Discipline: Philosophy

business ethical issue featured in the TV show Better Call Saul (available on Netflix)business ethical issue featured in the TV show Better Call Saul (available on Netflix)

Students will analyze a particular business ethical issue featured in the TV showBetter Call Saul (available on Netflix. If students do not have access to a Netflix account, they can ask the instructor for alternatives). Must be an argumentative paper, which means that you must provide information about the topic as well as present an argument with supporting ideas and opposing ideas […]

The paper is the Research Paper on a topic of the student’s choice relating to the broad issue of global sustainability. (More info. is below on the instructions).The paper is the Research Paper on a topic of the student’s choice relating to the broad issue of global sustainability. (More info. is below on the instructions).

The second paper is the Research Paper on a topic of the student’s choice relating to the broad issue of global sustainability. To get ideas for a topic, explore the contents of the Global Sustainability folder found in the Module Six content. Once you have chosen a topic, complete and post-W. A. #4. The Research […]

Philosophy – Understanding of Kierkegaard, explain the relationship (if any) between faith and the meaning of life. Does faith make life more meaningful? Or does an inquiry into faith show that life is likely meaningless?Philosophy – Understanding of Kierkegaard, explain the relationship (if any) between faith and the meaning of life. Does faith make life more meaningful? Or does an inquiry into faith show that life is likely meaningless?

Please reflect on the following prompt, and write a paper in response: By way of your understanding of Kierkegaard, explain the relationship (if any) between faith and the meaning of life. Does faith make life more meaningful? Or does an inquiry into faith show that life is likely meaningless? Citations MUST refer to the book […]

Is Socrates destroying Athens, or trying to save it? Why? Support your answer with textual evidence from Euthyphro and Apology. (Picking the side he is trying to save it)Is Socrates destroying Athens, or trying to save it? Why? Support your answer with textual evidence from Euthyphro and Apology. (Picking the side he is trying to save it)

Paper Guidelines:  The following guidelines will be taken into consideration in the assessment of papers.  Understanding: Have you demonstrated a strong understanding of the text? Some signs that a student has strong understanding include: explaining textual material accurately, clearly and in their own words; elaborating on textual evidence; relating textual evidence related back to the […]

Comparing the Contents of the Decalogue and the Book of the Covenant–Exodus 20-23Comparing the Contents of the Decalogue and the Book of the Covenant–Exodus 20-23

Assignment:   Note:  This assignment’s topic and study is very complex. The history of the discussion in biblical scholarship is quite large and full of controversy.  The goal of this study is to lead you into awareness of some of the complexities when interpreting the Pentateuch.  You may want to refer to this week’s  optional […]

Reading Biblical Narratives from Genesis 4-11 “The Continuing Effects of the Fall.”Reading Biblical Narratives from Genesis 4-11 “The Continuing Effects of the Fall.”

Write an Interpretative Essay in which you analyze ONE of the sections of the Genesis narrative from Chapters 4-11:      Cain and Abel (4:1-26), or     Noah after the Flood (9:18-29), or     Table of Nations (10:1-32), or     Tower of Babel (11:1-9). Briefly describe the plot and characters in the narrative (Hint: […]

This is a written exam. This exam is an essay that takes information from real life. I want each of you to think about your jobs and the experiences you have had there. The focus of this should be an ethical issue that arose at work.This is a written exam. This exam is an essay that takes information from real life. I want each of you to think about your jobs and the experiences you have had there. The focus of this should be an ethical issue that arose at work.

This is a written exam. This exam is an essay that takes information from real life. I want each of you to think about your jobs and the experiences you have had there. The focus of this should be an ethical issue that arose at work. It can involve you or someone else you know. […]

The goal of this paper is to critically assess a particular philosopher’s argument for a particular conclusion.The goal of this paper is to critically assess a particular philosopher’s argument for a particular conclusion.

The goal of this paper is to critically assess a particular philosopher’s argument for a particularconclusion. You will pick one article that we have read in this class, summarize the essentialpoints of the author’s argument, and agree or disagree with the author’s argument. Write a paper like this is to give you the chance to […]

Political Philosophy finding out topic for research with regards to Philosophers : Plato ,Aristotle ,Cicero ,St. Augustine, St. Thomas AquinasPolitical Philosophy finding out topic for research with regards to Philosophers : Plato ,Aristotle ,Cicero ,St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas

The focusing point is Germane and, Focs. Submit a thoughtful topic description for your Final Research Paper on the history of political philosophy ( Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, St.Augustine, St.Thomas Aquinas). Submit a tentative thesis statement in approximately 25 words. Submit two (2) sources (minimum) relevant to your subject. Also, assess whether, and which, primary source materials you will use. […]

Kierkegaard thinks there are two main ways we create change in our lives in order to avoid boredom: crop rotation versus field rotation.Kierkegaard thinks there are two main ways we create change in our lives in order to avoid boredom: crop rotation versus field rotation.

Be sure to answer all parts of the following prompt for full credit, beginning with the main idea. Main Idea:  Kierkegaard thinks there are two main ways we create change in our lives in order to avoid boredom: crop rotation versus field rotation.  Using his text and my notes, define each of these and give a […]