Discipline: Political Science

5 minute presentational pitch for a counterterrorism plan to prevent the smuggling of natural resources to fund terrorism5 minute presentational pitch for a counterterrorism plan to prevent the smuggling of natural resources to fund terrorism

Your pitch will include the following: Opening pitch: Overview of the threat and why it needs a better solution Why your chosen audience is best suited to apply this approach Where and how it would be implemented Potential limitations of your solution Closing pitch: how your solution would mitigate the terrorism threat Visual aids Your […]

For this paper you will be required to undertake a research project that looks at a particular issue concerning comparative politics, developing nations, foreign policy, or world politics.For this paper you will be required to undertake a research project that looks at a particular issue concerning comparative politics, developing nations, foreign policy, or world politics.

For this paper you will be required to undertake a research project that looks at a particular issue concerning comparative politics, developing nations, foreign policy, or world politics. The topic of the paper is your choice; I am open to any topic that incorporates the ideas of comparative politics, developing nations, foreign policy, or world […]

5 minute video pitch for a counterterrorism plan to prevent the smuggling of natural resources to fund terrorism5 minute video pitch for a counterterrorism plan to prevent the smuggling of natural resources to fund terrorism

Your pitch will include the following: Opening pitch: Overview of the threat and why it needs a better solution Why your chosen audience is best suited to apply this approach Where and how it would be implemented Potential limitations of your solution Closing pitch: how your solution would mitigate the terrorism threat Visual aids Your […]

Do you think government has growth so big in the USA as to be a threat to your liberty and freedom? Why?Do you think government has growth so big in the USA as to be a threat to your liberty and freedom? Why?

Write a 5-7 page position paper that you do beileve that the government has grown so big that it is a threat to your liberties and freedom. Write that government programs are there to help minroities and those most   marginalized but it does, in. Please write about how the goverment is a threat to our […]

In what ways do Marx’s, Lenin’s and DuBois’s theories of imperialism differ from and/or complement each other?In what ways do Marx’s, Lenin’s and DuBois’s theories of imperialism differ from and/or complement each other?

Please write a 3,000 word essay answering this question: In what ways do Marx’s, Lenin’s and DuBois’s theories of imperialism differ from and/or complement each other? Please use clear specific evidence to support arguments throughout the essay.  I’ve also attached a few sources as links and as files, please make sure to use and include […]

Given the anticolonial aim to replace imperial rule with independent statehood, it seems to follow that modern anticolonialism is best understood as a subset of nationalism. Do you agree with this assumption?Given the anticolonial aim to replace imperial rule with independent statehood, it seems to follow that modern anticolonialism is best understood as a subset of nationalism. Do you agree with this assumption?

Scholars often approach anticolonial political thought through the framework of nationalism. Given the anticolonial aim to replace imperial rule with independent statehood, it seems to follow that modern anticolonialism is best understood as a subset of nationalism. Do you agree with this assumption? Why or why not? Please craft your answer with reference to at […]

Insufiicient role played by WHO – worl health organistaion during the ebola outbreak in West Africa in 2014-2016Insufiicient role played by WHO – worl health organistaion during the ebola outbreak in West Africa in 2014-2016

 Confirm your assessment of “success” or “failure” by referencing at least one of the following: existing scholarship, news articles, a civil society report, an IO evaluation, or documentation from other actors at national or local levels. Briefly discuss the international organization’s role. Which other actors were involved and what are the IO’s comparative advantages (or […]

Some people contend that while Americans may be divided by ideology or opinion, they are united by fundamental political values. Describe these core values and discuss a specific example of how their practical interpretations might conflict.Some people contend that while Americans may be divided by ideology or opinion, they are united by fundamental political values. Describe these core values and discuss a specific example of how their practical interpretations might conflict.

Promt: Some people contend that while Americans may be divided by ideology or opinion, they are united by fundamental political values. Describe these core values and discuss a specific example of how their practical interpretations might conflict. I included the professors specific intructions, if that helps:)  I greatly appreciate it, thank you so much:)  Feel […]

Insufiicient role played by WHO during the ebola outbreak in West Africa in 2014-2016Insufiicient role played by WHO during the ebola outbreak in West Africa in 2014-2016

Create a good thesis statement.  NO PLAGIARISM Identify a major success or failure of a policy or program in which an international (intergovernmental) organization played either a positive, detrimental, or insufficient role. Confirm your assessment of “success” or “failure” by referencing at least one of the following: existing scholarship, news articles, a civil society report, […]

The topic of the paper is to do with the darfur genocide in sudan. This is only a section of the essay that should deal with the political science discipline of the paper.The topic of the paper is to do with the darfur genocide in sudan. This is only a section of the essay that should deal with the political science discipline of the paper.

As stated this is only a section of the paper so please do not have an introduction or conclusion just body parargphs as though it is a political science paper dealing with the darfur genocide. This section of the paper should have to do with how the gouvernment of sudan is responsible for the genocide. […]