negligence in respect of losses caused by failures to properly investigate crime or apprehend criminals? Margins must be a minimum of 2.5cm  Line spacing must be 1.5. Page numbers must be included on the bottom right-hand side of pages, […]

Considering new insight into brain development should the upper age limit of juvenile jurisdiction in CA be raised?Considering new insight into brain development should the upper age limit of juvenile jurisdiction in CA be raised?

Please research a problem area in the Juvenile Justice system. It is helpful to begin this assignment by framing your topic in a problem statement or stating the issue in the form of a question. You may decide to select a topic that is covered in one of the chapters in your textbook. The topic […]

Part 1 trade marks and image rights; Part 2 existing protection in UK law (20 marks); new developments in UK legislation and case law and developments in other jurisdictions (25 marks);Part 1 trade marks and image rights; Part 2 existing protection in UK law (20 marks); new developments in UK legislation and case law and developments in other jurisdictions (25 marks);

Please read the file attached as it is the assigment brief. Please do not exceed the 3000 word limit. Please wirte it in British academic style with Harvard references. You should provide a well-structured essay, in two parts to answer each of the two questions, with full references including case law and statutory references where […]

Replies to Questions, “Ethical Dimension” & “Economic Dimension” on Brennan’s, Inc. v. ColbertReplies to Questions, “Ethical Dimension” & “Economic Dimension” on Brennan’s, Inc. v. Colbert

Carefully read Brennan’s, Inc. v. Colbert, an abridged decision on pages 442 – 443 in your textbook. Please answer the questions on page 443, following the decision. The questions are “The Ethical Dimension” and “The Economic Dimension.” You will find the questions following the decision on page 443 in your textbook. You can post the answers in […]

Module 2 Group Discussion: Rules for Lina – Draft Synthesized Rule and Post to Group Discussion BoardModule 2 Group Discussion: Rules for Lina – Draft Synthesized Rule and Post to Group Discussion Board

n Chapter 2 Rules of your Legal Analysis textbook, you were introduced to the concept of “Rule Synthesis”,  p. 24.  The authors walked you through an example synthesizing a rule for the crime of felony mischief using six separate cases.  This week we will continue to build towards our Module 4 Rules for Lina IRAC by writing a synthesized […]

Cherry-Picking Equality: A Comparative Study of LGBTQ+ Rights in South Africa and Namibia OSCOLA REFERENCE STYLECherry-Picking Equality: A Comparative Study of LGBTQ+ Rights in South Africa and Namibia OSCOLA REFERENCE STYLE

Please rewrite for 1000 words.  Identify and explain the logic of choosing research topic. For a successful submission, please approach the following; 1) Clearly, state the Purpose of your study by outlining the research aims and objectives. 2) Research questions or hypotheses may follow for your research purpose.  Please rewrite to reflect:  Research background  Research gaps  The purpose of the study  […]

Supreme Court Precedent Research Paper: Crawford v. Marion County Election BoardSupreme Court Precedent Research Paper: Crawford v. Marion County Election Board

Supreme Court Precedent Research Paper: Crawford v. Marion County Election Board Assignment For this assignment, you will write a brief research paper evaluating the principles, ideas, and precedents reflected in the assigned Supreme Court decision while considering fundamental ideas of liberty (including those reflected in Frédéric Bastiat’s The Law), the United States Constitution, biblical principles, […]