Discipline: Other

Essay about accidentEssay about accident

The essay doesn’t need to be that long, just three paragraphs. It has to be in the first person.  I just have just this instruction from my professor “Your assignment is to write a short story, three paragraphs long, describing any kind of accident you’ve had in the past.”

Discussion LADiscussion LA

Learning Goal: I’m working on a other discussion question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. This week we are reading about curriculum planning for health and safety in our classrooms. This discussion post is a mini-assignment this week! You will be creating a lesson plan! You will need to do a […]


Learning Goal: I’m working on a other question and need a sample draft to help me learn. earning Objective: Examine and critically evaluate both theories in development (from conception through death) Instructions: Please watch the corresponding videos in order to supplement your understanding of Attachment Theory for this activity: The theory at issue for this […]

HS 3370 Week 8HS 3370 Week 8

Learning Goal: I’m working on a other question and need guidance to help me learn. In your text, on page 239, read the 9 nonspecific goals listed in the box entitled, “Homework Exercise 13.2, Developing Measurable and Specific Goals.” Once you have read all 9, choose 5 that you will rework/reword to make them more […]

HS 3370 XTIA DiscussionHS 3370 XTIA Discussion

Learning Goal: I’m working on a other question and need guidance to help me learn. This is the final few weeks of the course and after reading your discussion posts, it is important to know what new insights you have developed in regards to effective communication. What do you believe is the cornerstone of communication […]

Hs 3375 XTIAHs 3375 XTIA

Learning Goal: I’m working on a other question and need guidance to help me learn. Go to http://www.selectsmart.com/RELIGION/ (Links to an external site.) and complete the scale to measure your religion. You will select: “Spiritual Belief System Selector”, once the link opens. After completing the survey, submit it and review the feedback that you will […]

Critique an artworkCritique an artwork

Learning Goal: I’m working on a other question and need guidance to help me learn. select a work of fine art and interpret its meaning in the context of one of the five critical perspectives we studied in this module. Work to uncover the meaning in the image you choose, then explain how your particular […]