Discipline: Law

Short Case StudyShort Case Study

Learning Goal: I’m working on a law case study and need an explanation and answer to help me learn. Question: If you were manufacturing toothpaste and decided to substitute diethylene glycol for glycerin, would you consider it your ethical obligation to tell the consumer? ___ Requirements: – References (APA style). – NO plagiarism. – I […]

M402 Discussion 12M402 Discussion 12

Learning Goal: I’m working on a law discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn. Action Required: Watch the short video at the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_63VIDJbWw&list=RDLV30pxmKvkzFM&index=2 12.3 Test your Knowledge (Question): Define the essential qualities of a successful family business.?

Law 401 – Case StudyLaw 401 – Case Study

Learning Goal: I’m working on a law case study and need support to help me learn. Party A graduated from business school and has learned the details about running a successful business. He is ready to utilize his education and does not want to work for anyone. Party A had decided to sell the fifty […]

short papershort paper

2-4 pages apa with refrences awnser the following: What is national culture and organizational culture? When a  U.S.-based sport business operates in another country (e.g., MLB Japan),  in what ways might these two types of culture overlap or separate? How does corporate social responsibility (CSR) play a role in overseas business operation? Illustrate an example. […]

Law QuestionLaw Question

Learning Goal: I’m working on a law writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn. Description Read the textual materials on pp. 275-76. Length of essays should be between 500–750 words. Assignments that have a word count MUST be kept within the allotted number of words. Assignments will only be graded […]


must be 175-250 words with references Review the Good Samaritan laws in different states at http://www.cprinstructor.com/legal. How does New Hampshire’s law differ from the law in Virginia? How does it differ from the law in New  York? What do you find interesting about the differences? Pick another state and examine their Good Samaritan Laws and […]

presenting data IND Projectpresenting data IND Project

  In your Unit 4 Individual Project, you will create 5 APA formatted Annotated Bibliographies as part of your Research Methods project. This is a 3-step process, as follows: Step 1: Search for, find and review existing literature (articles) about the topic that you selected in your DB4 assignment. You may find information in the […]