Discipline: Law

Impact of Social Media and Policing (Police morale, recruitment, Ferguson Effect)Impact of Social Media and Policing (Police morale, recruitment, Ferguson Effect)

6-8 pages in main content no need for a cover page Put paper title, abstract, and introduction on the first page (Please see sample paper for guidance) sumarize Abstract in less than five sentences, should be single-spaced whole paper is double-spaced (excpet abstract and reference section) Please FOLLOW this format:  this paper discusses… issues such […]

Outline the importance of the Rule of Law and describe the current checks and balances that maintain the Rule of Law in Australia.Outline the importance of the Rule of Law and describe the current checks and balances that maintain the Rule of Law in Australia.

Length: 1500 words (+/– 10%) words. Aim to be no shorter than 1350 words and do not submit more than 1650 words (excess words will not be read). Referencing style: ALC4 and use footnotes Bibliography needed on separate page at end.Double spaced, 12 font

consumers (like you) being “cheated” by a misleading, deceptive, or confusing term/provision in any consumer sales/marketing materialsconsumers (like you) being “cheated” by a misleading, deceptive, or confusing term/provision in any consumer sales/marketing materials

Please read all steps and do the coursework. The work is interknit and has to be state what you learn going through all the reading and course  Q 1 THIS QUESTION INCLUDES A REQUIRED TRAINING COURSE (LINK BELOW) WHICH IS APPROXIMATELY 70 MINUTES IN LENGTH, SEPARATED INTO THREE SEPARATE MODULES (Module 1: Foundations; Module 2: Mitigating […]

Produce a report critiquing all or part of the project risk process of an organisation that you are familiar with, or a case study. It is important to bring to bear on the subject, current thinking in Project Risk ManagemenProduce a report critiquing all or part of the project risk process of an organisation that you are familiar with, or a case study. It is important to bring to bear on the subject, current thinking in Project Risk Managemen

Typical content would include:  Report (*.pdf or *.Word formats) The maximum word limit for the report is 3000 Discussion of Key Strategic Considerations — You do not need to explain why you have chosen the particular case study, but please discuss the main project risk topics for this case. For example, why the selected project organisation has […]

Critically examine the extent to which section 51 Companies Act 2006 has clarified the law relating to pre-incorporation contracts.Critically examine the extent to which section 51 Companies Act 2006 has clarified the law relating to pre-incorporation contracts.

the topic is about Critically examine the extent to which section 51 Companies Act 2006 has clarified the law relating to pre-incorporation contracts. I want u to check if the cases are related to the topic related and if its critically examined

Describe why you feel Communication, integrity ,Problem Solving are important in the workforceDescribe why you feel Communication, integrity ,Problem Solving are important in the workforce

Describe why you feel Communication, integrity, and Problem-Solving are important in the workforce. Please submit a well written response to this application question: From the following list of competencies for court employees, please select three and describe why you feel they are important  • Communication • Integrity • Problem-Solving Responses should be no more than […]

‘The set case has been decided and reasoned in accordance with Dworkin’s theory of interpretation.‘The set case has been decided and reasoned in accordance with Dworkin’s theory of interpretation.

  The answer specifically requires focus on the set case, which involved the interpretation by the different courts of relevant legislation and prior cases, culminating in the Supreme Court decision. It is this which must be intermingled in a candidate’s analysis with Dworkin’s theory of interpretation. What is important is analysis as to how the […]

Critically evaluate the radical feminist claim that the source of women’s oppression is systemic and structural.Critically evaluate the radical feminist claim that the source of women’s oppression is systemic and structural.

Please take a stance, whether you agree or disagree. In the essay, it states how radical feminists undermine classical feminist movements in the introduction.  Topics to cover: equality, equal opportunities, pay: men vs. women, white woman vs. black woman trans: essentially men dominating or infringing on women’s rights; women’s rights are being diminished. grouping trans […]

Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals case that involves the areas of law (law as it applies to tort, contract, agency, business entities, securities, antitrust, property, bankruptcy, and many other important areas of law.)Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals case that involves the areas of law (law as it applies to tort, contract, agency, business entities, securities, antitrust, property, bankruptcy, and many other important areas of law.)

You are charged with searching for a Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals case that involves the areas of law covered in the syllabus for a report. Try to choose cases that are interesting and complex. You should ONLY select a case that has resulted in a published opinion and had oral argument before the Court. […]

This is a seminar paper. The seminar was sports law. I have chosen the topic of Sports and mental health and the difficulties athlete’s face with mental health vs their contractual obligations in their sportsThis is a seminar paper. The seminar was sports law. I have chosen the topic of Sports and mental health and the difficulties athlete’s face with mental health vs their contractual obligations in their sports

The paper must be 20 pages double spaced and must include footnotes for citing. I had titled the paper ” We pay, you pose: the struggles between athlete’s mental health vs. their obligations to perform for society”. I was thinking of Simone Biles and Naoimi Osaka and their mental health difficulties but also their contractual […]