Discipline: Other

Topic can be Bioethics, genetics in the news/current events, or review of technique.Topic can be Bioethics, genetics in the news/current events, or review of technique.

The guidelines for the essays are as follows: ·Minimum 4 references required. ·Times new Roman, size 12. ·Topic can be Bioethics, genetics in the news/current events, or review of technique. ·Must be related to genetics. •The topics for the essay can be bioethics, genetics current events/news, or a review of a technique or any other […]

Social research paperSocial research paper

https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/08/30/climate/how-much-hotter-is-your-hometown.html https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/03/23/climate/arctic-ice-maximum.html?action=click&module=RelatedLinks&pgtype=Articlehttps://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/08/30/climate/how-much-hotter-is-your-hometown.html https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/03/23/climate/arctic-ice-maximum.html?action=click&module=RelatedLinks&pgtype=Article Chapters 4-7 as wellChapters 4-7 as well

Rhetorical Analysis: Contemporary Issue Related to Digital CommunicationRhetorical Analysis: Contemporary Issue Related to Digital Communication

Assignment: Proofread and make necessary edit, to the uploaded document, for the researched analysis of an issue related to digital rhetoric.create a researched analysis of an issue related to digital rhetoric. Do a rhetorical analysis of a current issue, topic, concern, etc. using one of the theories we have studied as a lens for your […]

Write a multi-paragraph narrative essay about The Moment that changed Everything.Write a multi-paragraph narrative essay about The Moment that changed Everything.

Your narrative essay should cleary explain: your moment and how you changed as a result of it. The first paragraph will introduce the topic by graphing the reader’s attention in an interesting way. Remember that your goal is to show your moment with vivid detail rather than just telling the reader what happened. This means […]

Marvin ECON202 Research Project 1: The National DebtMarvin ECON202 Research Project 1: The National Debt

During the Great Recession, like any other economic downturn, unemployment rises, aggregate income declines, and there is a major decline in tax collections. At the same time, increased unemployment causes spending on safety-net programs to rise. In response to these situations, government appears to have only two options (neither good) to stabilize the national economy: […]