Discipline: Mathematics - Statistics

3-3 Final Project Data Analysis Milestone Two: Describe the Data3-3 Final Project Data Analysis Milestone Two: Describe the Data

 With the data uploaded into StatCrunch (see the Module One non-graded StatCrunch activity for more information) and the health question you will explore identified, it is time to complete the following tasks: Describe the data set using summary statistics. Identify any limitations you think the data has. Identify the variables you will use in your […]

3-2 Problem Set: Probability3-2 Problem Set: Probability

Please do worksheet attached 3-2 Problem Set Helps Remember all steps and the calculations must be shown (or StatCrunch output), or full points will not be given for the problem.  Just writing down the answer is not sufficient. You can type them into a word document,  write them out by hand, scan them, or take […]