Discipline: Political Science

If you were a city council representative in Moreno Valley, would you have authorized the construction of the World Logistics Center? Why or why not?If you were a city council representative in Moreno Valley, would you have authorized the construction of the World Logistics Center? Why or why not?

Prompt: If you were a city council representative in Moreno Valley, would you have authorized the construction of the World Logistics Center? Why or why not?   Chicago style 500-1000 words SINGLE SPACED Include intext citations in chicago style format Include bibliography in chicago style format Cite at least one additional outside credible source Use […]

European Commission’s priority on promoting ‘European way of life’ and migration. An inclusive political approach or a conservative step towards “Fortress Europe”?European Commission’s priority on promoting ‘European way of life’ and migration. An inclusive political approach or a conservative step towards “Fortress Europe”?

Justification of the choice of topic*  The European Commission for the period 2019-2024 prioritized the promotion and the protection of European citizens way of life and values by appointing a Commissioner with a dedicated portfolio covering four policy areas: migration, security, employment and education. The fact that migration was included in the tasks of the […]

Literature Review. My research question is: What role has Ethiopia’s national pride played in shaping its approach towards regional conflicts, such as its involvement in Somalia’s civil war?Literature Review. My research question is: What role has Ethiopia’s national pride played in shaping its approach towards regional conflicts, such as its involvement in Somalia’s civil war?

POLS 302 – Literature Review Progress Report You will receive all 3 points if you include everything below and do so thoroughly and in detail. Thoroughly completing most of the items below will earn you 2 of the 3 points. If you put very little effort into completing this assignment, you will get just 1 […]

How serious of a problem is terrorism? What would a reasonable policy response to terrorism look like?How serious of a problem is terrorism? What would a reasonable policy response to terrorism look like?

Please answers by citing AT LEAST FOUR of the course readings attached, that discuss the nature/magnitude of the problem and potential responses to deal with it. You may discuss state responses or community-level responses if you prefer. This paper must be 6 pages, double-spaced and in MLA format with intext citations. Paper must be highly […]

Illegal Firearms and weaponry circulation in Ukraine region, and it’s influence on UK criminalsIllegal Firearms and weaponry circulation in Ukraine region, and it’s influence on UK criminals

First of all: I will double check the assignment with Turnitin and gptzero services. A question, hypothesis, or issue:  Illegal Firearms and weaponry circulation in Ukraine region, and it’s influence on UK criminals. A short description of paper: This paper will explore the issue of illegal firearms and weaponry circulation in Ukraine, examining its sources, […]

American Politics: What challenges do minorities running for office in the United States?American Politics: What challenges do minorities running for office in the United States?

In this paper, you will cite at least 10 sources related to that research question, tying them together and analyzing them. You should not just summarize: compare and contrast alternate theories and findings. See how findings relate to each other; perhaps one paper’s overall point adds nuance to a previous paper’s.  Your paper should be 12 point font, […]

War memorials have intrinsic historical and artistic value and should never be removed or modified to reflect contemporary politics or values. Discuss with reference to at least one contested war memorialWar memorials have intrinsic historical and artistic value and should never be removed or modified to reflect contemporary politics or values. Discuss with reference to at least one contested war memorial

1000 words, maximium 10% above or below please. mandatory bibliography not applicable but please provide in-text citations whenever referencing a particular source Examples:  The Bronze Soldier and Soviet War Memorial (Talinn) – see text by Kattago, War Memorials and the Politics of Memory Yasukuni Shrine (Tokyo) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Controversies_surrounding_Yasukuni_Shrine The Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe (Berlin) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memorial_to_the_Murdered_Jews_of_Europe The Valley of […]

Should organised criminal violence in 21st century Mexico be consider a civil war? Why or why not?Should organised criminal violence in 21st century Mexico be consider a civil war? Why or why not?

Please citeKalyvas, Stathis N. “How civil wars help explain organized crime—and how they do not.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 59, no. 8 (2015): 1517-1540. 1000 words, 10% minus or 10% plus maximum please, formal bibliography not require but please provide in-text citations whenever referencing a particular source

Political Theory in Action: Ideas Matter – Rousseau, Locke, Machiavelli, Smith and MarxPolitical Theory in Action: Ideas Matter – Rousseau, Locke, Machiavelli, Smith and Marx

After watching the videos, respond to the prompts: Provide an in-depth analysis thoughtful analysis as to if the political theories of Rousseau, Locke, Machiavelli, Smith, and Marx are relevant in our society today. If so, how? If not, why? Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81KfDXTTtXE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZiWZJgJT7I https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOXl0Ll_t9s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejJRhn53X2M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSQgCy_iIcc

“Identify two of Hobson’s primary economic goals for a liberal internationalist world. Then, Using Prusa and Vermulst (2013, in the assigned readings folder) assess the types of obstacles those goals face“Identify two of Hobson’s primary economic goals for a liberal internationalist world. Then, Using Prusa and Vermulst (2013, in the assigned readings folder) assess the types of obstacles those goals face

The prompt:  “Identify two of Hobson’s primary economic goals for a liberal internationalist world.  Then, Using Prusa and Vermulst (2013, in the assigned readings folder) assess the types of obstacles those goals face.”   The Prusa and Vermulst article introduces a number of concepts that are relevant to international trade with China: RMB vs. dollar fluctuations […]