Discipline: Physiology

how you can make a flow chart to explain one anabolic or catabolic process in the body.how you can make a flow chart to explain one anabolic or catabolic process in the body.

For this week’s discussion, you are required to create a flow chart of an anabolic or catabolic function.  NOTE: This cannot be taken from a resource and cited, but must be original work.  Non-original work will receive a zero.  To do this, consider using software such as PowerPoint, or online resources such as canva.com.  Consider how you […]


For this assignment, you will submit a word document including a purpose statement, a full outline of your proposed literature review, as well as a complete, APA formatted reference page.  The outline should include at a minimum, the subheadings and proposed material for each section (bullet lists of ideas are acceptable).  Ten, primary research articles […]

Description In this discussion, you will examine ways in which people may develop CNS problems because of drug abuse.Description In this discussion, you will examine ways in which people may develop CNS problems because of drug abuse.

Description In this discussion, you will examine ways in which people may develop CNS problems because of drug abuse. Objectives Classify the different types of neuroglia cells. List the structural and functional classification of neurons. Instructions Step 1: Respond to the following: For people to be healthy, their central nervous systems need to function properly. […]

Research Paper Topics: The explanation of each topic will be on a separate handout. Brain Injuries and their Psychological Consequences Phobia: How Classical Conditioning Helps Explain Fear The Relevance of Three Theories of EmotionResearch Paper Topics: The explanation of each topic will be on a separate handout. Brain Injuries and their Psychological Consequences Phobia: How Classical Conditioning Helps Explain Fear The Relevance of Three Theories of Emotion

The Psychology Research Topic paper is a written assignment for you to identify an area in the field of general psychology that interests you. From the notes you’ve taken from the PowerPoints, you will discover that the course presents a wide array of topics. This is an opportunity for you to write and submit a three-page, double-spaced, […]

patient has a chronically low potassium level due to poor diet. Which hormone would be secreted to help raise he potassium levels? What structure would that hormone would act on and what specific actions would occur to help raise her potassium levels?patient has a chronically low potassium level due to poor diet. Which hormone would be secreted to help raise he potassium levels? What structure would that hormone would act on and what specific actions would occur to help raise her potassium levels?

Your patient has a chronically low potassium level due to poor diet.  Which hormone would be secreted to help raise he potassium levels?  What structure would that hormone would act on and what specific actions would occur to help raise her potassium levels? a.      You must give at least 2 physiological process involved/happening in the […]

1. What affect do beta blockers have on cardiac output and hemodynamics? Which specific structures do these medications affect?1. What affect do beta blockers have on cardiac output and hemodynamics? Which specific structures do these medications affect?

1.      What affect do beta blockers have on cardiac output and  hemodynamics?  Which specific structures do these medications affect? a.      You must give at least 2 physiological process involved/happening in the assigned case b.      Briefly describe the relevant anatomy c.      You must cite where you got your information from.  This does not have to be […]

What effect does stress have on blood pressure? What neurotransmitters are involved? What specific structures do they effect and what affect do those neurotransmitters have on those specific structure?What effect does stress have on blood pressure? What neurotransmitters are involved? What specific structures do they effect and what affect do those neurotransmitters have on those specific structure?

You must give at least 2 physiological process involved/happening in the assigned case  Briefly describe the relevant anatomy  You must cite where you got your information from.  This does not have to be in APA format it can simply be the source and page number.  Websites are fine, but it must be a pear reviewed or a […]

Discuss Acidosis and Alkalosis that cause “shift” of the serum potassium that may produce serious cardiac rhythm abnormalitiesDiscuss Acidosis and Alkalosis that cause “shift” of the serum potassium that may produce serious cardiac rhythm abnormalities

1. Discuss the ‘shift’ into and out of the cell that occurs with both alterations of the pH. 2. Describe what the body is trying to accomplish by such “shifts” of hydrogen and potassium (these are compensatory mechanisms.) 3. Provide appropriate pathophysiology and then a brief discussion of the potential cardiac dysrhythmias resulting from each […]