Discipline: Other

Trends in video game popularity: the relationship between video game time and video game choiceTrends in video game popularity: the relationship between video game time and video game choice

Chapter 1: Introduction Introduction to the problem Background of the study Statement of the problem Rationale Research question(s) Significance of the study Definitions of terms Assumptions & Limitations Theoretical/Conceptual Framework Here’s what you need to do now.  Please use the template to write out the introduction section with your new research question related to gaming. […]

4 page essay about the development of specific genre through different periods in film4 page essay about the development of specific genre through different periods in film

This class is film history, it focuses on films from 1890-1930s and how they have influenced film.  This order is for two assignments, the first one states “Each student will pitch an essay topic, including a thesis statement and brief outline (100 words) to a discussion board. ” you can use this topic for the […]

Student Acheivement on the ACT will increase when students are enrolled in ACT coursesStudent Acheivement on the ACT will increase when students are enrolled in ACT courses

Assignment Instructions: Review the attached Research Proposal Overview and the Good Example to gain a better understanding of what the final submission will require. Construct Chapters 1, 2, and 3, your reference list, and any appendicies for your Signature Project Stage 1 Research Proposal. Be sure to review the attached rubric that is aligned with this […]

dialogue between three individuals – John Locke Thomas Jefferson A slave on Thomas Jefferson’s estatedialogue between three individuals – John Locke Thomas Jefferson A slave on Thomas Jefferson’s estate

In 300 , compose or describe an inventive dialogue between three individuals: John Locke Thomas Jefferson A slave on Thomas Jefferson’s estate These three individuals should specifically discuss Locke’s idea of “life, liberty, and property” and Jefferson’s rephrasing of this principle as “life, liberty, and happiness.” Consider what the men believed these concepts to mean. […]

What are the many forms of transportation in logistics and why all of them are necessary in our global supply chain?What are the many forms of transportation in logistics and why all of them are necessary in our global supply chain?

 To whom it may concern, I have attached my project outline and thesis statement. My paper is to show important all forms of logistics transportation is. Please incorporate my thesis statement and outline. Instructions The Final Research Project will be 20-25 pages and due in week 8. The project must include a title page, table […]

Critical Thought: Ethics, Religion, and Tough Moral Issues Case Study Writing AssignmentCritical Thought: Ethics, Religion, and Tough Moral Issues Case Study Writing Assignment

 Minimum 2-3 pages, Times Roman, Font 12, Double-spaced.  Paragraph #1: Introduction/Thesis  Paragraph #2: Answer the following question: Is it right to produce a child to save the life or health of someone else?  Paragraph #3: Answer the following question: Do the scriptures of the three major Western religions provide guidance on this question?  Paragraph #4: […]

Select one of The Department of Homeland Security’s international agreements and provide background, the purpose and benefits of the agreement, the key stakeholders, and the terms of the agreement.Select one of The Department of Homeland Security’s international agreements and provide background, the purpose and benefits of the agreement, the key stakeholders, and the terms of the agreement.

DHS works closely with international partners, including foreign governments, major multilateral organizations, and global businesses, to strengthen the homeland security of the United States. These agreements involve international trade, security, travel, and global economies. For example, DHS is engaged internationally and has stationed homeland personnel in over 75 foreign nations.   Select one of DHS’s […]

Travel Log: Ancient Greece The Peloponnesian War between Athens and Sparta 431-404 BCETravel Log: Ancient Greece The Peloponnesian War between Athens and Sparta 431-404 BCE

Purpose: Learners will create a travel journal or log about an imaginary trip they take back in time to a period, region, and culture studied during this course to assess students’ ability to describe the significance of cultural achievements of World Civilizations. Description: Students will create a travel journal about their travels back to one […]

Describe the steps in the research design process. Be sure to use specific terminology related to research design and include a discussion on the steps to effective research design.Describe the steps in the research design process. Be sure to use specific terminology related to research design and include a discussion on the steps to effective research design.

SEE ATTACHED pdf. Describe the steps in the research design process. Be sure to use specific terminology related to research design  and include a discussion on the steps to effective research design. How does research design differ from research methods? Based on the information you researched, how would you develop a plan regarding for data collection […]

Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or othersDiscuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others

Planning to write about how I landed up doing a street medicine volunteer program in india forcefully but how it opened my eyes abt the healthcare disparities between usa and india. It should also show how I dint realize the luxuries we all have we don’t understand the hardships. Describe india a bit. How it […]