Discipline: Political Science


The essay should be approximately four to five pages in length (1200 words) in length. The page and word count does not include endnotes, or the bibliography, which will be very important elements in the evaluation of your paper. Citations should follow the CPSA (or APSA) author date format or Chicago style author date format. This […]

What effect does the acceptance of neocolonial racial stereotypes have on political party affiliation?What effect does the acceptance of neocolonial racial stereotypes have on political party affiliation?

In a formal paper, propose research that shines a light on some aspect of the political psychology of mass behavior. In other words, find a gap in the literature, and figure out how to fill it in! Guidelines: 15-20 pages (plus bibliography / references page), double-spaced, Times New Roman. Suggested (not required!) guidelines: Introduction (1-2 pages) […]

Write research paper on this Thesis: The research aims to highlight the increasing crime rates due to the law in BC and also encouraging the BC government to reverse the law to maintain the state order and public peaceWrite research paper on this Thesis: The research aims to highlight the increasing crime rates due to the law in BC and also encouraging the BC government to reverse the law to maintain the state order and public peace

Please read the attached document for template instructions etc. In this research essay we chose a topic related to drugs legalization in BC, Canada and want to reverse the laws due to its side effects and the whole research paper is based on the thesis we created, it is “The research aims to highlight the […]

What were the Boland Amendments, and how did the Reagan administration’s response to them lead to a struggle between the legislative and executive branches of the federal government that later became known as the Iran-Contra scandal?What were the Boland Amendments, and how did the Reagan administration’s response to them lead to a struggle between the legislative and executive branches of the federal government that later became known as the Iran-Contra scandal?

Information on how to access a free e-book copy is located in the Instructional Materials and Resources section of the course syllabus. The prompt is located in the Book Analysis tab at the top of the modules page.) 1. Read pages 1052-1069 of chapter 26 (The Triumph of Conservatism) and chapter 27 (From Triumph to […]

Describe your political ideology- what you want the government to do or not do. DO NOT use any ‘common’ terminology! Be clear.Describe your political ideology- what you want the government to do or not do. DO NOT use any ‘common’ terminology! Be clear.

In general, each of these Homework assignments is going to work the same way. You’ll write one or two paragraphs per question, making sure you address all the items needed in a question. A question may have several sub-questions…! The clearer everything is, the better. If I can’t find something to address part of the question, that’s […]

Crisis at the Southwestern borderThe current situation at the Southwest border of the United States is a homeland security and national security crisis.Crisis at the Southwestern borderThe current situation at the Southwest border of the United States is a homeland security and national security crisis.

The current situation at the  Southwest border of the US is a homeland and national security crisis.  Analyze the current situation, the current and potential  threats that arise from the  border crisis, and the current policies in place.  Not less than ten pages and  should cite all sources used. Reference page/s not included in the […]

evaluate Ta’Nehisi Coates’s use of rhetorical appeals in his essay “The Case for Reparations.” Which appeal(s) does he use most effectively? Which are least effective? Explain your choices.evaluate Ta’Nehisi Coates’s use of rhetorical appeals in his essay “The Case for Reparations.” Which appeal(s) does he use most effectively? Which are least effective? Explain your choices.

论文提示: 在一篇由至少五个精心设计的段落组成的论文驱动的文章中,评估塔内西斯·科茨在他的论文“赔偿案例”中对修辞诉求的使用。他最有效地使用哪种上诉?哪些效果最差?解释你的选择。 尖端: 论文的简介应该提供论文的重点摘要。 引言应该以明确的论文陈述结束。 正文段落应包含来自文本的充足证据以及对您选择的示例的深思熟虑的分析。 整篇文章必须表明你对科茨的论点以及他所使用的修辞诉求的理解。 对于本文,您必须参考指定的文本,并且您可能需要参考外部来源来定义您讨论的修辞诉求。请务必引用您使用的所有来源。 用你自己的想法和文字来分析这篇文章。  

Right-wing populist parties have experienced recent electoral success across Europe. Based on your research, what impact has this had, if any, on democratic outcomes?Right-wing populist parties have experienced recent electoral success across Europe. Based on your research, what impact has this had, if any, on democratic outcomes?

Overview: Your project is to investigate the consequences of the rise of right-wing populism and its linkage to democratic erosion. You will be focusing on one region in particular – Europe – where there are lots of cases and a great deal of popular and academic contestation and discussion of its consequences.   Prompt: Right-wing populist […]

Describe and summarize the Canadian electoral system (i.e., how it works) and discuss its strengths and weaknesses (i.e., criticisms) and what consequences the Canadian electoral system can have.Describe and summarize the Canadian electoral system (i.e., how it works) and discuss its strengths and weaknesses (i.e., criticisms) and what consequences the Canadian electoral system can have.

The title is free to play.  Use the peer review that I provide to describe Canada’s electoral system, write about how it works, and discuss and criticize its shortcomings. Second, describe the consequences of Canada’s electoral system. The paper should be about 3500 words, using the academic literature provided by me to summarize, evaluate and […]