Discipline: Political Science

For your course paper, you will need to discuss which of the three branches of government (legislative, executive, or judicial) you believe is the most powerful and why.For your course paper, you will need to discuss which of the three branches of government (legislative, executive, or judicial) you believe is the most powerful and why.

  For your course paper, you will need to discuss which of the three branches of government (legislative, executive, or judicial) you believe is the most powerful and why. You will need to use specific examples and draw on both information from the course and personal research. Examples can include: court cases, how power has […]

Why is the Law and Justice government paying increased attention to commemorating people who rescued Jews during the Holocaust? Using select examples, discuss the politics of memory in today’s Poland.Why is the Law and Justice government paying increased attention to commemorating people who rescued Jews during the Holocaust? Using select examples, discuss the politics of memory in today’s Poland.

Argumentative paper: both states the topic that will be explored and establishes the position they will argue regarding that topic. This type of paper aims to persuade its reader to adopt the view presented. In doing so, such essay advances a claim about a given topic and employs evidence in the process. Your goal is […]

What factors have driven autocratic rule in the Middle East and North African countries in the post-Cold War era? Why has their autocratic rule remained despite their coercive apparatus?What factors have driven autocratic rule in the Middle East and North African countries in the post-Cold War era? Why has their autocratic rule remained despite their coercive apparatus?

Each student is required to write a research paper limited to 20-25 double-spaced pages (including footnotes but excluding tables, figures, and references) due on May 12, noon. The paper will include a statement of a research question or puzzle, a review of the literature related to the topic, theoretical arguments in order to provide an […]

To what extent has the U.S. played a constructive or obstructive role in the Israel-Palestine conflict, and what implications does this have for future peace negotiations?To what extent has the U.S. played a constructive or obstructive role in the Israel-Palestine conflict, and what implications does this have for future peace negotiations?

Essay : Based on the resources found conclude that the role of the U.S has been more obstructive than constructive. Introduce the idea that Israel has established an apartheid state (although referred to as a “conflict”, what’s being carried out by Israel is a genocide of the Palestinian people) and the continous human rights violation makes […]

Normative analysis on women rights in Egypt. (Discourse analysis, intersectionality)Normative analysis on women rights in Egypt. (Discourse analysis, intersectionality)

Guidelines for the Proposal Once your supervisor is assigned in March, you should work on writing a research proposal of around 2,500 words. The purpose of the proposal is to describe your proposed research in some detail so that your supervisor can provide further guidance. You can later make some changes to what you propose […]

What role has Hip Hop played on Black identity in Latin America? (Choose more than one country.) Make an argument that Hip Hop has played a role on Black identity.What role has Hip Hop played on Black identity in Latin America? (Choose more than one country.) Make an argument that Hip Hop has played a role on Black identity.

Your paper must be 6-8 pages EXCLUDING the cover and reference page. Your cover page should include the title of your paper, the entire paper topic, your name, date, name of class, and professor’s name. Do not put this information in your paper. The end of your paper should include a reference (bibliography) page, which […]

In what ways do student voters’ views and preferences change as a result of their own selective consumption of news material across various media platforms?In what ways do student voters’ views and preferences change as a result of their own selective consumption of news material across various media platforms?

Part A  Copy and paste the paper you submitted for the midterm, then make sure to address any feedback you received on your paper. Please let me know if you do not see the annotated document in your midterm submission space. Your midterm should already have the following sections (the order of sections is not […]

This paper is a reflection on the real life implications of these three particular readings from my political science class that also ties in how I assisted an organization with a petition that fought to raise the minimum wage for tourism workers.This paper is a reflection on the real life implications of these three particular readings from my political science class that also ties in how I assisted an organization with a petition that fought to raise the minimum wage for tourism workers.

Each student will write a final paper (4-5 pages, single-spaced), reflecting on the real-life implications of the theories that we study in the classroom. (20 points) • The paper will be based on your involvement with the organization that you choose for your service learning and will draw on the course readings in a manner […]

Please address this discussion in 3 paragraphs each question and use details to explain your view.Please address this discussion in 3 paragraphs each question and use details to explain your view.

What is the difference between Civil Liberties and Civil Rights? Explain how the 14th, 15th, & 19th          Amendment have affected civil liberties in the United States from the time of its passage at the end of  the  Civil War.    What other methods were used to extend Civil Liberties and what […]