Discipline: Physics

Calculate the average ratio of ten circular objects and place it under the chart, Insert a scatter plot graph with the y axis being circumference and the x axis being diameter using microsoft excel.Calculate the average ratio of ten circular objects and place it under the chart, Insert a scatter plot graph with the y axis being circumference and the x axis being diameter using microsoft excel.

Module 1: Physical Relationship Lab Directions: Gather up ten circular objects. The greater they vary in size the better. The first column in your chart should contain the names or some identifying description of each object you have chosen. The diameter and circumference of each object must be measured with a tool. They count as […]

This handout will cover three topics: 1. osmosis and sugar solutions in dialysis tubing 2. tonicity and living cells 3. diffusion of three dyes in a solidThis handout will cover three topics: 1. osmosis and sugar solutions in dialysis tubing 2. tonicity and living cells 3. diffusion of three dyes in a solid

When you fill out your worksheets digitally, you will highlight, change the font color, or preferably both, when typing out your answers. This will separate your answers from the rest of the text for ease of grading, as otherwise, I may miss your answers. If this is not completed, you will lose 2 points for each lab where this […]

Submit *4* Research papers that utilize any of the physic principles taught, (example sound waves) For each of the papers please give a 25 word reason why it was an example of the physic principles.Submit *4* Research papers that utilize any of the physic principles taught, (example sound waves) For each of the papers please give a 25 word reason why it was an example of the physic principles.

Submit *4* Research papers that utilize any of the physic principles taught, (example sound waves) For each of the papers please give a 25 word reason why it was an example of the physic principles. Sound wave Kinetic energy  Frequency  Voltage 

Experiment and Monte Carlo modelling of new cement-based materials for encapsulating nuclear waste.Experiment and Monte Carlo modelling of new cement-based materials for encapsulating nuclear waste.

Experiment and Monte Carlo modelling of new cement-based materials for encapsulating nuclear waste. Introduction ten pages:(1/Shielding properties of materials 2/Cement based materials 3Cement encapsulation) Experimental techniques like attenuation ten pages Monte Carlo techniques used for attenuation simulation like MCBEND  five pages Results 2 pages Discussion 2 pages Conclusion one page I will send the lab […]

Using the techniques you have studied in the chapter, balance the following chemical equations. Edit this document, replacing the blanks in front of each compound with the appropriate coefficient for the number of molecules of each compoundsUsing the techniques you have studied in the chapter, balance the following chemical equations. Edit this document, replacing the blanks in front of each compound with the appropriate coefficient for the number of molecules of each compounds

BALANCING CHEMICAL EQUATIONS ACTIVITYUsing the techniques you have studied in the chapter, balance the following chemical equations. Edit thisdocument, replacing the blanks in front of each compound with the appropriate coefficient for the number ofmolecules of each compouns required to balance the chemical reaction.Only edit the boxes by putting in the appropriate number to balance […]

For each of the compounds below, you must interpret the name of the ionic compound using the naming rules to decide what elements or polyatomic groups make up the compound.For each of the compounds below, you must interpret the name of the ionic compound using the naming rules to decide what elements or polyatomic groups make up the compound.

Predicting Ionic Compound Formulas ActivityIonic compounds are compounds composed of two substances which have a preferred ionic charge. The number of each type of compoundmust be balanced so that the ionic charge of the combination is zero, and the positive and negative charges balance. For each of the compoundsbelow, you must interpret the name of […]

please answer questions with clear and precise answers all answers must have clear stepsplease answer questions with clear and precise answers all answers must have clear steps

You must show all your work: no credit will be given for merely presenting the final answer without a complete solution. You need to show how your solution was developed: specifically, how each next line is obtained from the previous one. Making your solution obscure or ambiguous will never help you receive a better score. […]

Naming Compounds Activity The chemical formula for several common elements are given in the worksheet below. Using the techniques in Chapter 11, determine the proper name of these compounds and enter them in the column on the right.Naming Compounds Activity The chemical formula for several common elements are given in the worksheet below. Using the techniques in Chapter 11, determine the proper name of these compounds and enter them in the column on the right.

Naming Compounds ActivityThe chemical formula for several common elements are given in the worksheet below. Using thetechniques in Chapter 11, determine the proper name of these compounds and enter them in thecolumn on the right. Save your document as a .DOC, .RTF or .PDF file and upload it to the dropbox

In this project, you will conduct an inquiry project to draw a Causal conclusion to a question in PHYSICAL SCIENCE.In this project, you will conduct an inquiry project to draw a Causal conclusion to a question in PHYSICAL SCIENCE.

Come up with a testable question, identify the variables, design the inquiry procedure, implement your project, collect and analyze the data, and draw conclusions. Project Goals:  • To investigate a physics-oriented question of interest to you  • To practice skills of scientific inquiry  • To apply and analyze causal reasoning.   I have included the template […]

demonstrate your understanding of a target concept addressed in a unit by applying it in a real-life phenomenon. This assignment is composed of two parts.demonstrate your understanding of a target concept addressed in a unit by applying it in a real-life phenomenon. This assignment is composed of two parts.

Part 1. Phenomenon introduction ·         Identify a real-life phenomenon related to kinetic energy. ·         Describe the phenomenon in an appropriate way so that other people can easily understand what the phenomenon of interest is. Part 2. Phenomenon explanation ·         Explain the phenomenon of interest with correct physics content knowledge ·         Include at least two representations […]