Discipline: Political Science

Question Set #1: Collective Action, Federalism, Civil Rights and Civil LibertiesQuestion Set #1: Collective Action, Federalism, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties

Please respond to two of the following three short response questions posted below. The questions are broken into sections, and you should respond to each section in your response.  Your answers should be short, focused, and complete, ranging from three to six paragraphs (usually a paragraph per 1-2 sections).  Please make sure to answer each specific part of every question. […]

Use Nietzsche, Fanon, Rawls, Dworkin, hooks, Butler, Phelan, Anzaldúa, Sokoloff to design an ideal political system. Justify, counter arguments; exclude defending current US system.Use Nietzsche, Fanon, Rawls, Dworkin, hooks, Butler, Phelan, Anzaldúa, Sokoloff to design an ideal political system. Justify, counter arguments; exclude defending current US system.

Drawing on the work Nietzsche, Fanon, Rawls, Dworkin, hooks, Butler, Phelan, Anzaldúa and Sokoloff, create and design an ideal political order (Students may not write a defense of the current American political system). Please be sure to provide reasons to back up your claim. Please be sure to refute counterarguments. You may only draw on the […]

What is the most important foreign policy issue facing the United States today? Why?What is the most important foreign policy issue facing the United States today? Why?

What is the most important foreign policy issue facing the United States today? Why? Your initial response to the discussion prompt should be at least two full paragraphs in length, include at least one reference, and must be made by Thursday of the week it is due (see course calendar). By Sunday of that week, […]

What in your view is the most important policy issue facing the United States? Why is it important and which specific problems need to be solved?What in your view is the most important policy issue facing the United States? Why is it important and which specific problems need to be solved?

What in your view is the most important policy issue facing the United States? Why is it important and which specific problems need to be solved? Your initial response to the discussion prompt should be at least two full paragraphs in length, include at least one reference, and must be made by Thursday of the […]

Police Science Class – How the Courts Address or Respect -3 page assignment – 2 part assignment, will pay for second part afterPolice Science Class – How the Courts Address or Respect -3 page assignment – 2 part assignment, will pay for second part after

This assignment is comprised of 2 parts, the first of which is due this week. Part II will be due in Week 7. In Part I this week, choose a case from your state that involves civil rights or civil liberties that was decided by the United States Supreme Court. If your state does not […]

Water Scarcity in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA): A Comprehensive Analysis of the Crisis in MoroccoWater Scarcity in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA): A Comprehensive Analysis of the Crisis in Morocco

Instructions Research Paper (4 – 6) pages long; double space; and please follow a consistent citation format – APA. Guidelines: please use the points below to organize the final research report. The report should be in an essay format. 1. Provide a title page for your paper. 2. Include an abstract: a summary of the research that briefly […]

“President Obama had the legal authority to order Operation Geronimo and to execute the plan”“President Obama had the legal authority to order Operation Geronimo and to execute the plan”

  Analyze and evaluate the major points of your case study for research to write your persuasive essay. Use your time to develop a deep understanding of your topic to fully explain your stance on the topic. You are required to give an in depth introduction of your topic. Provide transitional sentences from one topic […]

Newspaper article essay (that compares and contrast a recent event to WW1 and WW2) READ INSTRUCTIONS THROUGHLYNewspaper article essay (that compares and contrast a recent event to WW1 and WW2) READ INSTRUCTIONS THROUGHLY

ORIGINAL ESSAY USED AN ARTICLE THAT WASN’T CORRECT, I JUST WANT YOU  TO REWRITE ESSAY, KEEPING THE SAME SUBJECT BUT WITH A PROPER  NEWSPAPER ARTICLE THAT FOLLOWS THE GUDIELINES PROVIDED BELOW !!! Newspaper Article Essays: There are many critical international issues happening in the world today that are directly related to political issues and historical […]

The evolution of land warfare is intrinsically linked to the development of technology. Discuss.The evolution of land warfare is intrinsically linked to the development of technology. Discuss.

This question explores the influence of technology in the evolution of land warfare. Simultaneously, it examines the non-technological drivers and influences in this evolution as well. Below is the lecture notes and reading which you need to refer and use it as part of the essay. Military Theory and the Evolution of Land Warfare Key […]

How does exposure to right-wing media content, particularly content promoting misogynistic attitudes and behaviours, contribute to the likelihood of violence against women, and what measures can be taken to mitigate this impact?How does exposure to right-wing media content, particularly content promoting misogynistic attitudes and behaviours, contribute to the likelihood of violence against women, and what measures can be taken to mitigate this impact?

The research proposal assessment briefing document is the first word document i’ve included, this is the mark scheme for the research proposal and will help to show you what is required in a good research proposal. The second word document is the feedack I received for this research proposal. This will act as a guide […]