Discipline: Nursing


Module 05 Content Competency: Prioritize care of the client with medical emergencies. Scenario: You are an LPN working in a small town emergency room. Your manager reports that recent patient satisfaction surveys indicate people are dissatisfied because patients are not seen by the provider in chronological order. This makes people feel they are not receiving […]

Discussion Make sure you provide 2 references and utilize APA style.. . Discussion RubricDiscussion Make sure you provide 2 references and utilize APA style.. . Discussion Rubric

  L.N. is a 49-year-old white woman with a history of type 2 diabetes, obesity, hypertension, and migraine headaches. The patient was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 9 years ago when she presented with mild polyuria and polydipsia. L.N. is 5′4″ and has always been on the large side, with her weight fluctuating between 165 […]

Community Teaching Plan & EvaluationCommunity Teaching Plan & Evaluation

  After reviewing Module 6: Lecture Materials & Resources, explain approaches to community intervention and evaluation. Implement a teaching and evaluation plan. Choose one topic from the prevention strategies and intervention recommendations identified in Module 4 Assignment. Develop a teaching plan, including objective, content outline, teaching method, and time in a table format found in […]

Case Study 3: anxiety disordersCase Study 3: anxiety disorders

  Case Study 3: anxiety disorders Please read the following chapter and respond to the following questions. Manualized Cognitive theraphy for anxiety nd depression.pdf . What are the pros and cons of using a CBT treatment manual with adults?  Discuss fidelity with flexibility.  2. What is an automatic negative thought that you “catch” yourself saying […]

Mood Stabilizing Agents Instructions: Case Discussion on Bipolar Disorder:Mood Stabilizing Agents Instructions: Case Discussion on Bipolar Disorder:

  Mood Stabilizing Agents Instructions: Case Discussion on Bipolar Disorder: Wendy is a 30-year-old, unemployed white female. She is no stranger to therapy, having seen counselors for most of her teen and adult years. Her friends would describe her as a “wild woman” who takes no crap from anyone. She has held various part-time jobs for […]

Legal and ethical issues.Legal and ethical issues.

  Go to the American Nurses Association website https://www.nursingworld.org/ Links to an external site. and find an article there about ethics and/or legal issues that interest you. Then, read and cite one of these articles in your discussion. Post your initial discussion post by Wednesday, and two response posts by Friday. Items to include in […]

Health Assessment Question #3Health Assessment Question #3

 After reviewing Chapter 5 of the Brinkley textbook and the Etre (2017) article, discuss surprising facts about the psychosocial care of the aging. Did you originally consider any of these as misconceptions, when in reality they may be based on evidence? How can nurses influence attitudes among caregivers and the public about aging? 

Health Assessment Question #2Health Assessment Question #2

  The CDC and Healthy People 2020 continue to educate on the importance, the improved ease of access and insurance coverage for screenings and vaccinations. It is the responsibility of nurses to engage our aging adults in self-advocating for services that benefit the individual and community health. How can you, as a registered nurse, impact […]