Discipline: Political Science

Crime and Justice: Case Study #3: Its Never Too Late for Justice:The Prosecution of Edgar Ray KillenCrime and Justice: Case Study #3: Its Never Too Late for Justice:The Prosecution of Edgar Ray Killen

I have added the assignment requirements as a file. Please ask any questions you may have.  I’ve added two of my own case studies with the same requirements that I have written and recieved 100% on. Please use them as a guide for both grammer and style. This is how I have organized them: First […]

literature review for Media Effects, Public Opinion, and Persuasion(create a topic)literature review for Media Effects, Public Opinion, and Persuasion(create a topic)

Find an overarching theme/common concept that is discussed in all the readings and then construct the essay out of that. Stick on the media effects, Liberal Democracy, Cross-cutting cleavage issues. It is all about political communication, not the general communication. You have to cover all of the articles. The in-text citations quotes should refer to […]

Essay – To what extent has the current Russian war against Ukraine affected international energy relations?Essay – To what extent has the current Russian war against Ukraine affected international energy relations?

To what extent has the current Russian war against Ukraine affected international energy relations? Word limit: 2,500 – 3,000 words The word limit includes all footnotes and references but excludes the title and the bibliography. Do not exceed the word limit by more than 10% Your essay will be assessed looking at the criteria below: […]

International Organizations – Regional Organizations – Theoretical Coverage and NATOInternational Organizations – Regional Organizations – Theoretical Coverage and NATO

Report 8 – 15 pts (RR: Research Report) – by 8am on Tuesday, 04/11  Dear POLI 431 Class: As you know well, in order to have a good assignment report, you need to well manage your time to complete reading or watching lectures, doing research, constructing a summary (OD: Objective Description), and developing your thoughts […]

General Topic: Isaiah Berlin. 1996. “ Two Concepts of Liberty.” In Isaiah Berlin. Four Essays on Liberty. Oxford: Clarendon Press.General Topic: Isaiah Berlin. 1996. “ Two Concepts of Liberty.” In Isaiah Berlin. Four Essays on Liberty. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

This essay is for my political philosophy class. I have already emailed the professor my essay outline. The essay must: -Be 15 to 16 pages in length -Be typed and double spaced -Be single sided -Have 12 point, Times New Roman font -Have one inch margins -Have page numbers on every page (except the title […]

Consider how politics are evident in your own life in school, work, home, or your hobbiesConsider how politics are evident in your own life in school, work, home, or your hobbies

Practical Politics Assignment #2 PS 110 – Spring 2023 Assignment Details This assignment challenges you to consider how politics are evident in your own life. Pick one dimension of your life (school, work, home, hobbies) and discuss a political experience (not hypothetical – something real). Your paper should address the following items: 1. Describe the […]

Why Do International Students Prefer Canada? An Empirical Study of Factors Influencing the Choice of StudyWhy Do International Students Prefer Canada? An Empirical Study of Factors Influencing the Choice of Study

My professor has given me this specific guideline:  -Intro & Research Question (1+ pages) -Literature Review (2-3 pages) -Optional: Theory/hypothesis, or specified expectations of findings (1+ pages) -Design: Data to be used, collected (how it will be conducted), potential survey/interview questions (about 5, does not have to be specific wording) or data collection methods (potential […]

Please answer THREE (3) of these seven questions in an essay format. Each answer will be limited to 1500 words (References/bibliography do not count towards your word count).Please answer THREE (3) of these seven questions in an essay format. Each answer will be limited to 1500 words (References/bibliography do not count towards your word count).

Please answer THREE (3) of these seven questions in an essay format. Each answer will be limited to 1500 words (References/bibliography do not count towards your word count) 1. Is IR a racist academic discipline? Discuss. 2. What are the connections between the emergence of liberalism as an ideology and the emergence of scientific racism? […]

Globalization and its Implications for Africa in the 21st Century: An Overview of the Current Debates and TrendsGlobalization and its Implications for Africa in the 21st Century: An Overview of the Current Debates and Trends

As part of your coursework,  required to prepare a research paper outlining the following components:  Title of paper Research topic Research question Importance of research in theory and practice Literature review Research concepts Hypotheses Research Methodology Information sources and search tools Research structure It is important to pay attention to the details of each of […]