Discipline: Political Science

the “Individual Mandate” provision of the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA).the “Individual Mandate” provision of the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA).

This paper is an exercise in the application of the material covered in the course to a real-world public policy issue. One of the most debated public policy issues currently facing the nation is health care reform. The central piece of legislation is the Affordable Care Act. One of the key provisions is the “Individual […]

McCarty (2020) reaches some dismaying conclusions about the effects of partisan polarization: 150-200 words**McCarty (2020) reaches some dismaying conclusions about the effects of partisan polarization: 150-200 words**

150-200 words**  McCarty (2020) reaches some dismaying conclusions about the effects of partisan polarization: Congress struggles to budget, executive branch nominations face excessive delays, presidents rely on unilateral actions, and the Supreme Court plays a vital policy-making role. In sum, it is clear the legislative branch has lost power and accountability that the executive and […]

Assignment Overview and Purpose – Explores how the Constitution, Federalism, and the debates over Civil Rights and Liberties affect the issue you track. It covers weeks two through four. The following modules are the most relevant:Assignment Overview and Purpose – Explores how the Constitution, Federalism, and the debates over Civil Rights and Liberties affect the issue you track. It covers weeks two through four. The following modules are the most relevant:

Section 1 – Politics, Government, Information, and the People Section 2 – The Constitution Section 3 – Federalism Section 4 – Liberties and Rights What to submit? This assignment requires you to look more closely at how the US Constitution, Federalism, and the debates over Rights and Liberties impact your chosen topic. You will be […]

The Politics of Urban Expansion in Sunnyside Queens: A Critical Analysis of Gentrification and DisplacementThe Politics of Urban Expansion in Sunnyside Queens: A Critical Analysis of Gentrification and Displacement

The paper assignment is the following: *Final paper assignment: A twenty-page research paper on a topic of your selection analyzing a research question on a subject related to states, and local governments. You are required to consult with me on your topic. You will also be expected to present a four-page proposal of your proposed […]

Is illegal immigration a threat to or benefit for the country? What do you think the government should do about it?Is illegal immigration a threat to or benefit for the country? What do you think the government should do about it?

To varying degrees, many individuals see immigration as a source of great strength for the United States or as a grave threat. An estimated 10-12 million illegal immigrants reside in this country, many of them in Texas and most from Mexico. Repeated attempts to pass more strict immigration bills in the U.S. House and Senate failed but […]

“Non-state actors now regularly challenge states in diplomacy and war. What are the implications for global order?”“Non-state actors now regularly challenge states in diplomacy and war. What are the implications for global order?”

Research paper: The research paper is based on rigorous academic research on a topic Non-state actors now regularly challenge states in diplomacy and war. What are the implications for global order?”. The assigned topic will be broadly formulated and there will be space for narrowing it down to suit your specific interests. Interest: Wagner Group, […]

What explains the rise of organised political Islam in Egypt in the interwar period?What explains the rise of organised political Islam in Egypt in the interwar period?

IMPORTANT, ESSAY SHOULD BE WRITTEN THIS WAY:  Need for in text citation every time a source is cited using harvard style (ex: Commins, 2015, p.15). This essay should be built on the readings i have provided in pdf and below cited, they are my primary readings and need to be the central source of information. […]

Presidential Commission on Expanding Opportunity and Reducing Inequality in America with a Focus on the Education SystemPresidential Commission on Expanding Opportunity and Reducing Inequality in America with a Focus on the Education System

President Biden has named you the chair of his “Presidential Commission on Expanding Opportunity and Reducing Inequality in America”. Drawing from the course readings and your weekly response papers (as well as your outside research), develop a comprehensive plan containing recommendations for the public policies that you recommend be adopted and why.   Why did […]

Please read the attached article and follow the formatting below for your Final Article Written Assignment:Please read the attached article and follow the formatting below for your Final Article Written Assignment:

this is what my professor said down below Please read the attached article and follow the formatting below for your Final Article Written Assignment:  Objective – Clearly describe the purpose of the paper. Background/Introduction – Give an overview of the article topic and what prompted it. Discussion/Body – The body contains your evaluation of the article.  Discuss and compare […]

Using Machiavelli, Hobbes or Locke, the student will write a paper examining the politics and public policy of the Bush Administration – after the terrorist attacks that occurred on 9/11/01.Using Machiavelli, Hobbes or Locke, the student will write a paper examining the politics and public policy of the Bush Administration – after the terrorist attacks that occurred on 9/11/01.

Using Machiavelli, Hobbes or Locke, the student will write a paper examining the politics and public policy of the Bush Administration – after the terrorist attacks that occurred on 9/11/01. Paper focus should included (but no limited to) the following concepts: sovereignty (who has it); the social contract; civil liberties; what government is supposed to […]