Discipline: Law

presenting data DPpresenting data DP

  For your Unit 4 Discussion Board, select a single topic to work with for your DB4, IP4 and IP5 assignments. This is the beginning of your Research Methods project for this course You begin in DB4 by selecting your topic and then writing a “problem statement” that analyzes why it is a problematic issue […]

correction IND Projectcorrection IND Project

  One of the recent developments facing the public administration of corrections is that there has been an increasing call by public officials and the citizenry to privatize the prison systems in the United States.: From the perspective of a public-sector correctional administrator, make 2 arguments for keeping the jails in public hands. From the […]

corrections DP CRJS345corrections DP CRJS345

  The volume of inmate litigation increased significantly following the Cooper v. Pate decision in 1964. In 1980, inmates in state and federal correctional institutions filed 23,287 petitions alleging both civil and criminal violations of their rights and seeking compensatory damages, injunctions, and property claims (Peak & Everett, 2016). By 1990, the number of such […]


submit the names and brief overviews of two sport organizations   For each organization, be sure to include the mission statement, the current state of the sport organization, the goal of the global sport business, and the potential target foreign markets that each organization is looking to enter.  . Overview A. Communicate the mission statement for […]

Case BriefCase Brief

Case briefs should be one page in length (single spaced), use 12-point Times New Roman font and one-inch margins, and list citations and references in APA format.  Read and brief Allen v. Dover Co-Recreational Softball League. In  addition the brief, discuss issues related to Allen v. Dover  Co-Recreational Softball League, including theories of liability and […]

the courts crjs345the courts crjs345

  You have just been appointed to assist the new court administrator for a medium-sized court system with approximately 75 employees and 5 full-time courts. This is a new position for the courts. In the past, each individual court has primarily managed itself, except for the employee-hiring process, which was completed through the County Human […]

courts 2courts 2

  You are the training officer in your department. Your agency has been receiving an unusually high number of Bivens Actions (lawsuits and complaints) from citizens stating that officers have been using excessive force to make arrests. The Chief has tasked you with developing a training program that will teach officers about verbal judo and […]

practicing research skillspracticing research skills

  Select 5 different surveys used by criminal justice agencies. Make sure the surveys are blank and have not been completed by respondents. Click here and choose your surveys. You may also use surveys that are not on this list. Provide a brief introduction about each of the 5 surveys that you selected. Explain which […]


  Survey research is still one of the most common ways to collect data in the public safety system. In this discussion, you will explore the World Values Survey (WVS). Specifically, you will discuss the range of questions asked on the WVS, explore how and why questions are worded in specific ways, and find questions […]


 The general rule is that a lawyer shall not reveal information relating to the representation of a client, however, there are exceptions to this general rule, what type of confidential information can be disclosed under he model rules of professional conduct for attorneys, 16-106 NMRA