Discipline: Law

Dispute Settlement under the WTO, Subtopic – Healthcare service/product dispute resolution under WTODispute Settlement under the WTO, Subtopic – Healthcare service/product dispute resolution under WTO

Part I is the research component, where you will conduct global legal research and will write an Analytical Paper (minimum 10 pages, double spaced, MLA format, including the works cited, maximum 20 pages). Include multiple legal cases with citations in your analysis. (Try not to focus on patent infringement cases) I was given very limited […]

court fillings. (motion to stay, notice of motion, certificate of service, draft. order, other documents needed for the draft motion)court fillings. (motion to stay, notice of motion, certificate of service, draft. order, other documents needed for the draft motion)

ASSIGNMENT EMAIL To: The New paralegal From: Thomas Hardy Our client, MB FINANCIAL BANK has a mortgage on 1401-13 W. 127th Street, Calumet Park, Illinois. The property is owned by M&J Investment Group, LLC (the “Debtor”). We believe the property is worth only $1.8 million, and that the owners no longer have insurance on the […]

Argumentative essay- (Juveniles who commit crimes should not be tried and treated as adults in the law courts.)Argumentative essay- (Juveniles who commit crimes should not be tried and treated as adults in the law courts.)

Write an Individual Argumentative Essay intended for an academic audience. The aim of this assessment is to critically analyse a hypothetical or a real-world issue which for this essay is (Juveniles who commit crimes should NOT be tried and treated as adults in the law courts.) You should explore this topic as widely as possible, […]

Choose a real-life example of a local theft case you have read about or seen on televisionPrepare a 300-500 word paper based on the case you found that lists the facts of the case and the type of theft involved in the case.Choose a real-life example of a local theft case you have read about or seen on televisionPrepare a 300-500 word paper based on the case you found that lists the facts of the case and the type of theft involved in the case.

Objective Examine theft and its classifications Assignment Overview This case study assignment explores the elements of theft. Deliverables A 300- 500 word paper. Make sure the information you use is relevant to the topic. BE SURE to keep to the word limit. Writing less most likely means that you are not writing in sufficient detail […]

Student Brief on Aguas v. State of New Jersey https://caselaw.findlaw.com/court/nj-supreme-court/1692580.htmlStudent Brief on Aguas v. State of New Jersey https://caselaw.findlaw.com/court/nj-supreme-court/1692580.html

Student brief Structure These can be extensive or short, depending on the depth of analysis required and the demands of the instructor. A comprehensive brief includes the following elements: 1. Title and Citation Make sure you write the full citation as set forth in the case. For example the U.S. Supreme Court is usually cited […]

Legal Memo: Can noise from a lawfully operated business constitute a private nuisance?Legal Memo: Can noise from a lawfully operated business constitute a private nuisance?

ATTACHED DOCUMENT GIVES FACTS, LEGAL QUESTION, AND FORMAT EXAMPLE Using both print and on-line sources, research Georgia law to find the answer to the legal question.  Memo must be 3 – 5 pages and double. Your memo should have 1 inch margins and should be in Times New Roman 12 point font. Your writing must […]

The regulation of enslavement in the southern US in the 19th century and its relation to race and Blackness. (3000 words)The regulation of enslavement in the southern US in the 19th century and its relation to race and Blackness. (3000 words)

Please write a 3000 word essay in response on ONE of the following themes. They are broad enough to allow you to choose a topic of particular interest to you. You should make ample reference to the relevant assigned readings but are welcome to bring in additional material if you choose.  please write in relation […]

Common Ground & Integration Chapter on can government regulate hate speech on social media, without violating the first amendment?Common Ground & Integration Chapter on can government regulate hate speech on social media, without violating the first amendment?

I am writting my thesis on can government regulate hate speech on social media, without violating the first amendment?  my first chapter is on law and my second chapter is on political science. i need a third chapter on Common Ground & Integration ChapterCommon Ground & Integration ChapterCommon Ground & Integration ChapterCommon Ground & Integration. […]

Your individual assignment is to take any two of the four situations in the group presentations and compare/contrast them, in terms of US policy approachYour individual assignment is to take any two of the four situations in the group presentations and compare/contrast them, in terms of US policy approach

Your individual assignment is to take any two of the four situations in the group presentations and compare/contrast them, in terms of US policy approach. You are to write a minimum of three, double-spaced pages, not including cover page and references. In your paper, you are to consider: • Were the groups correct in their […]

“How does false accusation or wrongful conviction of sexual assault impact the psychology of the accused?”“How does false accusation or wrongful conviction of sexual assault impact the psychology of the accused?”

1. Evaluate Supreme Court case Arellano v. McDonough from October 2022 Link: https://www.scotusblog.com/case-files/cases/arellano-v-mcdonough/ 2. Analyze the case as a dilemma of justice, focusing not on the hard law of the case (who may be right or wrong from a legal perspective) but on the just and unjust outcomes the case may result in from the […]