Discipline: Philosophy

Write a 5-7 page essay that explains how Confucianism changed from the time of the ancient world to the modern worldWrite a 5-7 page essay that explains how Confucianism changed from the time of the ancient world to the modern world

Write a 5-7 page essay (minimum 1,300 words in the body text) that explains how this religion has changed from the time of the ancient world to the modern world by (1) describing the religion in its earliest forms; (2) describing how modern events and ideas (i.e., those having taken place after the 1400s CE) […]

Why does Descartes undertake to put all of his beliefs in doubt? Is this necessary for this purpose? Explain.Why does Descartes undertake to put all of his beliefs in doubt? Is this necessary for this purpose? Explain.

A good essay will: Describe the task that Descartes set for himself and his reasoning for doing so. Respond by agreeing or disagreeing with Descartes that doubting all of your beliefs is the only way to accomplish this task. Note: Essays should be 600-800 words, double-spaced throughout, and use 12-point font, and include at least two […]

1. Can you think of a way the Euthyphro dilemma could be given in response to the claim that human rights are determined by a supreme being?1. Can you think of a way the Euthyphro dilemma could be given in response to the claim that human rights are determined by a supreme being?

Take a look, once again, at Plato’s Euthyphro.  The Euthyphro dilemma may be proposed in response to the claim that there is a divine basis for morality.  Although we haven’t talked much about human rights yet (don’t worry, we’ll get there!), respond to the following in approximately 500-600 words:   1. Can you think of […]

Answer the question you chose in a response that is a minimum of 2-3 paragraphs. Be sure to explain your answers and give reasons for your views.Answer the question you chose in a response that is a minimum of 2-3 paragraphs. Be sure to explain your answers and give reasons for your views.

According to Plato, are the ideas of Beauty and Courage objectively real, or are they notions that we invent in our minds whenever we want to? Do you think these ideas are objectively real? Provide an argument to back up your answer. Notice:  Do NOT use any other sources besides the textbook.

demonstrating your ability to analyze an ethical issue within your discipline or field.demonstrating your ability to analyze an ethical issue within your discipline or field.

Assignment: In this paper, you will be demonstrating your ability to analyze an ethical issue within your discipline or field. This will entail researching a specific act of unethical conduct. However, most of the paper will be dedicated to deciphering the ethical dilemma, analyzing the ethical issues, and applying ethical reasoning and a moral theory […]

explain the difference between the two attitudes toward scientific theories known as “realism” and “instrumentalismexplain the difference between the two attitudes toward scientific theories known as “realism” and “instrumentalism

prompt : Which attitude towards scientific theories seems best to you: realism or instrumentalism? Use the text and lectures to make an argument to support your position.    https://youtu.be/sv8FsjTnmwo?feature=shared https://youtu.be/sdZneY9OVv8?feature=shared

Consider the the mind-body problem and Cartesian dualism and Elisabeth’s problem of interaction. For this essay, you must present Descartes’ argument for mind-body dualism and then Elisabeth’s objection.Consider the the mind-body problem and Cartesian dualism and Elisabeth’s problem of interaction. For this essay, you must present Descartes’ argument for mind-body dualism and then Elisabeth’s objection.

What your paper should contain: The issue: First, you must next state, clearly, simply, and accurately, what the issue under debate is. What, in a single sentence, is at issue for your chosen author? And what is the importance of that issue? In short, give the philosophical motivation for the question you are asking. Why should […]

Using the material on moral compasses from weeks 1 and 2, write a paper of no less than 500 wordsUsing the material on moral compasses from weeks 1 and 2, write a paper of no less than 500 words

In a section titled “Theories” identify the 1-3 moral theories you will use to build your compass (deontological, utilitarian, common good, virtue, etc.) along with a short documented definition for each theory. [“documented” in the sense of citing and referencing your source.] In a section titled “Explanation” explain for each theory how it would help […]

In the “Crito” Socrates argues that it is morally correct for him to stay in prison and be executed, even though he did nothing wrong. Is he correct?In the “Crito” Socrates argues that it is morally correct for him to stay in prison and be executed, even though he did nothing wrong. Is he correct?

  In the dialogue “Crito”, Socrates is given the chance to escape from prison and avoid being wrongly executed. He tells Crito “If escaping is the right thing to do, then I will do it. But if it’s not right, I won’t.” Crito then attempts to show him why it would be right to escape. Socrates quickly dismisses his […]

Thrasymachus offers an interesting opinion in Book I of the Rebpublic. He suggests, beginning in section 340, that: When someone makes an error in the treatment of patients, do you call him a doctor in regard to that very error?Thrasymachus offers an interesting opinion in Book I of the Rebpublic. He suggests, beginning in section 340, that: When someone makes an error in the treatment of patients, do you call him a doctor in regard to that very error?

What in the world is Thrasymachus talking about? How are knowledge and error (or ignorance) related to performing a craft? Does one “know” they are making an error, and if not, do they actually “know” their trade when they make such an error?   Let me give an example from my own experience: I like […]