Discipline: Marketing

SWOT, Force FieldSWOT, Force Field

Learning Goal: I’m working on a marketing writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn. The attachment has the details and references. I’ve also attached the previous WA2 for reference of the previous project portion.


Critical ThinkingMax Marks-15 Reading required: – Read Chapter 10, 11, 15 and 17 carefully and then answer the following questions based on your understanding. Grocery chains such as Abdullah Al-Othaim Markets track consumers purchasing habits through store loyalty cards like Iktisab. These cards collect purchasing data and build consumer profiles. How can grocers like Abdullah […]

Mini ProjectMini Project

Learning Goal: I’m working on a marketing project and need support to help me learn. Assignment Overview:Analyze a real scenario and identify problems or decisions to be made (if any), and come upwith possible solutions/conclusions. Overall aim:Train the critical thinking skills that are necessary to be a marketing manager and makedecisions related to marketing management […]

Om mayar_martingOm mayar_marting

Critical ThinkingMax Marks-15 Reading required: – Read Chapter 10, 11, 15 and 17 carefully and then answer the following questions based on your understanding. Grocery chains such as Abdullah Al-Othaim Markets track consumers’ purchasing habits through store loyalty cards like Iktisab. These cards collect purchasing data and build consumer profiles. How can grocers like Abdullah […]


Learning Goal: I’m working on a marketing case study and need support to help me learn. Critical ThinkingMax Marks-15 Reading required: – Read Chapter 10, 11, 15 and 17carefully and then answerthe following questions based onyour understanding. 1. Grocery chains such as Abdullah Al-Othaim Markets track consumers’ purchasing habits through store loyalty cards like Iktisab. […]