Discipline: Philosophy

Critically analyze and compare the political philosophies of libertarianism, liberalism, and communitarianismCritically analyze and compare the political philosophies of libertarianism, liberalism, and communitarianism

In a 1000-1500 word essay, critically analyze and compare the political philosophies of libertarianism, liberalism, and communitarianism. Your essay should provide a clear understanding of each philosophy, explore their respective core principles, values, and assumptions, and discuss how each philosophy addresses the role of the individual, the state, and the community in society. Additionally, consider […]

Does Heraclitus think human beings are able to come to a knowledge of ultimate reality?Does Heraclitus think human beings are able to come to a knowledge of ultimate reality?

Write a 4-page paper using this topic: Does Heraclitus think human beings are able to come to a knowledge of ultimate reality? When writing a philosophy paper, it is very important to focus on clarity and concision. Clearly express your thesis statement (the position you will be arguing for) and say no more and no […]

Research project on love and friendship on one of the four topics in the instructions.Research project on love and friendship on one of the four topics in the instructions.

Here is the assignment by the teacher: The Research paper is the most substantial assignment of the semester, and  virtually all students will have to complete some form of the paper in order to  receive a respectable grade in the class. However, the paper will be graded on a sliding scale, as described below. In […]

Module 5 Assignment: Teleological and Cosmological Argument Essay Submission FolderModule 5 Assignment: Teleological and Cosmological Argument Essay Submission Folder

In the words of Peter Kreeft, “The idea of God is either a fact, like sand, or a fantasy, like Santa.” This is the fundamental question raised in Module 5. Namely, what are we rationally entitled to conclude about God’s potential existence? And if God does exist, what type of God is supported by empirical […]

Do you agree that these men should be punished for their crimes and instead should be placed in a mental institution so they can receive medical help?Do you agree that these men should be punished for their crimes and instead should be placed in a mental institution so they can receive medical help?

Evaluate the work of Jim Fallon in light of the discussion by Nagel and Wolf. Nagel argues that we can be held accountable only for those actions that are within our control. Fallon’s research suggests that the brain-damaged men in his study cannot control their propensity for violence, given the extent of their brain damage […]

Response paper to T. Pogge’s article “How Should Human Rights Be Conceived?”Response paper to T. Pogge’s article “How Should Human Rights Be Conceived?”

wrtite a two page response paper to T. Pogge’s article “How Should Human Rights Be Conceived?”T. Pogge’s article “How Should Human Rights Be Conceived?”, following the quiding questions. Discussion questions: 3- Explain what Pogge means when he states that Human rights are “moral claims upon the organization of one’s society.” What is your evaluation of […]

The aim of this paper is to take a classic text, in this case Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics on friendship, and apply it to a contemporary issue involving friendship.The aim of this paper is to take a classic text, in this case Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics on friendship, and apply it to a contemporary issue involving friendship.

 I DONT KNOW WHAT STYLE ITS SUPPOSED TO BE BUT LMK IF U HAVE ANY QUESTIONS AIM: The aim of this paper is to take a classic text, in this case Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics on friendship, and apply it to a contemporary issue involving friendship. PDF versions of Books VIII (Chapters 1-7) and IX (Chapters […]

Explain the problem of God’s foreknowledge and human freedom, and the different solutions St. Augustine offers to solve it.Explain the problem of God’s foreknowledge and human freedom, and the different solutions St. Augustine offers to solve it.

For your essay in this class, you’re going to pick one of the philosophers we’ve covered and explain one of their most influential arguments. You’ll explain the conclusions they reach and the premises they start from, along with the reasoning they use to reach that conclusion.For your essay in this class, you’re going to pick […]

This assignment presents another “What would you do?” scenario that necessitates ethical reasoning.This assignment presents another “What would you do?” scenario that necessitates ethical reasoning.

This assignment supports the following unit objectives:  Explain the main features of the ethical theories of Ruth Benedict and James Rachels, Plato, Aristotle, Kant, and Mill. Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of ethical relativism, ethical egoism, virtue ethics, deontological ethics, utilitarianism, and other major ethical theories discussed. Tasks Read the following thought experiment from Philippa […]

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of medicalization as the framework in which the integration of psychedelics into our society is pursued.Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of medicalization as the framework in which the integration of psychedelics into our society is pursued.

Hi thank you for your help. This is a final year philosophy essay about medicalisation of pscyadelics.  Typically it is best to weight the argument in favour of medicalisation/psychadelics in general for a better grade. Althugh both sides should be critically analysed with broader philisophical notions informing the essay. In all I am hoping your […]