Discipline: Medicine and Health

Synthesis Essay Two Health Approach Focus Medicine and epidemiology – Prompt in instructionsSynthesis Essay Two Health Approach Focus Medicine and epidemiology – Prompt in instructions

Instructions: Your essay should be 2 pages in length, with 12 point font, 1 inch page margins, and single spaced. You must include at least six citations (key journal articles that you reference within the essay), and these should be listed in a ‘Literature Cited’ section that is on your third page of the essay document. […]

Thyroid disorders- comparative statistics in a powerpoint presentation + a word file with explanation for the pptThyroid disorders- comparative statistics in a powerpoint presentation + a word file with explanation for the ppt

It is a simple semester group project. I will present 3 slides for comparative statistics. The topic is thyroid disorders. So I need 3-4 slides with statistical analysis with some tests, like the example I sent you… for example a t-test on variables and I will give you an example… from the ones my fellow […]

knowledge of evidence-based assessment and intervention practices to facilitate nutritional health and safe swallowing for people at-risk for or diagnosed with dementia.knowledge of evidence-based assessment and intervention practices to facilitate nutritional health and safe swallowing for people at-risk for or diagnosed with dementia.

In your responses to the specific questions/prompts, you will be asked to demonstrate  your knowledge of evidence-based assessment and intervention practices to facilitate nutritional health and safe swallowing for people at-risk for, or diagnosed with dementia. I  have attached the assigned article to reflect on:  Montessori mealtimes for dementia: A pathway to person-centred care. 1.  What […]

Synthesis Essay One Health Approach Focus Medicine and epidemiology – Prompt in instructionsSynthesis Essay One Health Approach Focus Medicine and epidemiology – Prompt in instructions

Synthesis Essay 1 Topic:  Take a One Health Approach. How are demographic transitions different between North America, Europe, and Africa? Include key aspects of fertility, mortality and migration. -Included some class resources that can be used. -Proper University Level English Grammar  -For an Upper tier UC School.  Class resources: maximum of 2 references can be […]

Discuss the role nurse plays in COVID vaccination mandate, telemedicine, and prescription drug pricing as advocates in the healthcare system.Discuss the role nurse plays in COVID vaccination mandate, telemedicine, and prescription drug pricing as advocates in the healthcare system.

Nurses are well positioned for reforming health care in ways that promote a healthier public and reduce healthcare cost. Discuss the role nurse plays in COVID vaccination mandate, telemedicine, and prescription drug pricing as advocates in the healthcare system. Rationale must be provided May use examples from your nursing practice

The role of gut health and its impact it has on your mental and physical health.The role of gut health and its impact it has on your mental and physical health.

There are three major parts to this assignment: 1) works cited page2) a petition arguing that your topic/issue requires immediate attention 3) evidence backed up by research 1. Your works cited page must contain at least 7 scholarly sources with correct MLA citation  2. You will then take your research and draft a 9 page […]

Write a Journal to reflect on your clinical strengths and opportunities for improvement, the progress you made, and what insights you will carry forward into your next practicumWrite a Journal to reflect on your clinical strengths and opportunities for improvement, the progress you made, and what insights you will carry forward into your next practicum

To Prepare Refer to the “Population-Focused Nurse Practitioner Competencies” in the Learning Resources, and consider the quality measures or indicators advanced practice nurses must possess in your specialty. Refer to your “Clinical Skills Self-Assessment Form” you submitted in Week 1 and consider your strengths and opportunities for improvement. Uploaded (WK1 Assignment2 IkwuegbuA .docx) Refer to […]

Critically review the mechanisms by which RAS oncogenes drive cell proliferation, transformation and tumorigenesis and explain how this knowledge has been used to guide cancer therapy.Critically review the mechanisms by which RAS oncogenes drive cell proliferation, transformation and tumorigenesis and explain how this knowledge has been used to guide cancer therapy.

Be able to critically review the mechanisms of RAS oncogenes  Might be helpful to describe RAS oncogenes in great detail, FIGURES NEEDED PLEASE.  How these mechanisms trigger proliferation, transformation and tumorigenesis that has lead to approaches for cancer therapy.  Expectations Avoid repeating the same point, try to counter points, if necessarry.  In text citations would […]

the problem facing the targeted population, the surgical intervention that could help increase their equity and why they lack access to the available treatment. How can we as healthcare professionals help to break down barrier that prevent health equity?the problem facing the targeted population, the surgical intervention that could help increase their equity and why they lack access to the available treatment. How can we as healthcare professionals help to break down barrier that prevent health equity?

Select a surgical procedure that has the potential to help increase health equity for a “special population” •Write 2-4 page analysis of the problem facing the targeted population, the surgical intervention that could help increase their equity and why they lack access to the available treatment. How can we as healthcare professionals help to break […]

Assess whether neuroinflammation is a causative factor in the neuropathology associated with ischemic stroke.Assess whether neuroinflammation is a causative factor in the neuropathology associated with ischemic stroke.

Conclude your answer with a 200-250 word synthesis of your findings suitable for consideration by non-expert biotech investors who are interested in financing potential treatments for ischemic stroke.  1. In text citations would be appreciated e,g (XYZ et al, 2001)  3. Figures and tables would be appreciated as well to support the information relayed but […]