Discipline: Political Science

“Identify two of Hobson’s primary economic goals for a liberal internationalist world. Then, Using Prusa and Vermulst 2013“Identify two of Hobson’s primary economic goals for a liberal internationalist world. Then, Using Prusa and Vermulst 2013

 “Identify two of Hobson’s primary economic goals for a liberal internationalist world.  Then, Using Prusa and Vermulst 2013 The Prusa and Vermulst article introduces a number of concepts that are relevant to international trade with China: RMB vs. dollar fluctuations “There is no private land market in China.” Impact of “State owned commercial banks” Use […]

analyzing a country from class list’s macro level political and economic development of that countryanalyzing a country from class list’s macro level political and economic development of that country

Pick a developing country to focus your response paper on. Critically analyze the macro-level political and economic development of that country. Remember to focus on macro-level theories, and how countries develop as a whole and why they might struggle with overcoming poverty. Use the material from Weeks 3-6 to draw on the theories.  Critically analyze […]

Argumentative Essay about there needing to be legislation passed on tighter gun control due to the overall increase in gun violence.Argumentative Essay about there needing to be legislation passed on tighter gun control due to the overall increase in gun violence.

 For this assignment you will write an argumentative research paper.   Final Paper Requirements:  • The paper must be 1800-2000 words (about 6-7 pages), NOT including the reference list. The paper MUST be typed and double-spaced in a standard font. • The paper must have a clear thesis statement – defined in Webster’s dictionary as “a position […]

1. “Positive military effects mean positive policy effects.”, and 2. “Everything in war is very simple, but the simplest thing is difficult.”1. “Positive military effects mean positive policy effects.”, and 2. “Everything in war is very simple, but the simplest thing is difficult.”

This is a two-part essay where each question is limited to 1000 words.  You are required to use the reference to the theories and war decisions examined in class, and discuss two statements. References/citations are not required.

How fundamental is race to the moral and/or political thought of Locke and Kant?How fundamental is race to the moral and/or political thought of Locke and Kant?

IMPORTANT, ESSAY SHOULD BE WRITTEN THIS WAY:  Need for in text citation every time a source is cited using harvard style (ex: Kant, 1995, p.15). Need to analyze what ‘fundamental’ means in this question in the introduction.  this essay needs to show how race is or is not fundamental to their moral thoughts and also […]

discuss immigration in the US. the pros and cons, supported by cites and an analysis of the subject with an opinion/conclusion.discuss immigration in the US. the pros and cons, supported by cites and an analysis of the subject with an opinion/conclusion.

Prompt:Choose a controversial topic in American Government present the pros and cons of the chosen topic, supported by cites, and provide an analysis of the subject with an opinion/conclusion. The analysis must present a critical review of the topic as well as a critical analysis of the sources used. Options for critical topic analysis include liberal/conservative […]

impact of technological change on climate change mitigation in CME′s and LME′simpact of technological change on climate change mitigation in CME′s and LME′s

The aim of this paper is to explore the impact of technological change on climate change mitigation, using a comparative political economy approach. Following the conventional approach in the literature, we begin with a ″shared shock″: technological change. We derive theoretical expectations of the impact of tech change on climate change mitigation according to the […]

Social Media’s Impact on Americans’ Perception of the First Amendment and the Freedom of SpeechSocial Media’s Impact on Americans’ Perception of the First Amendment and the Freedom of Speech

Must be able to closely match my writing style!! The assignment is 1800-2200 words. I have a main idea for the paper and have posted it below.  I have added a few sources and attached the document. It also has my ideas for the paper and links to Facebook posts that include comments or content […]

Forum: Discussion Board: The Israeli – Palestinian Conflict – Documentary Film: Disturbing the PeaceForum: Discussion Board: The Israeli – Palestinian Conflict – Documentary Film: Disturbing the Peace

Forum: Discussion Board: The Israeli – Palestinian Conflict – Documentary Film: Disturbing the Peace  Documentary: Disturbing the Peace Watch Documentary Film: Disturbing the Peace     http://disturbingthepeacefilm.com Available on-line via our Library & Docuseek video service – please ensure you have VPN access. https://wrlc-gm.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/permalink/01WRLC_GML/1giah39/alma9947123291704105 Running time: 87 minutes, ColorCountry of Origin: United States, Israel, Palestine Languages: English, Arabic and Hebrew w/ […]

Describe the formal and informal powers generally held by governors. Discuss which of the powers in general (informal versus formal) are the most important for a successful governor.Describe the formal and informal powers generally held by governors. Discuss which of the powers in general (informal versus formal) are the most important for a successful governor.

The research essays must be written in standard format: 1 inch margins, 12 point font, double spaced.  Page count is a minimum of 4 pages and a maximum of 6 pages (title page and bibliography are not included in the final page count).  You must include a minimum of three scholarly, peer reviewed sources in your short paper.