Discipline: Literature

rewrite a portion of Virginia Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own using conventional languagerewrite a portion of Virginia Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own using conventional language

The assignment for this lesson is to rewrite a portion of Virginia Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own using conventional language. Your rewrite should show a solid understanding of Woolf’s meaning. At the end, you must write a short paragraph about the differences between the Woolf version of the passage and your paraphrased version. The […]

“Two Critiques of Imperialism,” that examines the treatment of colonialism in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness and Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels.“Two Critiques of Imperialism,” that examines the treatment of colonialism in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness and Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels.

The assignment for this lesson is to read a draft of an essay, “Two Critiques of Imperialism,” that examines the treatment of colonialism in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness and Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels. Then you’ll revise the essay to make it clearer and more persuasive. Try to make the use of rhetorical devices more […]

Make an argument about what you see as the meaning or message of the story in E.M. Forster’s “The Machine Stops”Make an argument about what you see as the meaning or message of the story in E.M. Forster’s “The Machine Stops”

Purpose: For this first academic essay assignment, you will continue honing writing skills that include summary and critical analysis. Although distinct, these two rhetorical moves are intimately related. They require you to develop a persuasive claim supported by evidence and analysis, to link your examples together, and to explain the significance of your claim to […]

Consider what we have referred to this semester as “the problem of knowledge.” What do the texts we have read this semester have to say about this problem?Consider what we have referred to this semester as “the problem of knowledge.” What do the texts we have read this semester have to say about this problem?

MUST HAVE KNOWLEDGE ABOUT THE TOPICS AND GO THROUGH ALL THE READING MATERIALS AND GIVEN PROFESSOR’S NOTES: Please submit an approximately 1300-word or more literature review essay (human-written, not AI generated, plagiarism-free, grammar-proof, error-proof) on the following topic: Consider what we have referred to this semester as “the problem of knowledge.” What do the texts we […]

Analyzing and comparing Carlos Bulosan’s “the growth of philippine culture” and discuss “Dogeaters” by jessica hagedornAnalyzing and comparing Carlos Bulosan’s “the growth of philippine culture” and discuss “Dogeaters” by jessica hagedorn

Choose EITHER Gary Okihiro’s “When and Where I Enter,” OR Carlos Bulosan’s “The Growth of Philippine Culture,” and discuss Dogeaters in light of the argument made by your chosen essay. Explain your choice of the critical/historical essay (either Okihiro’s or Bulson’s essay), and the connection it has to the novel. In what ways do the […]

Ethics of editing the human genome (Argumentative Paper (Connect the arguments to main thesis)Ethics of editing the human genome (Argumentative Paper (Connect the arguments to main thesis)

Paper 2 Guidelines Paper 2 will consist of an argumentative, analytical paper between 1800-2500 words that examines a contemporary or historical social problem or issue related to the themes of the second half of the course. In addition to at least one of the required readings, the paper will draw on at least two (2) […]

how is a combination of personal agency and circumstance the main determinant in how ones life unfolds?how is a combination of personal agency and circumstance the main determinant in how ones life unfolds?

Claim stating that a combination of personal agency and circustmance is the main determinant of someone’s life outcome or the way someone life is. Paragprah of ways personal agency effects your life Paragraph of ways circumstance effects your life Paragraph of Why personal agency and circumstance play the biggest role in your destiny/fate  Conclusion Example […]

Analyze the significance of barriers to communication in any one novel in the course: The Namesake OR The Wars OR Great ExpectationsAnalyze the significance of barriers to communication in any one novel in the course: The Namesake OR The Wars OR Great Expectations

Any one of the above mentioned novels can be used Choose one of the topics below, and write an essay of approximately 1000 words that develops an analytical argument Quotation needs to be mentioned from the novel to prove points of interpretation Thesis statement should be clear and working Essay needs to be written as […]

Discussion post: Answer 4 Topic Posts with 5-6 sentences each with supporting evidence from reading.Discussion post: Answer 4 Topic Posts with 5-6 sentences each with supporting evidence from reading.

The 4 Topics that need to be answered are listed Below instructions I have also attatched the reading file that is required to answer the topic questions as well as provididng quotations and examples There must be a minimum of 5-6 sentences per each of the 4 topics answered.  Must contain thought and analysis/opinions related to ideas […]