Discipline: Medicine and Health

Upgrade Sun Medical Center Vietnam’s management model to combat COVID -19 pandemic crisis and seminary disease in the coming year.Upgrade Sun Medical Center Vietnam’s management model to combat COVID -19 pandemic crisis and seminary disease in the coming year.

  Chapter 3. Chapter 4 and Chapter 5, and Abstract as format and requirements attached,  including the proof of reading and experimental conduct as questions list and respondents, interview notes, and documents., 

Critical Literature review of the Humanities disciplines and topic in Health Professions EducationCritical Literature review of the Humanities disciplines and topic in Health Professions Education

Vancouver referencing Part A. Critical Literature reviewConcept Planner.docx Concept Planner.docx – Alternative Formats Form A Peer Review Concept Plan.docx Form A Peer Review Concept Plan.docx – Alternative Formats FORM B Peer feedback on literature review.docx FORM B Peer feedback on literature review.docx – Alternative FormatsIMED5813 Lit Review RUBRIC with Marks for LMS.xlsx 5813_Lit_Review_TII.pdf 5813_Lit_Review_TII.pdf – […]

The PA’s Role in Addressing (Your Group’s Trafficking Typology): A PICOT AnalysisThe PA’s Role in Addressing (Your Group’s Trafficking Typology): A PICOT Analysis

We made an initial powerpoint with a PICOT question. Which we submitted the attached powerpoint. Now we are to add 5 slides with the following Assignment Instructions: The last product of the PICOT analysis process, The PA’s Role in Addressing (Your Group’s Trafficking Typology): A PICOT Analysis. The purpose of the presentation is a “ready for prime-time” […]

Fact sheet on the impact of autoimmune gastritis, with significant parietal cell atrophy, on nutrition status and subsequent dietary intake.Fact sheet on the impact of autoimmune gastritis, with significant parietal cell atrophy, on nutrition status and subsequent dietary intake.

For this assessment task, you will design and develop 1 x A4 page (one-sided) fact sheet. you will decide what information will be included in the fact sheet Topic: the impact of autoimmune gastritis, with significant parietal cell atrophy, on nutrition status and subsequent dietary intake. Length and/or format:  One-page, single-sided, minimum font size = […]

classwork – Separate the following terms into prefixes, root words, combining vowels, and suffixes. Then define each term.classwork – Separate the following terms into prefixes, root words, combining vowels, and suffixes. Then define each term.

  Separate the following terms into prefixes, root words, combining vowels, and suffixes.  Then define each term. 1.  Pseudocyesis 2.  Hemolysis 3.  Erythrocyte 4.  Multigravida 5.  Monochorionic 6.  Postpartum 7.  Neonate 8.  Ectopic 9.  primipara 10.  Preeclampsia 11.  Erythroblastosis fetalis 12.  Oligohydraminos 13.  Homeostasis 14.  Hemodialysis 15.  Hematopoieses

Factual information most helpful for attendee & theurapeutic nurse client relationship techniquesFactual information most helpful for attendee & theurapeutic nurse client relationship techniques

please respond to this post Elisa Carter E/W Hybrid Discussion Board NUR 2322 1st Question Younger Lady and her mother who is on an antidepressant: Let start by explaining that one side effect experienced by one may not be experienced by the another. Especially in the elderly population. People especially the elders metabolize medications slower […]

Key article Evaluation using CASP checklist and critically appraised topic reportKey article Evaluation using CASP checklist and critically appraised topic report

As a part of this project i have already finished research memo where i highlighted importance of direct anterior surgical approach over other surgical approaches to treat Osteoarthritic hip pain. In the second part of the assignment, I wrote small summary of 3 peer reviewed articles that I am going to use for this final […]

Atrial septal defect in pediatric patients: best material for biodegrable Atrial septal defect occludersAtrial septal defect in pediatric patients: best material for biodegrable Atrial septal defect occluders

This research paper needs to be college level and needs to stick to the topic of pedriatic patients and cardiology.  1) Must follow the JSR format to the T: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1r49Q5_O9b_RLFvrwT1npg63rv7QHUG0V/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=104977632590580899142&rtpof=true&sd=true 2) Need copious amounts of pictures drawn on your own using Biorender. 3) If possible remove the Biorender water mark. 4) Need graphs (non-negotiable) 5) […]

Addressing Mental Health Population to avoid Fast readmission to Hospitals and FacilitiesAddressing Mental Health Population to avoid Fast readmission to Hospitals and Facilities

ALL is done. The only remaining is to put the paper together and add some points.  Students will build on previously completed work in the required sections. Include a clear problem statement. Establish synthesis of literature and evidence-based practice in all content sections. Apply cultural competency and literacy concepts within the background section and the […]

Article critique “The HemoScreen hematology point-of-care device is suitable for rapid evaluation of acute leukemia patients”Article critique “The HemoScreen hematology point-of-care device is suitable for rapid evaluation of acute leukemia patients”

Using ONE of the articles provided in this module, students should briefly summarize the following information:  SUMMARY/ABSTRACT: Identify key elements found in the summary that explain the purpose, rationale and/or study question explored in this research article. INTRODUCTION/METHODS: Briefly correlate the methods proposed by the authors with the information presented in the introduction of the article. RESULTS/DISCUSSION/CONCLUSION: […]