Discipline: Literature

Compare/contrast Mary Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Women to Margaret Fuller’s Woman in the Nineteenth Century.Compare/contrast Mary Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Women to Margaret Fuller’s Woman in the Nineteenth Century.

Compare/Contrast: Mary Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Women to Margaret Fuller’s Woman in the Nineteenth Century.  The paper should be analytical and interpretive rather than merely descriptive. Must be typed using MLA 7th edition format. Consider the topic thoroughly—who, what, where, why, and how something happens, in all its variation. No Plagiarism.

Write a literary interpretation essay of one or more of the readings from this semester the lens of one of the schools of literary criticism we’ve covered: Psychoanalytic or Mythological & Archetypical.Write a literary interpretation essay of one or more of the readings from this semester the lens of one of the schools of literary criticism we’ve covered: Psychoanalytic or Mythological & Archetypical.

Minimum Content Requirements: Must follow the assignment topic. Must be a minimum of 1,000 words. This does not include the header (e.g., your name, essay title, Works Cited page, etc.). Must have a clearly restricted, unified, and specific thesis. Must avoid tangents unrelated to the main idea. Must show use of specific details. Must show […]

a well-organized essay of analyze the story, for example, by focusing on literary elements such as theme, character, setting, point of view, plot, imagery, metaphor, symbolism, etc., and/or * analyze the characteristic themes, features, and/or techniquesa well-organized essay of analyze the story, for example, by focusing on literary elements such as theme, character, setting, point of view, plot, imagery, metaphor, symbolism, etc., and/or * analyze the characteristic themes, features, and/or techniques

Choose one story from course readings. Write a well-organized essay of 1200-1250 words (excluding quoted material). Your essay should either * analyze the story, for example, by focusing on literary elements such as theme, character, setting, point of view, plot, imagery, metaphor, symbolism, etc., and/or * analyze the characteristic themes, features, and/or techniques. You may […]

Choose only one of the following to write about Write an essay of about 3 to 4 pages, using two external resources (other than the play), on one of the following topics,Choose only one of the following to write about Write an essay of about 3 to 4 pages, using two external resources (other than the play), on one of the following topics,

Essay Assignment Choose only one of the following to write about  Write an essay of about 3 to 4 pages, using two external resources (other than the play), on one of the following topics, 1. Compare and contrast the characters of Hamlet and Laertes 2. Discuss Hamlet as a tragic hero using Aristotle’s theory 3. […]

identify a social practice, behavior, or something that people wear, and argue why it should be stopped.identify a social practice, behavior, or something that people wear, and argue why it should be stopped.

English 1101-Essay 1 Prompt In “Your Flip-Flops are Grossing Me Out,” Dana Stevens argues that flip-flips are, among other things, gross and healthy, and therefore we should stop wearing them. In 3-4 full pages, identify a social practice, behavior, or something that people wear, and argue why it should be stopped. Guidelines: Rough Drafts: 2-3 […]

Writer focus on recurring theme in their text,as love, cruelty, etc. Write essay abt recurring theme in 2 texts of your choice,describe y d writer want diz theme 2 stand out, hw diz theme z express in 2 texts,what d theme significance has d world around.Writer focus on recurring theme in their text,as love, cruelty, etc. Write essay abt recurring theme in 2 texts of your choice,describe y d writer want diz theme 2 stand out, hw diz theme z express in 2 texts,what d theme significance has d world around.

Make sure the essay contains significant analysis (detail & example) to be written on the texts you have selected. As this is a comparative paper, you must answer the prompt while comparing and contrasting the two texts you have selected. Your essay must be at least 1000 words (about 4-5 full pages double spaced), have […]

The traditional and untraditional takes the author takes in “The Glass Shield”The traditional and untraditional takes the author takes in “The Glass Shield”

and the prompt: https://issuu.com/sejongculturalsociety/docs/glass_shield_single_pages https://www.sejongculturalsociety.org/writing/current/adult.php Prompt:  It may help to know that among Korean critics, Kim Jung-hyuk is often called an “everythingist” for his wide-ranging interests and abilities (he even draws his own cartoons). “The Glass Shield” is one of Kim’s signature stories for its unusual tone and attitude but also for its confrontation of […]

I need someone to answer some short response with the knowledge of Greek literature, bible and HUM 1I need someone to answer some short response with the knowledge of Greek literature, bible and HUM 1

Learning Goal: I’m working on a literature test / quiz prep and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. Choose ANY 10 of the following terms. You should write 3-4 sentences about each one. Describe what/who it is and then move on to discuss how it relates to themes in the course. If […]

trace the use of three symbols in the novel and explain their connection to a theme in the noveltrace the use of three symbols in the novel and explain their connection to a theme in the novel

Should be between 2.5-3 pages (600-750) words not including works cited page should be double spaced in times new roman 12 point font and must meet the following criteria: -a clearly articulated thesis somewhere in your introduction that your paper will prove.  -an introduction, 3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion.  -atleast two quotes from the […]

Literary Analysis on the key themes In The Fall of the House of Usher by Edgar Allan PoeLiterary Analysis on the key themes In The Fall of the House of Usher by Edgar Allan Poe

In The Fall of the House of Usher, Poe presents several key themes that illuminate elements of Gothic, loss of identity, love and hate, emotional and psychological decay, Power of the living over the Dead, and supernatural phenomena. Considering these thematic elements, discuss how they relate to the ultimate “fall” of the house of Usher. […]