Discipline: Political Science

Are standardized tests for college admissions exams reliable predicters (measures) for academic success?Are standardized tests for college admissions exams reliable predicters (measures) for academic success?

Craft a Literature Grid and Literate Map. The literature review should explain what we know on this topic, how we came to this knowledge, and what gap in this body of knowledge your research will fill. The literature review must be concise, correct, and thorough. You need to include both the seminal works in your […]

a comparative analysis on Saudi Arabia and UAE on how they use urban development as a soft power toola comparative analysis on Saudi Arabia and UAE on how they use urban development as a soft power tool

basically i’m almost done with my research but i had the last chance to edit and rewrite some parts which is all clear in the Word document. also she wanted me to add more points of soft power which i also attached a friends work on soft power. also please research about comparative research from […]

John C. Calhoun, Abraham Lincoln, and William Graham Sumner— AND Emerson and Thoreau, the great poet Whitman, Abolitionists and Recon- structionists, prophets of national expansion, and critics of American inequality.John C. Calhoun, Abraham Lincoln, and William Graham Sumner— AND Emerson and Thoreau, the great poet Whitman, Abolitionists and Recon- structionists, prophets of national expansion, and critics of American inequality.

This instructions box isnt working for some reason and I cant type the directions and prompt. I attached the necessary files below with the instructions.  . Three very different individuals who were active during the nineteenth century—John C. Calhoun, Abraham Lincoln, and William Graham Sumner—are sometimes considered to have made major contributions to American political […]

Read two or three opinion news articles, and choose one to write an analysis for. Analyze the arguments and locate the argumentative tricks in the articles. What tricks are the authors using, how and why?Read two or three opinion news articles, and choose one to write an analysis for. Analyze the arguments and locate the argumentative tricks in the articles. What tricks are the authors using, how and why?

Please write a 300 to 350 word essay on the topic below. All papers should be written in Times New Roman Font 12, they should be double spaced, and should be written in paragraph form with an introduction, body and conclusion section.  You should include at least two external sources to support your analysis and […]

A few sentences giving your thoughts on the 2022 or 2024 elections–what has been interesting to you about them, perhaps, or discussing how things have or haven’t gone the way that you thought that they would.A few sentences giving your thoughts on the 2022 or 2024 elections–what has been interesting to you about them, perhaps, or discussing how things have or haven’t gone the way that you thought that they would.

Hi everyone, I’d like to do two things with the discussion this week. First, provide a little personal background and reflections on the electoral landscape. Second, interact with a news article about the election.  For your first post, due Friday at midnight, (1) Write a few sentences about who you are, where you’re from, and […]

1. What role do state actors play in facilitating or countering transnational organized crime? AND 2. What are the challenges to achieving nuclear disarmament, and what steps can be taken to overcome them?1. What role do state actors play in facilitating or countering transnational organized crime? AND 2. What are the challenges to achieving nuclear disarmament, and what steps can be taken to overcome them?

There are two separate questions: 1. What role do state actors play in facilitating or countering transnational organized crime?  AND 2. What are the challenges to achieving nuclear disarmament, and what steps can be taken to overcome them? I need TWO separate answers, EACH a 1000 words, with their own separate referencing. You do not […]

Perception of State Violence and Discourses of Political Participation among Russian OppositionPerception of State Violence and Discourses of Political Participation among Russian Opposition

I can provide literature for literature review and access to database (integrum) Please, do not use any artificial intelligence like ChatGPT and so on ­– professors can reveal usage of such sources easily   The purpose of the study is to examine, through the use of discourse analysis, how from 2012 to 2021 the Russian […]

Op-ed tailored to any news outlet in California making a case for any local government to either follow LA’s example and pass strong anti-camping laws or prohibit the forced closure of homeless encampmentsOp-ed tailored to any news outlet in California making a case for any local government to either follow LA’s example and pass strong anti-camping laws or prohibit the forced closure of homeless encampments

Writing Assignment 2: City Policy Towards Homelessness Due: May 15, 2023 at 11:59pm via Canvas.  On Sept. 3, 2021, the City of Los Angeles began enforcement of Municipal Code Section 41.18, an ordinance passed earlier by the City Council that prohibits sitting, sleeping, lying, storing personal property or otherwise obstructing any right of way in […]

Potential nuclear war between US and China using Nuclear Posture Review 2022 about nuclear weapons and growing conflictPotential nuclear war between US and China using Nuclear Posture Review 2022 about nuclear weapons and growing conflict

Write a 8 page single spaced research paper on potential of a nuclear war between US and China amid the  growing conflicts based on the newly made changes to the Nuclear Posture Review of 2022 NPR.  Need paper to be written as a research paper portraying the side of a potential war between the US […]

Allowing men and women not born in the U.S. to run for president or vice president after having been a citizen for 20 years.Allowing men and women not born in the U.S. to run for president or vice president after having been a citizen for 20 years.

I selected to allow men and women not born in the U.S. to run for president or vice president after having been a citizen for 20 years.  I believe everyone should get the same opportunity as everyone else. Because this country is the land of freedom, everyone should have equal opportunities to fully dream in […]