Discipline: Law

Conflict of laws in International private law in relation the United Arab emiratesConflict of laws in International private law in relation the United Arab emirates

I will attach the research brief, please strictly follow the guidlines in the Research brief as it is very important for the Professor.  Type of paper: Research Paper Pages: Minimum 2500 words (from intro till conclusion and without including footnotes) Assignment Type: Individual submission, submit as word document File Naming: RO1_ID_NAME Format: The paper must […]

the Supreme Court case of Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, which was decided on June 4, 2018the Supreme Court case of Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, which was decided on June 4, 2018

Explain the particular legal issue(s) in detail, including the relevant facts, the applicable law and the court’s application of the law to the facts. Research and discuss articles and other supplementary materials related to your topic. Discuss a Christian worldview with respect to the issue(s) decided in the case. Compare and contrast how a Christian […]

Write a 3-5 page (double-spaced) paper on both the powers that the president has and the limitations on those powersWrite a 3-5 page (double-spaced) paper on both the powers that the president has and the limitations on those powers

For this 3-to-5-page (double spaced) paper, focus on how you think the president could use his or her powers to address a public policy issue — either the issue you wrote about for your first paper, or another one. Be sure to use an issue of political importance that focuses on the power of the […]

Write a law business report (recommendation and advice report, problem question)Write a law business report (recommendation and advice report, problem question)

write a business report (structure file included) the problem question to answer: Mike, Paul and Geo want to start business. Mike is qualified in pet grooming, so he will be doing this work, Geo will run the café, and Paul will lead on promoting the business. They are all putting in equal amounts of capital […]

Arguing the dangers of the SAFE-T Act that was recently passed in the state of IllinoisArguing the dangers of the SAFE-T Act that was recently passed in the state of Illinois

This is an argumentative essay that will argue the how poor of a decision it was for Illinois to pass the SAFE-T act. The argument must be based on facts andevidence, not just opinion. The appropriate actors, institutions, and outcomes are important in the paper. This paper will be based upon the ability to clearly articulate […]

Critically discuss the meaning of s.172 and analyze whether it is possible to achieve this goal.Critically discuss the meaning of s.172 and analyze whether it is possible to achieve this goal.

Topic : According to s.172 of the Companies Act 2006, directors of a company have a duty to promote the success of the company. To comply with this requirement, directors need to consider not only the interest of members of a company, but also the interest of other stakeholders, including employees, suppliers, customers, and creditors. […]

Identifyanddescribetwotypes of property. Specify the rights associatedwitheachtype of propertySpecify a crime associated with each type of property. Provide an example of each crime using your personal experience or thelocalnews as asource ofinformationIdentifyanddescribetwotypes of property. Specify the rights associatedwitheachtype of propertySpecify a crime associated with each type of property. Provide an example of each crime using your personal experience or thelocalnews as asource ofinformation

Objective Explore rights associated with each type of property Discussion Overview This discussion forum explores the various types of property and associated rights. Deliverables A written response posted in the discussion forum that must include the following: Responses to the initial questions Responses to at least two other students’ posts Step 1 Post a written […]

Analyze and apply the precedent established in 6 court cases to a hypothetical Supreme Court case.Analyze and apply the precedent established in 6 court cases to a hypothetical Supreme Court case.

TIPS Do the assigned readings. Reading the cases is the very essence of this course and is simply not optional for learning the material or performing well on the assignments. The short summarizes available all over the internet are not an effective shortcut. Focus on detail. Law is a body of countless “picky” details. Words […]

10 slide Powerpoint presentation answering a scenario for Fundamentals of Criminal Law course.10 slide Powerpoint presentation answering a scenario for Fundamentals of Criminal Law course.

Most states have four to five main types of criminal homicide. Identify the types of criminal homicides defined in the Texas Penal Code. Review the video of George Floyd who died during a police arrest in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Research additional sources on this incident as needed and identify the proper charge(s) for this case if […]

comparing and contrasting the Declaration of Independence of 1776 and the Texas Declaration of Independence of 1836comparing and contrasting the Declaration of Independence of 1776 and the Texas Declaration of Independence of 1836

Please write a no more than five (5) page paper, double spaced comparing and contrasting the Declaration of Independence of 1776 and the Texas Declaration of Independence of 1836 taking in context the political climate of the times. Please address the significance of the documents, their contents and impacts on society positively or negatively. Identify […]