Discipline: Philosophy

Critically analyze and compare the correspondence, coherence, and pragmatic theories of truthCritically analyze and compare the correspondence, coherence, and pragmatic theories of truth

Essay Prompt: In a 1000-1500 word essay, critically analyze and compare the correspondence, coherence, and pragmatic theories of truth. Your essay should provide a clear understanding of each theory, explore their respective strengths and weaknesses, and discuss how each theory addresses the nature of truth and its role in human knowledge. Additionally, consider the implications […]

ethical theories of Ruth Benedict and James Rachels, Plato, Aristotle, Kant, and Mill.ethical theories of Ruth Benedict and James Rachels, Plato, Aristotle, Kant, and Mill.

This Assignment presents anpther  what would you do ? Scenarion that necessitates ethical reaoning . Thought it might seem a bit far fetched, we often encounter similar situation . This assignment clarifies the importance of one’s ethical frameworks and demonstrates how different might be our decisions when operating under different ethical frameworks. This Assignment supports […]

argue for either the Psychological Continuity View or the Physical Continuity Viewargue for either the Psychological Continuity View or the Physical Continuity View

What relations constitute a person’s persistence over time? What do you think matters for survival as a person? Overlapping chains of psychological connectedness (i.e. memories, beliefs, goals, dispositions) (Locke 1689, Parfit 1984)? Relation R (Parfit 1984)? Or, sufficiently continuous physical realization of cognitive capacities (Unger 1990, Williams 1970)? What is at stake in the debate […]

A Team of Scientists on the Verge of Discovering a Cure For Aging VS Every nurse on earthA Team of Scientists on the Verge of Discovering a Cure For Aging VS Every nurse on earth

Story: A supernatural Trolley that destroys anything it touches has found its way to your world. The reluctant conductor approaches and says you must choose its target or everything in the universe will be vaporized.   Directions: 1. Spin the Wheel on the indicated website and write down the results, then spin the wheel again […]

What is Martin Gardner’s argument for the objectivist view of art? Do you agree? Why or why not?What is Martin Gardner’s argument for the objectivist view of art? Do you agree? Why or why not?

What is Martin Gardner’s argument for the objectivist view of art? Do you agree? Why or why not? Use Vaughn’s textbook to help you explain Gardner’s theory and its strengths and weaknesses. Choose an object, performance, or piece of writing as an example, and explain whether Gardner’s theory would classify the object as Art. Do […]

What can be learned from Eastern religions that could impact how one strives to live an ethical life?What can be learned from Eastern religions that could impact how one strives to live an ethical life?

Modules and readings give ample information to successfully answer what I ask. Additionally, it is possible to answer the exam in a single sentence if well-thought out and written. But that is not required. I want to see you state your thesis and able to defend it. I am looking for you to critical think through […]

Response to “Imperialism, Science and Religion: Two Essays” by Jamal al-Din al-Afghani, 1883 and 1884Response to “Imperialism, Science and Religion: Two Essays” by Jamal al-Din al-Afghani, 1883 and 1884

Need a response paper to “Imperialism, Science and Religion: Two Essays” by Jamal al-Din al-Afghani, 1883 and 1884. Also need to have 3 questions at the end of the response. Please use the source attached to this request. *PLEASE USE THE ATTACHED SOURCE MATERIAL* Discussions Reading Response: Due Every Thursday Students should write a short essay […]

Finding the Ancient in the Modern 19th century connections and 20th century connectionsFinding the Ancient in the Modern 19th century connections and 20th century connections

For Unit Five Reflection, write a 500 word reflection paper where you consider the ideas presented in Unit Five. What stuck out to you as important? Why? Can you draw a personal connection to the idea? Is there something from the last 10 years or so that relates to this idea? Explain the idea to […]

At the end of section II of Realism vs Constructive Empiricism, Musgrave argues that Van Fraassen’s treatment of the observable/unobservable distinction verges on the incoherent and another topic in the assignmentAt the end of section II of Realism vs Constructive Empiricism, Musgrave argues that Van Fraassen’s treatment of the observable/unobservable distinction verges on the incoherent and another topic in the assignment

You are requested to write two essays on two topics. Details are listed below.Topic 1: At the end of section II of Realism vs Constructive Empiricism, Musgrave argues that Van Fraassen’s treatment of the observable/unobservable distinction verges on the incoherent. 1. Explain his reasoning. (35points) 2. Evaluate his reasoning. (15 points total) a. You may […]