Discipline: Political Science

Individuals who are pro-life are more likely to be religious and/or claim conservative religious ideology.Individuals who are pro-life are more likely to be religious and/or claim conservative religious ideology.

I have attached 2 portions of the paper that I have already written. I have already written the introduction to the paper, and I have written the analysis. The teacher left a few notes. You will see what he wrote and those issues need to be fixed, but it’s not many. The things that the […]

Pandemics, Ecological Collapse, and the Future (The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2022)Pandemics, Ecological Collapse, and the Future (The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2022)

Use the link provided for the presentation:  https://unstats.un.org/sdgs/report/2022/The-Sustainable-Development-Goals-Report-2022.pdf The point of the presentation is to provide a brief yet concise synopsis of the reading. All you need to do is review the author’s main points, hypotheses and whatever theories or concepts are discussed. Do not add your own thoughts/analysis during the presentation, as that may […]

Examine how the latest phase of capitalist restructuring and the prevalence of financial and IT (information technology) economy have contributed to workers exploitation within the U.S. and in the global south and to widening global inequality.Examine how the latest phase of capitalist restructuring and the prevalence of financial and IT (information technology) economy have contributed to workers exploitation within the U.S. and in the global south and to widening global inequality.

PROMPT: Examine how the latest phase of capitalist restructuring and the prevalence of financial and information technology economy have contributed to workers exploitation within the U.S. and in the global south and to widening global inequality. Use resources I’ve included only, doesn’t have to be all but as long as they make sence to the […]

Define and discuss the utility of the concept of the informal economy for understanding contemporary African politicsDefine and discuss the utility of the concept of the informal economy for understanding contemporary African politics

This paper requires a 90 % or above grade.  Answer Question 2. The instructions are IMPERATIVE to follow perfectly. The required reading is MANDATORY, as it was written by the professor. Other readings CANNOT be used.  Instrucstions are explicitly written in the power point.  He has given an outline (very clear and specific) as to […]

2020 National election study- If people believe the federal govt. should make it easier or harder for people to purchase guns2020 National election study- If people believe the federal govt. should make it easier or harder for people to purchase guns

This paper is looking analyze if people believe the federal government should make it easier or harder for people to purchase a gunanalyze if people believe the federal government should make it easier or harder for people to purchase a gun from the 2020 national election. This essay also includes contingency tables that i already […]

You are an advisor to the President tasked with cutting at least $300 billion from the budget. The president wants your recommendations to cut lines, not large categories. Explain why you chose those cuts.You are an advisor to the President tasked with cutting at least $300 billion from the budget. The president wants your recommendations to cut lines, not large categories. Explain why you chose those cuts.

You are an advisor to the President tasked with cutting at least $300 billion from the budget. The president wants your recommendations to cut lines, not large categories. Explain why you chose those cuts. Note: These are not true US budget numbers. DOMESTIC PROGRAMS AND FOREIGN AID Cut some foreign aid to African countries  $17 […]

Part II: How the Courts Address or Respect Our Rights as Citizens – PresentationPart II: How the Courts Address or Respect Our Rights as Citizens – Presentation

Instructions This is Part II of the assignment you submitted in Week 6. Using the case outline (Part I: How the Courts Address or Respect Our Rights as Citizens) you submitted in Week 6, prepare and submit a presentation, which will either be a narrated PowerPoint, a Kaltura Video, or some other format as approved […]

Write an essay arguing for a strong, persuasive position on a controversial issue.Write an essay arguing for a strong, persuasive position on a controversial issue.

TOPIC THESIS: “Responsible gun laws can work for both sides in America”. (Adjust sources and topic thesis as needed.) Your essay must include the following: -A clearly stated question on an important issue (thesis as a question with diverse answers/standpoints to be explored). -a context paragraph that explains the controversy paragraphs exploring & evaluating the […]

How the Federal Government Perpetuates Poverty in Black Communities Through Its Role in the Criminal Justice SystemHow the Federal Government Perpetuates Poverty in Black Communities Through Its Role in the Criminal Justice System

Use and paraphrase this introduction paragraph: “The criminal justice system and poverty are two intertwined issues that have disproportionately affected Black communities in the United States. The relationship between poverty and criminal justice is complex, with one often leading to the other. Poverty often leads to increased exposure to negative encounters with the police, and […]

. You will need to write a comprehensive paper outlining the basics of your constitution and analyzing the reasoning for each component of your design.. You will need to write a comprehensive paper outlining the basics of your constitution and analyzing the reasoning for each component of your design.

This paper is your centerpiece of the work we have been doing in class. You will need to write a comprehensive paper outlining the basics of your constitution and analyzing the reasoning for each component of your design. In a sense you are to write a shorter equivalent to The Federalist Papers. Your paper will […]